the astrology of 2025 | general trends and overview of 2025 part II - Saturn and Jupiter, the middle planets, change signs - growth and luck come through our homes and roots, responsibilities that come in before we are ready for them

I was going to write about the 2025 Eclipses because it would make sense to follow up the nodal shift post HERE with the Eclipses, but I am going to jump ahead a bit here with a general overview of 2025. 

These transits will have their own posts when we get closer, but this should help us all get a better feel for the year ahead! After we get through the planetary shifts, we'll look at the Eclipses and 2025 Venus retrograde, then pull it all together. 

Having every planet change signs in such a short time frame is unprecedented. 

The inner/personal planets are always changing. The middle planets - Saturn and Jupiter - change signs every one to two and a half years. The outer planets - Uranus, Pluto and Neptune - change signs much, much less frequently. Pluto, within the last few weeks, has settled into Aquarius until 2043. This year both Uranus and Neptune take sneak-peeks into new signs. 

So many parts of our lives will be CHANGING. Think something is stuck and can never change? Think again. 

JUPITER - Jupiter is the King of the Gods and the planet/energy of expansion. Generally, the house Jupiter occupies in our chart sees growth - gets bigger and grows in whatever direction whatever is going on is ALREADY GOING. Jupiter is PROTECTIVE. He also brings benefits and LUCK through faith and expansion (our having faith and taking a risk). He spends a few months going forward then turns around. Maybe the growth stops. Maybe the goodies retract. We get the chance to catch our breath and see what we missed the first time through. 

As I write this post at the end of 2024, Jupiter is moving backward/retrograde, in Gemini. A sign, where in general, because of his rulership of Gemini's polarity sign of Sagittarius and because Gemini rules small things and Jupiter likes BIG THINGS - he has not been so comfortable for the last year. 

Jupiter is going to station direct on February 4th, 2025 at 11 degrees Gemini. 

He will continue his way through Gemini until June 9th, covering degrees he has already covered. So, from February 4th to June 9th - we get our final GEMINI EXPANSION/LUCK. Jupiter brings most of his goodies after his retrograde/at the end of his stay and he ALWAYS brings something. Jupiter does his job. Prepare for some Gemini goodies folks!

On June 9th, 2025, Jupiter enters Cancer until June 30th, 2026. 

Our Cancer house EXPANDS. Collectively this will be about home and family and real estate. Jupiter is exalted in Cancer and he was debilitated in Gemini, so his move here is a BLESSING - maybe especially for Sags, Sag risings and Pisces, but everyone benefits. Taking care of ourselves and our homes and family becomes a greater PRIORITY. Stuff here gets BIGGER and BETTER. Safety and security and HOME will be where we get our greatest luck. Connecting the dots with our past/our mothers (sometimes fathers) will help. 

We are going to need to have faith in our roots/that they are exactly what we needed in his lifetime and what will benefit us now. Time to go home folks. 

Jupiter in Cancer will be answering to the Moon, so we will need to be looking at what the Moon is doing. We can expect our EMOTIONS TO GET BIGGER. Jupiter does well in Cancer because it is our emotional connection to energy/to others that really makes things happen for us. The theme of our natal Cancer house is already a space in life where we are more emotionally connected, so he isn't bringing added emotion, he is making what is already there BIGGER. 

When Jupiter enters Cancer in early June, he will move right into squares with both Saturn and Neptune, who will have recently entered Aries, so we know we will start out Jupiter's time in Cancer with some challenges. Squares are tension and frustration that require action. We have the benefit of astrology and will know this going in. 

SATURN - Like Jupiter, Saturn is a middle-planet, connecting the outer planets - Uranus, Pluto and Neptune with the inner planets - Mercury, Venus and Mars. Saturn is the son who killed his father (Uranus) and was later overthrown by his own son (Jupiter). This is something like chaos/change destroyed by stability/structure and stability/structure/stuck overcome by faith/expansion/risk. Saturn is the energy of everything that is physically real. He is limits and hard edges. He is father energy. Responsibility. Discipline. Hard work. He is the planet of contraction and lines that must be held. 

Saturn has been in Pisces since March 2023 and Saturn will be in Pisces until May 2025, then he will return to Pisces from September 2025 to February 2026 during his retrograde. 

Saturn isn't uber strong in Pisces. The lack of boundaries. The drifting off purpose. The weak authority. There is a reason Saturn rules both a cardinal and a fixed sign and an earth and an air sign, but not a mutable or a water sign. And Pisces is mutable water. Pisces in the LAST SIGN and Saturn in Pisces has been requiring us to come to terms with endings. Make peace with our pasts. Karmic chickens have come home to roost and karmic debts have come due. As we work with this stuff, life gets easier. If we try to avoid this stuff (and sometimes it is hard to see where our responsibilities are in certain situations, because we are working with really old energetics), life gives us obstacles and set-backs and pushes us into the tight corners that will require us to grow the muscles needed to get ourselves out. 

On May 24th, 2025, Saturn enters Aries. Here are our muscles. 

This is a sneak-peek of his longer transit in Aries. Saturn will be in Aries until September 1st, 2025 when his retrograde cycle will pull him back into Pisces until February 2026 and then he will re-enter Aries until April 12th, 2028.

Saturn in Aries gives responsibility to the young. They must work hard. We are all starting at the ground floor with something. Responsibilities and a need to grow-up/take something seriously and think long-term come to a house where we are more likely to shoot from the hip. 

We will have to take on responsibilities we are not ready for.  

Our self-esteem/self-worth - that we have been working on since Chiron entered Aries in 2018 - will matter. We will need to be assertive without being aggressive. Aries is naturally the sign of the collective first house. It's tricky to have Saturn here. If Saturn is in the first house of your natal chart, you would have had to grow up quickly in your first few years. Seriousness would be part of your earliest life probably through whatever was going on with your parents. Our Aries house has always been the space we have had to fight/work alone/compete/push for what we want if we are going to have it. With Saturn here, those things change. Now there are limits and rules and responsibilities. But there is also a father. Structure. Support. Neptune will be in Aries at the same time, so a dissolving father can be part of the story, too. We'll talk about that tomorrow. 

With Saturn (and Neptune) in Aries - Mars is going to be uber-important. Much will be on the shoulders of our young masculine energy. We will pay more attention to what Mars is doing. 

As I write this at the very end of 2024, Mars is retrograde in Leo and applying to an opposition to Pluto. This is the young king - who is pretty unsure of himself doing this backward thing - challenged by power (maybe the power of the people or maybe tech or AI power or the future itself). Although this is part of the Mars retrograde of 2024-2025 (the war comes home) and we had Mars oppose Pluto from Cancer and Capricorn during the U.S. election - we have not actually seen Mars in Leo oppose Pluto in Aquarius in hundreds of years. Pluto also brings plutocracy and plutonium into the mix. So, we will have to see what happens this week - what this opposition brings to a peak or ends in the collective. 

Mars will be a very important player in 2025. 

(this whole thing is making me think of Vance taking over from Trump and Trump's need to be careful and take care of himself - especially next spring - and in our own lives something like this, something about the growth and responsibility that comes from what we are not yet ready to handle and must - this is also making me think of Prince William who will have Jupiter and the Sun meet on his Moon next summer - we have the same 4 degree Cancer Moon, so I have noticed this. This is also tightly conjunct his mother Diana's natal Mercury and conjunct her Sun ...)

xo all - back tomorrow with Neptune, Uranus and Pluto!

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