A BIG week ahead as the potential of Sunday's New Moon in Sagittarius takes shape.
Multiple planets change signs and direction. Multiple planets meet Pluto. Mercury backs into the heart of the Sun as both Mercury and the Sun square sober Saturn from the greener fields of Sagittarius. Reality check moments. Delays. Turn-arounds. CAUTIOUS OPTIMISM. We had astrology to tell us the road was out up ahead (Saturn!). We knew there would be an obstacle before we even got started - well here it is. The stops and limits are going to make us smarter and stronger over time because we are embracing POTENTIAL more than actuality right now anyway.
There is nothing more important to Sagittarius than EXPERIENCE and that is what we are going to get.
We are in the energy of the New Moon in Sagittarius. Confidence is king.
If you haven't already, you want to write down your intentions for this New Moon cycle. Sagittarius is the sign of the archer. If we were archers - we would gather our energy. We would pull back our bow. We would take aim - higher than we want our arrow to land. We would hold our bow "in tension". This holding position is important to landing our arrow where we intend it to go - to hit our target.
(of course, if we are in some kind of life and death battle with that arrow then I guess we just let it fly and hope for the best, but most situations we are facing are not quite so dire)
The same way an archer's "in tension" allows her arrow to hit her mark, our own "intentions" release our energy where we need it to go. Intentions are not wishes. They are not hopes - wanting to do something is 180 degrees from intending to do it.
Intention releases the potential that makes things happen.
Let's unpack the week!
MONDAY - Venus trines Uranus, Mercury trines Chiron
WEDNESDAY - Mercury opposes Jupiter, Sun squares Saturn, Venus sextiles Neptune
THURSDAY - Sun conjuncts Mercury retrograde
SATURDAY - Venus and Ceres enter Aquarius, Venus and Ceres conjunct Pluto, Sun opposes Jupiter, Neptune stations direct
SUNDAY - First Quarter Square (Moon in Pisces)
MONDAY - Venus in Cappy trines Uranus in Taurus as Mercury, retrograde in Sagittarius makes ANOTHER trine to Chiron in Aries - multiple trines indicate things should go smoothly, although the Moon is void for much of the day, so keep that in mind.
Venus/Uranus is unexpected, but NOT totally unexpected (since Uranus is retrograde) situations/events involving women or relationships or resources or money. Money/love can come in through uncommon channels. Freedom within relationships feels good. Looking different/making changes to our appearance can make us more ATTRACTIVE. New ways to make/attract money can come to our attention. Venus, nearing the end of Cappy, says if we have taken our money and/or our relationships SERIOUSLY there are #unexpected/#nottotallyunexpected BENEFITS now.
Mercury's makes his/her second, of three, smooth trines with Chiron - words can be healing. Wounds and weaknesses can be discussed without judgement. Old beliefs/old conversations are healing. Changing our mind/our beliefs is HEALING. Keep in mind, Chironic healing is really about learning to live with the things we cannot change, so there is something about that in here, too.
WEDNESDAY - look at these aspects!
Mercury retrograde, on his/her way to the Sun reaches his exact opposition to Jupiter. They are in mutual reception and both retrograde. Oppositions often bring endings and CLASHES and this one is part of an ongoing PROCESS. Over-the-top ideas can be challenged by facts. Maybe a teacher shows up. The big picture is contrasted with the details. ALL aspects with Jupiter have the potential to be positive, but keep in mind that hard aspects to Jupiter almost always EXAGGERATE.
Things will not be quite so good or quite so bad as they appear.
Gemini ruler Mercury retrograde in Sag opposing Sag ruler Jupiter, retrograde in Gemini - makes me think of that quote - "I knew exactly what to do, but in a much more real sense I had no idea what to do." And we can replace 'what to do' with - what I am saying/thinking/planning, etc :)
With this happening at the same time as the Sun/Saturn aspect from the New Moon storyline - maybe we are taking something too far and, so, Saturn steps in - via a delay, roadblock or limit - to tamp things down a bit. To stop us. To save us from ourselves. To deliver the NO or the reality check that is needed. Or maybe this is the obstacle/delay that forces us to slow down and allow things to fall into place in their own right time. Or maybe this is the obstacle/delay that separates the men from the boys/the women from the girls and gives us something to push against.
Without Saturn this day is just plain OVER-THE-TOP. Don't over-promise. Don't over-react if triggered. Ask questions. Squares bring tension/frustration. Avoid conflicts with authority and step into your own authority by taking responsibilities seriously.
