weekly astrology forecast | december 23rd, 2024 - December 28th, 2024 - merry christmas week as our first cappy season in 16 years without pluto kicks off!

My internet has been off and on for days, driving us nuts and backing me up. 

We have just entered Capricorn season and celebrated the Winter Solstice for the first time in 16 years without Pluto, so that's DIFFERENT! 

Let's jump right in! 

What is with all these testing squares this week?! I wish this astro looked better for us, but we do have a Moon/Sun sextile on Christmas from Scorpio, so deep, reflective, connecting energy ... and, your chart could look, and feel, better than these collective transits. 

MONDAY - Sun square the Nodes

TUESDAY - Jupiter squares Saturn


THURSDAY - Mercury opposes Jupiter

FRIDAY - Mercury squares Saturn

SATURDAY - Venus squares Uranus

SUNDAY - Chiron stations direct (19)

MONDAY - the Sun in Cappy reaches 2 degrees and squares the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra giving us a Cardinal T-Square with a Cappy apex. This might signal, for some people, an issue with rules/limits/authority/career that creates a crossroad/pivot point where we are pulling back into something more balanced or collaborative or moving on into something more independent. The best bet here would be to lean toward your Aries house and the more courageous/independent action. 

On TUESDAY - FRIDAY - let's bump all this stuff together as it is surely all connected and I could be bumped offline at any moment. Jupiter retrograde reaches 14 degrees Gemini and squares Saturn in Pisces. This is a repeating aspect and one of the major aspects of 2024. Mercury (news/information) then opposes Jupiter and squares Saturn - more repeats, endings, challenges that push us toward action. 

The Jupiter/Saturn square is the 2nd of three Jupiter/Saturn squares that bridge 2024 and 2025. This is expansion vs contraction. The first square happened back on August 19th, 2024 and the final square will be on June 15th, 2025 when this three-peat will finish up with Jupiter in Cancer and Saturn in Aries, so whatever this ongoing storyline is for all of us, the wrap-up/finish is pulled into and will come through different spaces in our lives.

For now, the square this week connects back to the middle of August.

August 19th was the day of the Democratic National Convention here in the U.S. and part of the big Full Moon in Aquarius, so I would expect to hear some Harris or Democratic party news this week. The August Full Moon was big for all the U.S. politicians and Israel/Netanyahu. 

The Jupiter/Saturn square this time around pulls in Mercury, so is about the NEWS and INFORMATION. Mercury squares can bring tech and transportation events and situations. With Mercury in Sagittarius, we are collectively dealing with things like politics, legal situations, foreign people and situations, travel, publishing. Jupiter/Zeus/the King could speak of news/restrictions about a world leader. Bill Clinton's chart is highlighted now and with the Democratic party having kind of imploded since its high-flying days of the convention, and with the Clintons certainly being the 'old guard' of the disintegrating party, his current health scare could be serious. The Jupiter/Saturn square in June pulls in the Sun/king, so again looks like trouble for leaders, that one maybe even double-trouble. Collectively the Saturn squares with Saturn in confusing Pisces speak of hidden agendas, illness, secrets, past-life unfinished business, stuff we don't see coming or stuff that is done behind our back. Weather/water can impact plans. Addictions and escapes can come to a head/create tension/frustration.

On CHRISTMAS EVE we have a lovely Moon in Libra trining Venus in the early morning hours EST and then a void Moon for the REST OF THE DAY. Best for socializing, drifting, dreaming. CHRISTMAS DAY the Moon moves into deep Scorpio and squares Pluto and Mars early which might speak of some AM tension, but by lunchtime EST Luna moves into a smooth/opportunistic aspect with the Sun. The day could be intense, but also deep and connecting. 

SATURDAY - now, Venus, at 23 degrees Aquarius squares Uranus retrograde in Taurus. This is unexpected circumstances with groups, tech, love, money, women. Squares speak of tension/frustration/the need for some kind of action. People could feel rebellious/will not want to be fenced in. This is the energy of - break-ups, breakdowns, tense breakthroughs. These planets are in mutual reception - Venus in Uranus's sign and Uranus in Venus's sign - so this doesn't look as challenging as it might be - there is good to be had here by doing something different/new/unexpected. 

SUNDAY - Chiron stations direct at 19 degrees Aries. Nineteen has been a hot degree in 2024. Now, as Chiron moves forward - we are moving on from a wounding/hurt/vulnerability. This doesn't mean the wound is healed, but we are learning to live with it/be with it/work with it. Health situations can turn around. Turnarounds and progress can be even more dramatic when Mars himself - ruler of Aries - turns around in February.

xo all - back with the NJ drone stuff, which I have found some interesting info and then we will take this week and next week when I am slow to look deeply into 2025! 

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!!! 


stregata said...

Cat, wishing you and yours a Merry Christmas! Hugs!

Catherine Ivins said...

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas Renate and an amazing 2025!