weekly astrology forecast | August 30 - September 5, 2021 - U.S. chart red alert, diluted actions, lack of motivation, power struggles and slippery slopes, ideas and conversations that stabilize

  This is a red alert week here in the United States. We have transiting Mars opposing a retrograde Neptune (he is repeating...

A look at the astrology of September, 2021 | be ready to move forward with projects in the beginning of the month, surprises with love and money, more going backward to go forward and who's up for a mercury retrograde through our relationships?!

  I think a quick-ish look at the upcoming month might be a good idea.  The New Moon at the beginning of the month...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of August 23rd - 30th, 2021 - stabilizing our love and money, finding some peace, the facts Jack, powerful words, old hurts, another August crossroad

 Sunday's Aquarius Full Moon continues to play out this week, bringing the future to our door. Second chances. Groundhog Days....

The Second Full Moon in Aquarius | August 22, 2021 - second chances, BIG endings and results, wrapping up loose ends before we move on, faith and optimism for a better future

 On Sunday, August 22, 2021 at 8:02AM EDT, the Aquarius Moon opposes the Leo Sun at 29 degrees - giving us this year's SECOND...

the astrology of the disappearance of summer wells | part II - saturday night mystery

 In Part I we talked about the events leading up to five year old Summer Wells' disappearance on June 15, 2021 in Rogersville,...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, August 19th, 2021 - BIG result. Here is the outcome of the changes we have been making or the outcome of our avoiding making the changes!

  The Moon is in sober and winter-ruled Capricorn now - we are nurtured by rules and boundaries and our goals and how...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | August 16th - 22nd, 2021 - BIG results, hope and optimism, change, change, change, second Aquarius Full Moon brings back old opportunities, expansive results and real progress with what is right in front of us

 Let's unpack this BIG powerful week! We've got some prickly inconjuncts, yes, and a square that could bring some relationships...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, August 12th, 2021 - pick your battles, when over-helping isn't helpful, maybe good enough is good enough or then again maybe it isn't, what's most important

  The Moon is in Libra now - we are nurtured/nourished through our relationships, partners, balance, peace, fairness. Her...

Today's astrology Forecast | Wednesday, August 11th, 2021 - pushed off the fence, being practical and digging into the details, what is your next solid step? use the void to rest

  The Moon continues her monthly journey through organized/service-oriented Virgo. She opposes a retrograde Neptune at...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, August 10th, 2021 - big news, reviewing old ideas and opportunities, one last hurrah before the reality check, don't overpromise or buy everything they are selling

  The Moon is in Virgo now - we are nourished/nurtured by crossing our t's and dotting our i's, organization, practicality,...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | August 9th - August 15th, 2021 - a big decision/result, a collective karmic turning point, rocks and hard places, small practical progress, knowing our value and what is valuable now

  MONDAY - Mercury inconjunct Pluto, Venus opposes NeptuneTUESDAY - Mercury opposes JupiterWEDNESDAY - Mars squares the...

saturday Night Mystery - the astrology of the disappearance of Summer Wells

 This is a recent case I looked at for an online missing person's group.  This little angel is still missing ...On...