GIVEAWAY - Mary's Granddaughter Mixed Media Journal! CLOSED

WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED FRIDAY 6/17! Mary Steiler taught her granddaughter, Gainesville artist Cindy Steiler, how to sew and crochet...

The Bicycle Cap ... why the story behind our work matters

The Bicycle Cap by peSeta for the New Museum from casa peSeta on Vimeo.I hope this video inspires us to tell our own story with...

15 Craft Shows Tips & Tricks to sell more, stress less and have more fun - part trois

11. Accept Credit Cards With propay it's easy and inexpensive - paypal also has a virtual terminal that can be rented monthly as...

15 Craft Shows Tips & Tricks to sell more, stress less and have more fun - part deux

7. Nothing Draws a Crowd Like a Crowd - when I had carts in the mall I always had my hubby and daughter come by and ooh and aah over...

15 Craft Shows Tips & Tricks to sell more, stress less and have more fun

Craft shows are not for everyone - they are alot of work but if you have the right stuff at the right show you can make alot of moulah....

Happy End of the World ... or maybe these 21 other things could just end instead

Dear God - maybe instead of the end of the world we could just get an end to: 1. war 2. foods that are bad for us tasting so good 3....

Happy Friday Everyone!

Still feeling a bit under the weather and have a fever now for some reason, but I wanted to pop in and announce the winner for the...

Whining Wednesday - send the kids to their rooms folks, this is going to get gross

So ... I haven't actually had the head cold I was pretending to have - I actually had (drumroll please) an exploded ovarian cyst. KAPOW...

pain in the ---

home sick ... back in a bit ... have a great day all! xo *adorable cold print by Stephan Britt...

GIVEAWAY - Whimsy and Ink - Mustache Flask for Father's Day!

CLOSED - Winner will be announced on Friday! Whimsy and Ink is the adorable little flask shop of partners Lisa Rios and Jon Cherry. Lisa...

Blogger Trouble - is this Friday the 13th or April Fool's?

It looks like my last 2 posts have been eaten by Blogger's latest fiasco - hopefully they will pop back up here - AARGH! Have a...

Meditation - week 2 practice

After a week of the consistent practice of stilling your body - you should/may be able to sit still without twitching or itching...

Brimfield Flea Market 2011 - overwhelm, blisters, mac & cheese and morris

Brimfield Flea Market in Brimfield, MA is one of the largest fleas in the U.S. with over 5000 dealers (is that possible?). Kella...

TGIF - Have a Wonderful Weekend!

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend - I am getting things made and together for Art Star in Philadelphia May 14th and 15th! The...

Cause Related Marketing - merging our passion with our profit by volunteering (and other acts of bravery)

I would rather do business with a company that stands for more than just profits - I think everyone would. If you have a crafty...

Meditation - trying this again - week 1 practice

I have tried to work meditation into my life as a daily practice a few times. Several years ago when my mother was living with us...

GIVEAWAY - Jessica Alpern Cuts Paper - Short Stories Hand Cut on Paint Chips CLOSED

Jessica Alpern is an amazing hand cut paper artist. Her work will blow you away! I especially love her short stories on paint chip...