weekly astrology forecast | October 21st to 27th, 2024 - power struggles, secrets can come out, intense feelings and deep conversations, limits create focus

Last week we had the big Full Moon in Aries, so this week we will see much of the promise and the possibilities of that playing out.

TUESDAY - Mercury trine Saturn, Sun square Pluto, Sun enters Scorpio, Venus trine North Node 

THURSDAY - Mars sextile Uranus, Last Quarter Moon

On TUESDAY we can see there is alot going on. The Sun at 29 degrees Libra will square Pluto in Cappy - for the last time in our lifetimes - we talked about this in the Full Moon post - and then the Sun will dive into Scorpio (Pluto's sign) launching Scorpio season. Collectively this can be about tension or frustration within a partnership/agreement or secrets coming out about a leader/authority figure.

This square is tension/frustration - its intention is to TRIGGER CHANGE. 

A relationship or contract or compromise is threatened by what is underneath all the pleasantries. There is a shadow side to 'keeping the peace' or 'turning the other cheek' that comes into the light. This is about power struggles/imbalanced power situations. Competition. Manipulation. Trying to control other people can backfire. Keep in mind Pluto can make things feel like 'life and death' and we are dealing with that 29th degree of urgency and the planet's literal STRUGGLE FOR SURVIVAL. 

Not everything will be as important/dire as it seems to be, but with the Sun's almost immediate move into Pluto's sign, there is something here we will not want to ignore or gloss over. The Sun in Scorpio is almost always about FACING OUR FEARS. 

The way through? We have multiple trines today - smooth flows of energy/brakes off - that can help. 

We have Mercury in Scorpio trining Saturn retrograde. Mercury in Scorpio can see monsters and dragons in the shadows whether they are actually there or not, so the good news here is the trine to Saturn is a REALITY CHECK. 

This speaks of serious conversations or communications with authority that go well. Intimate conversations can stabilize situations, too. Secrets can come out. Commitments can be made. Boundaries/limits create focus and are HELPFUL. 

We also have Venus making a smooth trine to the North Node. Venus, the current ruler of the South Node/the past making a smooth aspect with the North Node - our best way forward is good news here. The way forward will be through Scorpio - intensity, intimacy, looking under hood and under the covers. 

There is a natural flow within relationships or finances toward a more independent, more motivating, more assertive, more brave, more ACTIVE future. 

Maybe the relationship imbalances that show up through the Sun/Pluto tension provide a launching point for the Venus/North Node SMOOTH PROGRESS. 

We are leaning into the new/attracting something else. New relationships. New money. Old relationships can be rejuvenated. 

On THURSDAY - Mars makes an opportunistic sextile to Uranus. It's time to step outside our comfort zone with this one. With Mars upcoming retrograde this will be a REPEATING aspect. Changes with home/family/real estate can move things forward. Making changes within your Cancer area of life or a home/family situation can make sense/cents. 

This is also the day of the Last Quarter Square Moon, happening as the Moon at 1 degree Leo squares the Sun at 1 degree Scorpio. The Sun is going deep/seeking intimacy/intensity/answers. The Moon wants to have fun/wants to shine. She needs attention and appreciation to feel good, so maybe this is some tension and frustration between our private and public lives. Maybe a secret comes out that dims the shine of something a bit. Collectively this aspect can take a bit of the shine away from a leader or public figure. Mars sextile to Uranus is the way through - 

it's a time for new action/stepping outside what is comfortable and familiar. 

Leo/Scorpio is also making me think about some spooky Halloween fun!

xo all - back with the crazy, almost unbelievable election astrology this week. 

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