if I stand on my tippy toes ....

... I can see the weekend from here ...

Hope everyone has a nice weekend!

A few of my lockets are being relaunched on Daily Grommet with free shipping this weekend. The lockets include Danitashop, Rachel Demsick (getreadysetgo), Dilkabear, Gollybard, Kathy Jeffords (DreamyGiraffe), Jodie Hurt, Jennifer Mullin and House of Six Cats all in the mini size!

Check it out here - just forward past the awful part where I speak (I filmed this last year for the original launch and it is very cringe-worthy).


1 comment

doforanimals said...

What was cringeworthy about that?! You're adorable! Well, I found another to add to my "favorites"... Jodie Hurt's Believe butterfly set. Really nice. My tight spending budget is killing me...