today's astrology forecast | october 9th, 2024 - jupiter turns around opposing asteroid milton

The Moon went void in Sagittarius squaring Neptune at 1:53AM EDT. 

By the time you read this she will be in Capricorn - serious, sober, all-business.

The Moon's void was about an hour before Jupiter stationed retrograde in a tight opposition to asteroid Milton. Yes, there is an asteroid Milton and there is also a Hurricane Milton, barreling toward Florida. Tampa, Florida, the center of weather-forecasting's path of potential destruction as I write this, has a midheaven (point of attention, public life, so our eyes can go here) of 21 Sagittarius, so EXACTLY opposing Jupiter and almost exactly conjunct asteroid Milton at 22 Sagittarius. Talk about a perfect storm. 

(remember we had asteroid Helena tightly conjunct the Sun during Hurricane Helene)

For all of us, Jupiter's station retrograde in Gemini can delay information, communication, facts or turn the story completely around. It's a good time to RE-evaluate what we believe and how we want things to expand/grow. Jupiter will get all the way back to 11 degrees Gemini where he will station direct on February 4th, 2025. We talked about this in the weekly HERE.

Jupiter's retrograde is in an EXACT trine to Juno in Libra (Jupiter's wife, so this is about marriage, relationships, contracts, things that work best in balance). 

Jupiter's SMOOTH trine to Juno is EXCELLENT news for this transit, since the way things start are the way things go, and Juno is about to become the focal point of a gnarly Cardinal T-Square with Mars and Pluto. The trine is a good indicator that our Jupertarian re-fresh period - re-views, re-flections, re-evalutions, re-thinking, re-writing, etc until early February (and it will not be easy with that square) - 

will result in improved relationships, contracts and commitments. 

One caveat here is Mars upcoming opposition with Pluto, with both squaring Juno - that kicks off at Pluto's station in a couple days and will be exact multiple times (for the first time on November 3rd) tells us these IMPROVED RELATIONSHIPS AND CONTRACTS will come through tension and frustration and challenges. 

Another caveat with today's Jupiter/Juno trine is today's EXACT opposition between Juno and Chiron. 

Oppositions, like Full Moons, can bring an end or RESULT to a relationship, commitment or contract 

and, in this case, that trine to Jupiter would indicate this ending will likely be a BENEFIT to both parties, and will lead, over time, to something bigger/better. 

This opposition could also indicate that confronting a problem/even fighting (Chiron is in fiery ARIES, after all) can help to re-invigorate stale unions and old contracts/commitments and, over time, bring things into greater balance. 

So, it will be hard work to get where we need to be - in improved, balanced, beneficial relationships and contracts - BUT WE CAN GET THERE. 

With Hurricane Milton opposing Jupiter as Jupiter stations -

(planets are uber powerful at station, imagine you are moving your finger through a lit candle and you stop and turn around right over the flame. OUCH. You get the idea. And we have the planet Jupiter stationing/changing direction and Pluto at almost the same time this week)

and Jupiter being an archetypal stand-in for the United States (Sag rising Sibley chart) during a Venus/Mars/Saturn Grand Water Trine - there could be big lessons here for the U.S. - also MEGA HUGE opportunities for healing ....

xo all

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