the astrology of the solar eclipse new moon in libra | part II - releasing old relationship contracts, the actions we take to feel safe, the season of the witch comes early

I did a deep dive into the Eclipse in part I HERE

Alot has happened since I wrote that post just a few days ago. The devastation of Hurricane Helene (second worse U.S. storm in last fifty years and Asteroid Helena was exact on the Libra Sun and South Node as the hurricane hit), Israel into Lebanon, Iran bombing Israel. We have a worker strike here in the United States at the docks with big implications for the economy worldwide. The election run-up has rolled on with the Vice Presidential Debate. 

This Eclipse season is no joke and it's not even the Eclipse cycle six months from now that CHANGES THE WORLD!

Soul contracts are ending. If we are smart we are releasing resentments over old relationships, over the ways we have not been treated fairly, over things that were not beautiful or peaceful. 

With Mars, about to enter his shadow degrees that he will be repeating over the next six months in Cancer (with some time in Leo) - this is about ANGER when we feel insecure/unsafe, a need to not react over-emotionally when something feels imbalanced or UNFAIR. With Mars squaring the Libra/Aries opposition there could be anger or irritation at other people when we don't want to look at our part in the story. When we don't want to take responsibility (and Saturn in Pisces answering to Neptune in Pisces really doesn't) for our role in the drama. 

The North Node in Aries asks us - can we grow/learn through DISAGREEMENT? or do we really want to kill each other?

Mercury is blown out by the Sun. Weak here. Jupiter isn't getting much further that he is right now until next year and we really aren't either (stationing retrograde on October 9th). Black Moon Lilith - a complicated energy of the anti-Moon is exactly conjunct the New Moon/Sun. Venus is 'in her fall' in Scorpio and answering to this awkward Mars in Cancer who is answering to the Moon. 

There is not alot of cushioning with this Solar Eclipse NEW Moon. 

Not many soft places to fall. The beds we are in are the beds we have already made. 

In LIBRA, this Eclipse portal is about old relationships and old ways of relating/doing relationship, old ideas about fairness and justice, old ideas about beauty. 

This is about our partners and the stuff we project onto other people because it is uncomfortable for us to OWN IT. 

With a powerful Solar Eclipse New Moon exactly conjunct Black Moon Lilith/the anti-Moon, with Mars squaring and awkwardly housed in Cancer and answering to the Moon and with the Moon answering to Venus, uncomfortable situated in Scorpio AND with Mercury tossed into the mix, too, and blown out by the Sun - we aren't thinking straight, there are things that are hidden, our actions to protect ourselves can come out in awkward and, maybe even dangerous, ways, but happening on the Moon's South Node, events and situations are FATED.

If Libra is all about 'keeping the peace ' Black Moon Lilith and Mars in Cancer are all about blowing that peace up if we do not feel secure/if things do not feel FAIR. Sometimes this can be a good thing - both keeping the peace and blowing up the peace - but with Eclipse energy, which is nothing less than a portal for COSMIC RESET - there is really no way of knowing. 

Any way that we make this cake/slice this cake - we can't know if there is a file baked into this thing that is going to save our ass or break our teeth.

We can get some ideas of possible Eclipse outcomes by looking at the Moon's path through Libra here. If we stick to the major planets - the Moon meets the Sun, the Moon meets Mercury, the Moon squares Mars, the Moon trines Jupiter (retrograde) and finally the Moon squares Pluto (retrograde). This is over the course of a couple days and the Sun goes on to do all these same things over the course of a couple weeks. 

The FINAL aspect being that square to a retrograde Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn - speaks of OLD POWER STRUGGLES. Again. This is the final aspect of the final Eclipse in Libra for nine years. Tension/ Frustration. An old power struggle! Again! So, how are we getting out of this mess?! 

Maybe if we look ahead to the day the Sun reaches his own square to Pluto we can see if there might be something THERE we can pull from the future into the present and work with NOW because the Sun and the Moon are in this New Moon Solar Eclipse thing TOGETHER. 

The Sun will square Pluto on October 22nd - this is coming AFTER the Sun will oppose Chiron, trine Jupiter and square Mars, so alot is going to happen before this final square to Pluto, but, still, let's take a look. 

Pluto will be direct by the time of that square. 

The Moon will be stronger/home in Cancer. The POWER STRUGGLE is still baked into the cake, BUT by the time the Sun (our solar energy/our ego) gets there, we will have Mercury at 13 degrees Scorpio trining Saturn retrograde. Verbal commitments. Written contracts. Adult conversations. Truth. Formal words and structured thinking and ideas. The trine is a smooth aspect - and with Mercury in Scorpio by that third week of October when the Sun squares Pluto our conversations, ideas and words are going to go much deeper. We are looking under covers/hoods. The dollars are being added up. Something that we only suspected at the New Moon is now getting CONFIRMED, or, at the very least, quietly and intensely focused on.   

