Mars into Cancer 2024-2025 | the war comes home - part III - questioning the old bargains, all roads lead to november 3rd plus some U.S. politics

Part I is HERE

Part II is HERE

Pluto has just stationed direct at 29 degrees Capricorn. 

29 degrees of any sign is the FINAL degree. The planet's LAST STAND. It is a space of completion, but also, maybe because we feel there is something more that could be and should be done - a space of urgency. 

In Capricorn, there can be an urgency about getting something under control, accomplishing something or taking CHARGE. 29 degrees says it is too late, you missed this train. Wait for the next one. But we can't see this/don't want to hear it and we all know sometimes last-minute things can WORK OUT just fine and that next train can be some time coming, so maybe we overcompensate now or jump into something we have been procrastinating. How this works out for us depends as much about our own relationship to the planet, the sign and the 29th degree as much as it does about what we actually do.

In most cases though, a planet at 29 degrees is DONE, their mission accomplished.

Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008. And by November 19, 2024, Pluto will be out of Capricorn for the rest of our lives. And, yes, we have been back and forth over 29 degrees Capricorn multiple times - this has been (and this was echoed this year by TWO Capricorn Full Moons, one of which led to Biden deciding not to run again and, of course, this is happening in our own lives, too) a VERY LONG GOOD-BYE. 

Right now, Mars in Cancer - the polarity/opposite sign of Capricorn - is making his first pass through the middle degrees of the sign. 

He will reach the end of Cancer on November 3rd when he will oppose Pluto. Two malefic 29 degree planets facing off looks dicey. 

So, we will have Mars in Cancer - a space he is not functioning at his best anyway, and now at that anaeretic/challenging/'fish or cut bait' 29th degrees AND he will be in an exact opposition to this 'now or never' retrograde Pluto. 

BIG endings. Old power struggles (Pluto is retrograde). Challenges. FEELING THE PRESSURE - and Mars will oppose Pluto again with Mars retrograde and Pluto direct from Leo/Aquarius on January 3, 2025, so we pull this story, likely in a newish form into the New World of Pluto in Aquarius. 

Keep in mind, this first opposition happens on November 3rd, but Mars acts as a trigger, gets itchy and tends to INITIATE whatever he is going to initiate EARLY. And we have a testy Full Moon in Aries (answering to Mars) on October 17th in a square to Mars that just might give this whole thing an itch to scratch.

At the same time Jupiter, King of the Gods, has already stationed retrograde at 21 degrees Gemini. He is, in a way, OUT OF HERE. Juno has been in Libra since August 9th and today sits at 21 degrees Libra in a perfect trine with this retrograde Jupiter. We talked about that a couple days ago HERE

So, we've got Juno, the Queen of the Gods, in this perfect trine to Jupiter at 21 degrees Libra RIGHT NOW as Jupiter/her partner, kind of exits the scene in a way, and by November 3rd, just as Mars is reaching 29 degrees Cancer and Pluto is holding at 29 degrees Capricorn, Juno will reach 29 degrees Libra and form a PERFECT T-SQUARE with Mars and Pluto, 

so as they are both opposing each other, they will both be squaring her. And the Full Moon on October 17th is exactly opposite Juno. too!

Jupiter, having done what he has had to do in Gemini, starts backtracking - leaving Juno/his partner to head into this stand-off between Mars and Pluto ALONE. To manage things. To handle the battle that is coming. 

Biden and Harris BOTH have their natal Juno's tightly conjunct each other and conjunct the United States Ascendant - the U.S. Sag Rising making the United States an honorary Jupiter, among other things. Here in the United States one thing this astrology is saying is that Biden steps back and Harris/his partner steps up. Time is fluid/stretchy/not everything is chronological and Eclipse season is #over, #notover since we are in the energies for at least six months and we have that Full Moon in Aries next week that would have/maybe should have been an Eclipse, but just isn't, so this could have already happened (with the race/the fight) or be going to (with the presidency). 

Both Harris and Biden's natal Chirons conjunct the others' IC - base of chart/root of life. Chiron's wound thought to be unhealable in yourself but potent medicine for other people. That is so interesting, isn't it? Him made of her wound and her made of his. Her made of his medicine and him made of hers. Crazy, right?

President Biden's Chiron is also conjunct his North Node of Fate with Biden fated to play Chiron the same way President Trump - through his NN/Uranus - has been fated to play Prometheus giving fire to the people. Harris's North Node of Fate is conjunct her own Ascendent #simply, but #not so simply for her apparently with that 10th house foggy Pisces, requiring her to just play herself ....

And where is President Trump in all of this? He is almost certainly Mars in Cancer in this Juno/Mars/Pluto battle - Mars tightly conjunct his own Ascendant and with his natal stellium in Cancer, not a totally uncomfortable place for him. Fighting for home and country and himself (Mars first house) against the powers that be - that Pluto in Capricorn. Surely it feels like life and death to him, and maybe it is. 

Both Trump and Harris were born with Mars in Leo and something else that is happening on November 3rd - Mars is going to be at 29 degrees Cancer and then move into Leo. Fixed fire, a much more comfortable/powerful space for Mars, but remember he is only going to get to 6 degrees Leo, which is THE UNITED STATES NORTH NODE OF FATE - before turning around on December 6th. 

This isn't a story/chapter that just plays straight through. 

Also, on November 3rd, Venus will reach 20 degrees Sagittarius, just as Jupiter backs onto 20 degrees Gemini and into an OPPOSITION - so we have our two most benefic planets in an opposition and two of our most malefic planets in an opposition, on the SAME DAY!

