first look at 2025 astrology - the nodes of fate move into pisces and virgo in mid-January | we are in god's hands now

I have a "New Jersey drone" post to finish - heads up it is VERY INTERESTING - and a Cappy New Moon post to start (the New Moon is Monday), BUT what I really want to do is take a look at 2025 and since you might want to do that, too, well - let's do that.

We have an unprecedented number of planets changing signs in 2025, (not seen in thousands of years, so many planets changing signs in such a short period of time) some for the long term, some for a sneak-peek (like Pluto just did in 2023 and 2024 - now, in 2025 Pluto is SETTLED, which is probably a good thing because nothing else is). 

Change like we haven't seen in generations could come within a matter of MONTHS. 

Change (and fear of change) is built into the human condition and our hero's journey here on planet Earth. Situations change. People change. Our bodies and minds change. The structures of our world are always changing. By 2027, all the chess pieces will be on the board and firmly in their new positions. Things will be more settled and looking quite different than they do now. 

Keep in mind, if you, like me, are not so fond of change - we are ALWAYS IN THE MIDDLE of a story whose beginning we don't remember (although parts of us does remember) and whose ending we don't know yet. I always assume people have reasons for their reactions/that they are not really over-reacting even when they are over-reacting. So, people who get stressed out when they hear that 'big changes are coming' (and this is alot of people) have had negative experiences with change. Maybe even deep soul or ancestral traumas with change.  There is a reason the planet of change - Uranus - is also the planet that carries our natal trauma signature. 

People with planets/points at the end of signs have been, sometimes quite literally, stuck/clogged up for YEARS. So, these planets changing signs is going to release (and some of this will be through fits and starts because a couple of the planets are moving back and forth still) all this stuck energy! 

And, at the same time, as the planets move into the new signs, people with planets/points in the beginning of the signs will experience the beginning of significant shifts. With so much happening it is unlikely that anyone will remain unimpacted.

The good news - as the planets change signs they move into smooth aspects with each other. This spells - OPPORTUNITY.   

Let's start our look at 2025 with the Nodes of Fate because these Nodes of the Moon change signs on January 11th with the North Node moving into Pisces (from Aries, remember these points move backward) and the South Node moving into Virgo (from Libra) until late June 2026. 

The Nodes of the Moon are not planetary bodies. They are points made where the Moon's orbit around the Earth intersects with the Earth's orbit around the Sun. They are always retrograde/move counterclockwise. The North Node is the ascending node (closest to our North Pole). the South Node is the descending node (closest to our South Pole). They are 180 degrees apart. 

Our 'way forward' changing from Aries to Pisces happens about every 18 years. And although the Nodes change signs about every year and a half, this change is a pretty big shift of the galactic steering wheel!

We go from the way forward being about - courage, independence, me-first, fight to win - and shift into (if we want to get ahead the most easily) - allow, live and let live, release, dream, drift, connect, pray, be compassionate, be 'unsure'. 

This is a pretty hard right turn! 

The South Node - where we are and what we are needing to release if it has grown over-blown - moves from Libra into Virgo. We could be more critical, more perfectionistic, more hard on ourselves and others and more desirous of things being 'under control'. The word 'austerity' comes to mind here, too. This stuff will work until it doesn't and it will be made clear to us that bigger hands than our human ones need to have the wheel here. It will be clear to us that in order to survive and thrive we need to - allow, live and let live, loosen our grip, dream/imagine, drift, connect with others, be compassionate, be unsure. 

Our Pisces/Virgo houses will determine the 'areas of life' this shift will be about for us. 

So, what does it mean to make Pisces our North Star? It means we will need to be more compassionate and not judgmental. We will need to listen to more music. We will need to make more art. We will need to meditate and pray so we don't have to medicate. We will need to be more connecting, self-reflecting and spiritual. We will need to let go and let God. 

We will be given opportunities, in order for life to be EASIER AND MORE ENJOYABLE - to rebalance Virgo vices.

