Now, Martha likes to keep those little bowls of salt and pepper handy for adding pinches while she is cooking
(and she
is the queen of all things crafty after all)
and it is a great idea!
So, this is my version of Martha's pinch bowls.
You will love having open spices to add to your favorite soups and sauces as you cook!
And this is an easy, peasy upcycled project.
You will need:
1. a hardback used cookbook
(make sure you copy any recipes you like first)
2. old spoons (use ladles or you will have to bend them, which is easy actually- just bend slowly)
3. a large sawtooth hanger
4. 4 screws, washers and bolts
(the screws need to be just a wee bit longer than the depth of your book)
5. 2 copper pipe hangers (bring your spoons to the store when you buy them)
6. a drill and hammer (camera shy)
1. measure and hammer in your sawtooth hanger
2. line up your spoons and copper pipe hangers and mark your hanger holes (I wanted my copper pipe hangers to be in different places so bent one spoon slightly)
3. drill your
starter holes and drill holes slowly
(remember this is how you started a fire when you were a girl scout, so drill SLOWLY)
4. screw in your hangers and add bolts on back
5. add your spices and you are all set
Here is another recycled book post you might like
Baby Got Book.
And some amazing creations you can buy now on Etsy:
1. Gorgeous and clever recycled spoon necklace from
Under Glass.
The Black Spot Books stunning handmade leather library
3. Beautiful spoon garden marker by
Monkeys Always Look4. Amazing book safe by
Pommesfrites5. Adorable mini wooden library book by