And, at the same time Venus will be trining Chiron, the wounded healer, in Aries and 20 degrees Aries is also the United States natal Chiron/wound! I mean, you can't make this stuff up.  

And this is all happening about 48 hours before the United States election. In some ways this is a powder keg and certainly something BIG could happen and in another way something big is already happening with this election and the astrology is simply stating/showing us that this election is a POWDER KEG

Let's back up to Juno - 

the feminine energy at the focal point of this whole thing. 

She was the wife of Jupiter, the King of the Gods. She was also the daughter of Saturn, so Jupiter would be her brother - the brother who overthrew Saturn, just as Saturn had earlier overthrown Uranus. In the early 1970's when the Goddess asteroids were added to the ephemeris as their planetary bodies were discovered and synchronistically named - Ceres, Juno, Vesta and Pallas - there was a huge uprise in female consciousness on the planet. And just as Eris would years later get Pluto demoted when it became clear there were too many planets for astronomers to comfortably track, Juno's addition caused the demotion of the other Goddess named planetary bodies. 

Juno represents marriage and partnerships and contractual alliances. She is the archetype that speaks of powerful dynamics within committed relationships. She also speaks of the power we get through our connection to the real power (Juno became queen through her marriage to the king) and what we will do to hang onto that power. 

Married to the philandering King of Olympus, what does Juno do? Her wraith/jealousy is the stuff of legend with most of it directed at Jupiter's paramours or VICTIMS.

As the feminine energy rises and Chiron in Aries works his painful magic on the wounded masculine - we will see more and more clearly the way what is stuffed into pretty little boxes became/becomes ugly/distorted, controlling/manipulative. Can we hold space for the female shadow? We have embraced the Goddess as victim (#metoo), but that's the same old story really. Isn't it? That was easy. 

It's harder to look at the hard-edged female shadows. Can we look at the feminine energy's responsibility in this mess, too. 

With Juno wedged between Mars and Pluto, and her energy doubled down in Libra, our marriages/relationships (and this can be work relationships and family relationships), our contracts and agreements, our innate need for things to be in BALANCE becomes the space where things need to move or bend or they will break. 

Juno, the Queen of the Gods, held a volatile and complicated relationship together for centuries, but what did she lose through those battles? What did she become? We can see in the world right now the 'hurt (adjective) people hurt (verb) people' thing playing out in painful and DANGEROUS ways

Maybe we don't need to leap tall buildings to change the world. Maybe we can stay present to what is authentic in ourselves - Juno's ultimate lesson NOT to give ourselves up or make ourselves second in our relationships/not to turn into a monster either - BUT still be open and supportive to other people. The Pluto in Cappy world, that ends in January 2025, says that if I am right, you must be wrong. BUT as our relationships mature AND our edges hold their own unique shapes we find new ways to connect because we will see that when we are all (of us) right things become ALRIGHT. 

The North Node way-forward is in Aries. And we have healing Chiron here, too! Letting go of old projections and finding our SELF-FOCUS has never had more support. The connection we think we are missing is always within us, always available, but we have to drop deeply into the wound/the lack/the fear of losing to feel it. So, drop we might. Maybe as we bring our full attention to ourselves we are able to commit ourselves more authentically to our connections with others. We can still be supportive. We can still have support. We are meant to be IN RELATIONSHIP with other people so our rough edges are smoothed as we bump up against each other. But we aren't intended to totally change shape. 

If we can do our "Juno" - be supportive/partner - without the attachments based in fear/lack/'what we might lose' AND if we can do our Jupiter - accept support/partner or do our own thing, but still have respect for our partner and hold to a contract - we can still have partnerships, but the whole kingdom changes.  

The United States natal Juno is in the leadership 10th house at 20 degrees Libra, so conjunct the 2023 October Eclipse degree (and opposing next week's Aries Full Moon degree), exactly opposing the United States natal Chiron which transiting Chiron is hitting now EXACTLY. And Jupiter's station is EXACT on the United States natal Mars in the 7th.

So, the United States has a natal Juno/Chiron opposition in Libra/Aries, baked right in the chart and it is highly activated during this election cycle - I mean, again, you can't make this stuff up. I have Pallas conjunct my Cancer Moon in my 8th house, so am prone to spotting patterns and then have to figure out if the pattern is even really there :) or if I am imagining it (Neptune on my Ascendent and focus of gnarly fixed t-square and Jupiter 5th house in a tight trine), but this stuff is pretty obvious.  


And have I said Trump has a natal EXACT Chiron/Juno conjunction in Libra conjunct Jupiter!

The next post we are going to look at the election day and inauguration day charts and they are going to blow your mind. Yes, have towels and clean-up materials handy. And, if you are secretly thinking - and I won't blame you - cut to the chase with this election stuff "who is going to win?!" I will add here, that although I will post who I think will win or I should say what I think might happen, there is NO WAY TO KNOW THIS STUFF. 

Timelines shift. Our thoughts, actions, words - change things or what would be the point of this experience/experiment here on Earth anyway. 

The reason Harris and Trump have so many connecting degrees in their charts is so that whoever wins - we get the stuff we can't avoid. 

(Ukraine was Juno in the Goddess Wars - we talked about in 2022 - and Israel has a 19 degree Gemini Juno, so conjunct Jupiter during this time and the mid-point of Trump's natal Uranus/North Node and JD Vance has a Sun/Juno tight conjunction and a Chiron/North Node tight conjunction)

xo all

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