On Monday, December 30th, 2024 at 5:26PM EST, the Cappy Moon meets the Cappy Sun at 9 degrees giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in Capricorn and our final New Moon of 2024.
We want to be very INTENTIONAL at this time because the New Moon in Cappy is sober/serious. Hooked into starting something important. Something valuable. Something potentially long-term and stable. This is about making a serious and practical plan for the future. In Capricorn, this is also always about building on what has come before. Starting at the top, in a way.
Collectively this New Moon in Capricorn will be about our career, public life/reputation, goals and ambitions AND your natal Cappy house theme will apply, too.
Let's unpack the chart.
The Moon meets the Sun at 9 degrees Cappy. The New Moon sextiles Saturn (the ruler of this lunation) - applying. Saturn's aspects with Jupiter and Mercury are unwinding and the Mars opposition to Pluto is tightening as Mars backs up (this will be exact a couple days after the New Moon). The New Moon is EXACTLY conjunct asteroids Pholus, Lilith and Quaoar. And sandwiched between Cupido and Pallas.
The sextile to Saturn speaks of CREATIVE OPPORTUNITIES. Cappy/Pisces is about MAKING THE DREAM REAL. Rules are easy to work with. Limits are helpful. Obligations are not so burdensome. Here is an opportunity for GREATER AGENCY. To make a name for yourself. To do work you can be proud of. To set goals and stick to them. I love, love, love this Moon coming right at the New Year when we are looking backward and ahead.
The only real caveats being 1. Saturn still being in drifting Pisces, so keep that in mind, Things will only be so solid. BUT, this can be a good thing, too. And 2. The sextile is a gentle aspect. Things come so easy we might miss them. So, don't. Set your intentions.
My advice - This is a Cappy New Moon in good stead with daddy Saturn. DON'T IGNORE THE LOW-KEY/ESSENTIAL TASKS THAT WILL SET YOU UP FOR SUCCESS AND ADVANCEMENT WHEN YOU FOLLOW THE RULES AND ATTEND TO RESPONSIBILITIES. The Moon is not so comfortable in Capricorn, but, IS able to make the tough decisions and provide the sweat-equity Saturn supports.
The Moon is exactly conjunct Pholus, the wise and hospitable centaur whose uncorking of a wine bottle led to a battle that changed ancient history. He is a poster child for fractal theory. The tiny movements that create huge differences in OUTCOMES. And the way things set into motion will not be so easily stopped. Pholus (exact on my natal Sun at 15 Aquarius when I was born and I once changed my entire life with a wine cork, no exaggeration) here is a reminder to CHECK IN WITH REALITY. because every time we do something, the entire universe changes forever. This is the power of our desires, thoughts and actions. He pulls TURNING POINT energy into this lunar cycle. Small things = big results. Also, because Pholus's hospitality leads to his downfall/death and we have Saturn ruling him and in Pisces where boundaries are not so bounded - the next two weeks can be a time we want to shore ours up. Any lingering holiday houseguests may need to go.
The Moon is exactly conjunct asteroid Lilith. This isn't Black Moon Lilith, but she is named for the same biblical figure who was shamed for wanting what she was perfectly entitled to and who was banished for daring to choose herself. With Lilith - the path to empowerment is always about self-acceptance. In Cappy, maybe this could have something to do with accepting our ambitions and need for others esteem? Not trying to belittle our goals to make other people comfortable, etc.
The Moon is exactly conjunct Quaoar. Quaoar is a newer discovery and should have the dwarf planet classification if the astronomy people ever get around to it. He is named for the creator God of an indigenous tribe - the Gabrieleno people of Southern California. Quaoar sang and danced the world into creation, so maybe there is something here about the way we start whatever we are starting now - with a song in our heart and a dance in our step?
The New Moon is sandwiched between Cupido and Pallas. Between love/what stirs our heart and 'practical/traditional wisdom'. Maybe what's worked before? Almost certainly that is what we are building on.
Some Capricorn new moon affirmation areas to think about: security, time, self-discipline, your brand and image, ambition, opportunity, goals, delegation, releasing control, father figures, reputation, your bones, knees, skin and joints, your Cappy house theme.
Get grounded - we're in an earth sign now, so this should be easier - always make affirmations from a positive place (positive meaning certain AND positive meaning optimistic or at least neutral ie do something to clear out the negativity first - take a shower/a walk etc) - write your affirmations down by hand in cursive, we want the letters all connecting and flowing together.
Speak them out loud when you are alone.
Then release your attention from these things knowing that your intention is known.
With Capricorn - serious is best.
Know these things are already yours.
xo all
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