Venus's final play in sober Cappy is a creative opportunity aspect with dreamy Neptune who is strong at station in his home sign. Cappy/Pisces aspects are all about making the dream real. Neptune softens Venus in Cappy. Venus gives structure to Neptune. The dream/the work can be made more beautiful and APPEALING. This won't totally circumvent Saturn, of course - we won't have complete control - but there is a reassuring pat on our back that all is as it should be, that what is developing WILL BE SOLID over time.
Keep in mind, that sextiles are soft aspects and require some kind of ACTION to make them work. The square boxes us in and forces us to act. The sextile only makes room for our action to make a connection - we are free to ignore it/miss it and probably we often do.
THURSDAY - OK, here is where, Mercury retrograde, catches up with the Sun. This is the midpoint of the Mercury retrograde cycle with Mercury in the heart of the Sun - we are ILLUMINATED/can see what this Mercury retrograde cycle has been about for us.
This point of CLARITY signals a BEGINNING.
We are still moving backward - rethinking, revising, reviewing, etc - BUT, by now, we should have some answers/know more than we did before - see why we are dealing with what we are dealing with. Keep in mind this ILLUMINATION is happening with both Mercury and the Sun in a limiting square to Saturn, so Saturn's REALITY CHECK is part of the CLARITY.
FRIDAY - now, Mercury, fresh off his/her illumination with the Sun/his seat with the king, squares Saturn. This is echoing Tuesday's Sun/Saturn and influencing Thursday's Mercury/Sun, so almost certainly all part of the same thing -
REALITY CHECK. Roadblock. Limit. Someone says, "no", or maybe we have to. Something isn't working. With Saturn in Pisces it could be an illness/cold or need for time off that pulls us off our game, too. Just keep in mind, this isn't the same Saturn/authority we had in Cappy and Aquarius a couple years back when he was STRONG. In Pisces, Saturn is not so strong, but is answering to a strong Neptune and a Neptune block is not a Saturn block. A Neptune block can be MANAGED. Often, as I have said before - through some kind of sacrifice (we talked about this in the New Moon post HERE).
Mars, at 6 degrees Leo (right on the United States North Node of Fate) stations retrograde. Uh oh, we missed something and are going backward. This can take some of the wind out of our sails, but the re-peating actions and re-visions are needed. Bitcoin investors might expect changes. This is part of my "the war comes home" series of posts about Mars returning to Cancer that is HERE and HERE and HERE - I will get up a part IV this week about Mars retrograde in Leo!
SATURDAY - Venus and Ceres join hands and jump into Aquarius together to meet up with powerful Pluto at 1 degree Aquarius while the Sun opposes Jupiter.
The Sun's opposition to Jupiter is part of the New Moon storyline. This can be about a struggle with optimism, faith or justice. This can also bring a light to the New Moon's EXAGGERATED beginnings. Sagittarius pretty much requires things to be OVER-THE-TOP. Think about the way an archer must AIM HIGH to hit their mark. That is what we are doing now, too. Understand this going in to avoid disappointing results.
Venus/Pluto/Ceres meet in Aquarius. Conjunctions are beginnings. This one is INTENSE AND MAGNETIC. Pluto asks for a 'do-or-die' style commitment. Intense projects and long-term partnerships can have this in their DNA. Fatal attractions can, too :). Maybe there is something here we want VERY, VERY BADLY. If you are committing to something now - a group, investment, relationship, situation - know this won't be any kind of fling. This will be very sticky. You will not get out of this easily. Maternal situations can be intense/transforming, too. Plutonian lessons come through loss - what are we willing to pay to have what we want? What are we willing to lose? Ceres once struck a hard bargain with Pluto that saved the world (of course, it was their actions that also almost destroyed it). There could be something like this going on now, too. This can also bring up in-law situations, maybe especially son-in-law and mother-in-law stuff. Here is the energy for a fresh start that can empower all parties if everyone is given some space (Aquarius). All our Pluto in Aquarius conjunctions - and there are going to be many over the next couple decades are going to involve empowerment (or death/permanent endings) through detachment, tech, intellect, our personal relationship with Aquarius and Aqua/Uranus placements.
Back with that Mars retrograde in Leo post - the War Comes Home part IV next!
xo all
Set those New Moon intentions! And keep in mind that although I write about aspects and list them on the days when they are most exact, we can feel them as they are applying and separating, too. Things do not always happen exact to the day, but you can get the flavor of things by reading them in order of their happenings.
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