We will be adjusting:

1. Overthinking, over-analyzing, over-worrying, over-planning and obsessing about details. 

This is just going to make us more and more anxious and restless and irritable. We don't need to be pulling things apart to see how they work. Life will be harder and less enjoyable the more we do this. With the North Node in "easy does it" Pisces, things will work out better when we don't overly focus on controlling the tiny practicalities. This doesn't mean we can all take a nap for the next eighteen months, but it does mean an overemphasis on the small things and making things just so will slow things up and hold us back. Working things out as we go along and allowing other things to fall into and out of place, is probably going to be a better course of action. The answers will come when we least expect them/when we aren't digging for them. We will want to be feeling more and thinking less during this transit. There may be a higher/better plan unfolding that we are not aware of. 

2. Nitpicking, fault finding, judging, looking for problems. 

Virgo is a quality over quantity sign. This is one of Virgo's virtues. Taken too far though we can make ourselves, and everyone else, miserable. With the South Node in Virgo, we will be thinking about quality and details, even mired in it, but we are going to have to know 'when to say when' with this stuff. With the way forward in Pisces - we have to have faith that bigger hands than our human ones have the wheel. If we look for problems with the South Node in Virgo - we are going to find a sh*tload of them. Mistakes will happen, too, with the South Node in Virgo - we will goof up and get humbled and this is OK and teaching us to go with the flow. Think of mistakes as just something that is happening and not always something that is wrong. Sometimes things can be fixed and sometimes, like with the North Node in Pisces, we just have to live with stuff that can't be. 

3. Feeling that we - or someone else or some situation - needs to be just so, needs to be perfect.

Perfectionism is one of the biggest drawbacks with Virgo. With the North Node in Pisces, we will pretty much not be allowed to be "perfect". We burn the roast, spill the wine, overpluck our brows. The dog barfs on the sofa as soon as the guy rings the door bell. Life is always winking at us/testing our ability to have compassion (with ourselves as much as anyone else) and EASE UP. If we get something all set up perfectly we can be sure something is going to go wrong because life doesn't want us to get too rigidly attached to our methods. Life wants our expansion (Jupiter!) and not our contraction during this time. Sometimes we have to slow down and do less and allow that 'less' to expand. 

4. Staying in intolerable situations, over-serving. 

Virgo, like all Earth signs really, tends to take care of business. This 'taking care of business' thing results in maturity and structure and CARING, but can also become a kind of 'doormat' if taken too far. We are so good at taking care of things that other people rely on us too much and then we get ANNOYED. This isn't anyone's 'fault' and actually with the North Node in Pisces, let's let this word 'fault' grow some mold for a couple years - it is just what happens when someone who is really good at service - over-serves. Sometimes with the North Node in Pisces, stuff gets really out of control, until we know we can't control it, release our grip and let it either fall apart or come together in a new way. Rest. Peace. Retreat. We can wear ourselves out with the South Node in Virgo. 

We will see (as this transit plays out over the next 18 months) the way any over-emphasis on a 'need for order/control' keeps us stuck. Creates tension and anxiety. We will come to ACCEPT that the universal plan (Pisces!) is better than our plan (Virgo!). For people who were born with the South Node in Virgo and the North Node in Pisces this is a lifetime game plan, for the rest of us, there is a REASON FOR THIS SEASON. 

As soon as we feel things starting to 'go wrong' let's see this as a sign to take a breath. Slow down. Step back. Feel rather than think. Remember life's plan is better than our plan. The North Node in Pisces can be a GREAT GIFT - a time to rest, recharge, become more intuitive. 

There are some challenges with this nodal position for us as a collective, too. There MIGHT be health challenges. There MIGHT be more mental illness - but there can be more ways, maybe especially as Uranus gets into Gemini - to help us with this. There MIGHT be more delusion, and we can see this coming with tech/Meta. 

There will be bridges we will have to cross when we get to them. And maybe, sometimes, with the North Node in Pisces our best bet will be to not cross the bridge at all, but instead to jump in the water and let the current decide where we end up ....

Certainly, the way forward is more imaginative and creative. The way forward is more compassionate and connecting. More expansive. 

The Nodal shifts work their magic through, sometimes jarring, ECLIPSES, so we will talk about those next. Plus the drones and New Moon in Cappy and week ahead. Whew!

xo all


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