In astrology money is 2nd house stuff; the 2nd house rules our finances, our values, our possessions, even our talent but what...

New Moon in Aries - Cardinal Cross - Action Jackson - NOW the New Year Really Starts ...
Friday, March 28, 2014
I will get back to my money series next week!
We have the first New Moon of the astrological year on Sunday in the "take no...
Using Astrology and Moon Timing to Launch Your New Product
Monday, March 24, 2014
Now, I do not believe in fortune telling (although these folks look pretty damn reliable, don't you think) but I do believe in...
Sun Moves into Aries - Happy Spring Equinox Everyone!
Thursday, March 20, 2014
my Aries locket 15% off thru 4/30 with coupon code BRAVE
The astrological year begins in Aries. We are definitely all ready to...
Part II taking action to increase our self worth so our business draws the stuff we want to line up with - FORGIVENESS
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
It might look like there are many reasons we are not making enough income or we have hit an income 'ceiling' - it might look like...
why our money mindset matters (we can't draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth) - part I
Monday, March 17, 2014
Prior to making stuff for a living, I worked in a bank.
I started as a bank teller with $100 in the bank and owed $100 on a Stern's...
A Full Moon in Virgo on Sunday - a good one for Butchers and Bakers and CandleStick Makers
Friday, March 14, 2014
Full Moon in Virgo on Sunday! This is the culmination of September's Virgo new moon.
With Virgo we have the archetype that...
why it's easier to build a business when you need the money, but not when you REALLY need the money
Thursday, March 13, 2014
When I was in banking the banks in my county would bid annually on the county's surrogate account money. This was money the...
5 ways to create more good for ourselves - tying this stuff into our business
Thursday, March 6, 2014
I think people and situations come to us to play out in front of us the energy we are carrying. We can literally look at...
5 ways to create more good for ourselves - #4 celebrate the small stuff
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
Creating and celebrating the good stuff presents more and more opportunities to practice gratitude.
If we could practice gratitude...
more reasons you should be meditating - plus sex advice, parenting advice and something sticky hits the wall
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
I was going to move this series on to 'celebrate good times'
(and if I just put that awesome Kool and the Gang song in...
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