So, hubby and I went to a new place for Chinese last night and the food was yummy and the atmosphere was all modern-licious and we were totally satisfied except for one little thing.
(ACK no fortune cookies!)
The manager approached us as we were leaving to see what we were thinking about his hip little restaurant
(at least I thought he was the manager because his tag just said 'manager' so I figure that was either his title or his first name and a very lucky coincidence ... sort of ... for him)
and we noted our lack of cookies which sent him running off to grab us two.
So we left all happy, dappy with our little plastic wrapped cookies and we tore into them as soon as we were back in the car and had adjusted the overhead light just perfectly so we didn't miss anything.
(I should confess that I print out my horoscope every month - because I like to know what is going to happen and they are sometimes eerily accurate ... seriously - and yes, I sometimes peek ahead in books to see if my heroine is still around at the end)
Mine said ... NOTHING ... just a little blank piece of paper which somehow seemed very appropriate for me *sigh* right now
and hubby's said - "BITE ME".
Which is, of course, kind of funny, but not a proper fortune really because a proper fortune would read, "YOU WILL BITE ME", so this was more of an instruction cookie which had hubby laughing very hard and me a bit peeved that we had not received our proper fortunes.
"Your path is arduous but will be amply rewarding"is the fortune that I have received so many times I have lost count.
This roughly translates to "the hard stuff will make you a better person" - but I am getting a little tired of the arduous path and hoping I am a
good enough person to skate through life for a couple years or months or at least until next weekend.
But what do I know, I am after all, a person looking for my future in baked goods (where's that magic 8 ball when I need it anyway?) ...

1. Lucky Fork Shirt by
Xenotees2. Cootie Catchers by
KatsKrafts3. Fortune Cookie Baby Booties by
SushiBooties4. Mr. Magic 8 Ball by
Artsy5. Ceramic Fortune Cookies by
YogaGoat6. Vintage Fortune Tiles by