The power of master number 22, along with Saturday's Full Moon and yesterday's Solstice surely is powering everything up!
The Moon in Leo over the next couple days is activating the final Saturn/Uranus square at the end of the week, so we are kind of 'in it' now. The old vs the new. Tradition vs modernity. Limits/responsibilities vs freedom/individuality. This isn't about right and wrong - keep that in mind. Ask yourself - what traditions are worth keeping and what needs to change?
(Keeping things the same/not taking any risk isn't life affirming, it creates depression/makes us brittle AND too much change too fast/not holding to any traditions/responsibilities creates anxiety/makes us brittle - these are fixed signs - Aquarius/Taurus - and don't want to give. And now the Leo Moon pulls in our egos! We can let all this Cappy energy right now scare the hell out of us, whichever side of the fence we are sitting or detach (Jupiter in Aquarius for just a few more days, use it or lose it!) and realize we are all in this together despite making different choices - North Node in Gemini, different choices are OK, really, truly - this ship is steered by bigger hands than ours).
The Moon moved into fiery Leo tomorrow afternoon. We are nourished/nurtured by our heart, the spotlight, children, creative projects, romance, recreation, fun. After a smooth trine to Mars this morning (good for taking action), she will oppose Saturn at 2:28PM EST (maybe challenges with limits/rules/authority) and will square a retrograde Uranus 20 minutes later (so also challenged with freedom/individuality/change).
Looks like multiple frictional alignments (might be felt as little blows to our ego) that continue into tomorrow, so we might not get exactly what we want now (especially if what we want is attention/appreciation/a heartfelt response/that center stage, to have some fun - and who doesn't, right?).
We also have Mercury (in sober Capricorn) meeting up with Juno and then sextiling Pallas.
Mercury's meeting with Juno speaks of contractual agreements or formal commitments/sometimes endings, especially within partnerships. Agreements/conclusions are reached. Note, Capricorn makes this stuff lasting/stabilizing, but Mercury's immediately sextile to wise Pallas in imaginative/drifting Pisces makes me think some of the rules/limits with whatever Mercury/Juno is looking to cement will be a bit more flexible than we think they are. Boundaries thin. Mergers transcend earthly realms. Maybe a business partnership enables a spiritual connection or karmic wrap-up. Mercury's meeting with Juno (like all conjunctions) starts a new story, so keep in mind, with whatever is starting now, whatever you are 'giving your word to', it could later drift off course a bit as new strategies/patterns develop. And that's OK.
The trine to Mars - get things done early - and the sextile to Pallas - opportunity through connecting elusive dots, creativity, spirituality, letting things GO (remember the Moon is waning now) - are the ways through this day. Also with Leo trine Aries there must be a trine to Chiron in here somewhere today that I missed, so whatever we have going on is healing some very old/very wounded masculine energies.
Tomorrow our Leo Moon (as us) will face multiple inconjuncts/rocks and hard places.
The Moon isn't uber comfortable in Leo anyway, since it is the Sun's sign. The inconjuncts to Neptune, Pluto and a retrograde Venus (bringing up uncomfortable stuff from the past) speak of the need to be flexible, know since this is the Moon 'this too shall pass'. And quickly!
Remember we are walking through the Full Moon story-line - see the post HERE, where we've got an ace in the holes/the better coming from the disappointments if we expand/take some risk. We've got the Saturn/Uranus square building, so there's a little 'anything-can-happen' in the air now. And with Venus retrograde we won't only be feeling what we don't have, but every other time we didn't have it! Again, life on planet Earth - not for sissies. And obviously we're not sissies because here we ARE (even if we are a sis still called sissie, so yes, an actual sissie like me).
Once the Moon gets into Virgo on Friday morning and starts trining the Sun, see if things feel better.
xo all
artwork by the amazing Tijana Lukovic