Olive Bites at Art Star Asbury Park July 2015

This past weekend's craft show has left me totally exhausted - maybe I really do need to be drinking all this wine! Ack! I met...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 20th | Welcome to the Jungle - it's LEO Season

welcome to the jungle - it's LEO season Another action packed week as we enter Leo season! First, Venus stations as she prepares...

New Moon in Cancer, Wednesday July 15th - Plus Up Close and Personal With PLUTO!

first ever photo of Pluto's surface Today's first ever photos of the surface of Pluto (everything we've ever seen before have...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 13th | Potential for High DRAMA

I'm going to keep this short because I have a New Moon post on Wednesday that will cover this and much more. On Wednesday, we...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 6th | Preparing to CHOOSE

We kick off this week with our Cancer Sun (all about our security) opposing Pluto; retrograde in Capricorn. This is going to pull...


I hope everyone had a nice holiday weekend - I did, but now need to play catch-up. How is it always Sunday night? Going to be...

Happy FULL MOON Day to Jumpstart July!

Tonight we have the Full Moon in Capricorn I wrote about in my last post Astrology Forecast for Creatives HERE Spend time outdoors...