You might know this feeling, too.
The feeling that makes you say yes to work when you really need to say no.
When I had a cart in the mall, I never sold anything in the first 2 hours of any day
and yet everyday during this period I would start to get nervous like I would never sell another thing ever again -
it is the same feeling when you start to sell regularly on Etsy and then you don't for a day or two or maybe a week.
(now sometimes this is a good feeling - well, not a good feeling, but it produces a good outcome - a little kick in the keester that we need to encourage us out of a rut and into something new)
But, it is also the feeling that leads us to take on any work, any opportunity that comes along whether it fits in with our intention for our business and our life or not because this could all end tomorrow - doomsday - get it while we can - thinking.
This mentality can be the death of us in almost a literal sense because we will run ourselves ragged, undervalue our work and make promises that will be impossible to keep -
(although we will beat ourselves up trying)
We have to trust in our process.
Saying no sometimes is about self-love. To quote Dr. Phil -
(yes, I am quoting Dr. Phil now - don't hate me - does anybody else find it really weird the way he grabs his wife's hand and practically races her out at the end of every show - very odd - imagine if Oprah did that to Stedman, people would throw a net over her)
It teaches people how to treat us and more importantly confirms to us how we want to be treated. It tells the universe that we trust it; that stuff will still be there for us later - the right stuff.
(and that little voice in your head that screams - are you crazy, you can't turn this down, you are lucky to get paid for this - you can make 10 scarves in 2 days for $150.00 and ship them to Peoria - may get a little quieter - that voice may even crack open a bottle of champagne and whisper hallelujah)
* magical cupcakes print by raceytay