weekly astrology forecast | october 14th to 20th, 2024 - time to keep a cool head, changes of fortune, relationship and contractual tangles and endings, and, for some, deep connections and intimate expansions

This week's energy could be the trigger to the early November POWDER KEG we talked about in the last post. 

(Trump needs to be careful. This energy is all over his chart AGAIN - hopefully his return to Butler, Pennsylvania, last week, the scene of his first assassination attempt gave this energy, with its repeating nature, something to work with.)

This CAUTION, because important things are happening, is something for everyone to keep in mind. 

It will be very easy to have conflict with other people now and then we get that Full Moon opposing Juno and some partnerships and contracts will be very challenging and even END. Juno is in Libra, so capable of bending and compromise, BUT, with the Full Moon in fiery and independent Aries conjunct Chiron triggering all kinds of old wounds this 'bending' will not come so easy.  

AND we have Venus making all kinds of moves on her way out of Scorpio including an opposition to Uranus - a break, break-up, breakdown, breakthrough. This could double-down on the Full Moon/Juno relationship or contract clash or could bring an unexpected expense or resource issue (which might all be part of the same thing). With Venus in Scorpio a secret or something that has been hidden can come out. Changes of fortune are possible and the road runs both ways. Benefits are possible, too. The best news with any Venus/Uranus contact is situations conspire to show us what we really value - WHAT WE REALLY WANT. New relationships and projects started now could be exciting, but might be short-lived with this erratic/disruptive energy baked into it. Venus's shift into the bluer skies of Sagittarius toward the end of the week should help.

Keep in mind that EVERY PLANET is going to change signs next year including the Nodes of Fate - this hasn't happened in hundreds of years so tightly together. Many situations in all our lives are going to change. This is about multiple areas of life for all of us. Know there are no permanent situations right now - stay open to MIRACLES.

Let's unpack the week!

MONDAY - Sun squares Mars, Venus opposes Uranus

TUESDAY - Venus trines Neptune  - BEAUTIFUL ENERGY

THURSDAY - ARIES FULL MOON opposing Juno, Venus sextiles Pluto then enters Sagittarius

MONDAY - the Libra Sun squares Mars in Cancer at 21 degrees. This is tension and frustration with a partner or another person about home, family, mothering, real estate - something with its roots in the past. Frustration can be motivating, but also make things dicey under these skies.

It will be easy to feel defensive, get our feelings hurt and react suddenly. Or pretend, with the Sun in Libra, that everything is OK, when it clearly isn't and then be moody and pissed off.    

21 degrees is (to me) Juno's degree, the number next to the power degree of 22, so imbalances within relationships will be stirring the pot. And this is all kind of echoing Thursday's Full Moon and early November's stresses. 

This week has a BIG Full Moon in fiery Aries answering to this same uncomfortable Mars that can take something today to another level - keep this in mind today. The Moon will be in Pisces meeting up with Saturn retrograde - take yourself seriously, big girl/boy pants on. We might have to do what we have to do instead of what you want to do. 

At the same time, and this can all be part of the same thing, Venus, at 26 degrees Scorpio now, opposes Uranus (STILL ON ALGOL) - it will be easy to 'lose our head' via finances - don't overspend - or relationships or over what we are sharing/merging. Secrets can come out and can be disruptive. Unexpected expenses (or sometimes sudden financial benefits) are possible. Oppositions with Uranus can bring breaks, breakdowns, break-ups and breakthroughs and like a Full Moon, oppositions can bring endings. 

TUESDAY - Venus, moving on from that tangle with the future/chaos yesterday - moves into a nice smooth water trine with Neptune. There is emotional flow here and the Moon in Pisces will add to this, joining up with Neptune and trining Venus. 

We are inspired. Intuitive. Connected. Maybe we are healing or coming down from yesterday's tension if that was hitting our chart. This can be about the way things never look quite so bad the next day. Or maybe this is the rainbow after the storm. 

This is a good day to heal - make art/music, get extra rest. Pray. Meditate. Neptune trines give us access to something bigger than ourselves, to compassion and universal love, to our ancestors/past lives and what has come before us. Venus in Scorpio doubles down on this. What is behind us, the ethereal realms, the world without boundaries - gets to touch benevolent VENUS, ruler of love and money. 

This could bring the easy expansion of something deep and INTIMATE. Love can be idealistic, can be intense, can grow without limit.  

Just keep an eye on any addictive tendencies and indulgences because they can expand, too. Water trines can allow us to drift off-course and undermine our efforts at times, so stay aware. The Moon is waxing. Keep moving forward.

WEDNESDAY - looks like the eye of the storm - no aspects and preceded by Monday's tension and Thursday visit to the HOT ZONE. 

THURSDAY - the FULL MOON will have its own post next.

The Moon shifted into Aries yesterday un-aspected, so today we get the Moon sextiling Jupiter retrograde (an old opportunity can come back around/old luck/old benefits), squaring Mars (tension, frustration and the need to take action, collectively this will be about home, family and the past) and then opposing the Sun and Juno (relationship results, culminations and imbalances).

Then by Thursday night the Moon is going void off a square to Pluto - transformation via power struggles and what ends or reaches a conclusion.

The Full Moon, October 17th, will have its own post next!

xo all

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