The Full Moon that concludes this New Moon will come on April 12th, 2025 at 23 degrees Libra with the Moon exactly opposing the Sun and Chiron, together at 23 degrees Aries. Ouch.


Let's pull Israel into this story. That Full Moon in April that brings this New Moon to its RESULT will be exactly conjunct Israel's ascendent. So, the Sun/Chiron will be exactly on their descendent (partner or open enemy) and they have a natal Sun/Chiron, so this will BIG for them. 23 Libra is also the midpoint of Netanyahu's natal Sun/Moon conjunction and he was born just a few days after a Libra New Moon Eclipse 

(Kamala Harris was born on a Libra Full Moon and she has the exact Sun as Netanyahu, 27 degrees Libra!!). 

The last Libra Eclipse (before today) was in October 2023 - one week to the day after the October 7th attack on Israel. 

Mars was conjunct Israel's Libra ascendent (their ascendent is conjunct and the exact mid-point of Hitler's Uranus/ascendent conjunction), Jupiter was on their North Node in Taurus (which is tightly conjunct Hitler's Venus/Mars exact conjunction). Transiting Uranus was on their Taurus Sun. Transiting Mars was on their important natal Venus and the Moon passed over their Venus and midheaven. The North Node of Fate and transiting Chiron sandwiched their descendent (which is tightly conjunct Hitler's Mercury in Aries). Israel's chart has many connections to Hitler's natal chart and Hitler's chart has many connections to Germany's 1949 chart. Hitler had a Moon/Chiron opposition and Israel has a Sun/Chiron opposition. Israel has a powerful/lucky Jupiter, strong in Sagittarius and on the Galactic Center. Jupiter has been parked on the United States (a Jupiter ruled country and a stand-in for Jupiter) natal Mars - also Trump's North Node - in the U.S. 7th house of partners for what seems like forever as Jupiter prepares to station retrograde here ... also interesting that Israel's natal Juno (Jupiter's partner who gets her power through Jupiter) is at 19 degrees Pisces which is the dissolving roots of Biden's chart and where Saturn spent a great deal of time this summer as any control/influence the United States had over Israel seemed to be dissolving, too. 

The Eclipse today is the second and last Eclipse in Libra until 2033. 

It comes one day after the bombing of Israel and on the Jewish New Year and, once again, brings the world to the brink of an even larger conflict. This one is EXACT on Israel's natal Neptune/Pandora conjunction in their 12th house (the Eclipse is also conjunct Germany's natal Neptune and comes exactly 1 month after their recent election that brought the farthest right-wing candidate to power since the last world war). Neptune can easily influence the Moon and has a special talent for secretly invading the space of any unsuspecting planet. And, of course, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse two weeks ago that we talked about HERE, that was all about pulling us into the future, was conjunct Neptune (the Eclipse today pulls us back into present time). 

This Eclipse today is EXACTLY conjunct Israel's natal Neptune/Pandora in the 12th house. 

I saw this a couple months ago and wondered if they were going to unleash or be hit with some kind of biological weapon. More likely this is about the bombs hidden in the pager batteries (?) - a kind of  'calamity in a box' that gets unleashed. Something no one saw coming. That happened one day after the Eclipse in Pisces that started this Eclipse cycle a couple weeks ago. This degree is hot now and can be activated later by a transit and maybe especially when Mars eventually gets here. Not good. But the Pandora myth is complicated and Neptune is, too. Neptune also rules miracles. Whatever is happening over the next few months as all three outer planets change signs - the major players, collectively, are being lined up where they need to be. 

Our own lives are being lined up, too.

If your energy is low, give yourself a break as you need one. This Solar Eclipse New Moon is powerful cardinal energy to START and we only get four cardinal New Moons each year. When we get to the waxing crescent Moon in a few days, starts will be especially powerful. You will see that sliver of Moon in the sky and when you see it - think GO. Just remember there could be a continuous need to bring the thing that is starting back into balance ... and, keep in mind, some of the caveats we have talked about with this one. 


ARIES | Aries Rising - this is about new relationships and partnerships or a new chapter in an existing relationship

TAURUS | Taurus Rising - this is about a new work situation, a new daily routine or habit change, new health routine or diagnosis, maybe a new pet that is fated

GEMINI | Gemini Rising - this is about new creative projects - that can really take off next year when Jupiter stations direct in your sign - new romances, new relationship with your children, OPEN YOUR HEART Gemini

CANCER | Cancer Rising - this is about new situations with your home, family or mother or maybe a real estate or renovation opportunity

LEO | Leo Rising - this is about new situations in your local community or with siblings, maybe a new car or technology, be out and about in October Leo, take and make the call 

VIRGO | Virgo Rising - this is about new ways to make money, new purchases, what starts (or even stalls) now can really take off next year when Jupiter stations direct in your career/goal/public reputation house

LIBRA| Libra Rising - this is your Eclipse Libra, so what are you going to do with your superpower? Make peace with the past dear Libra and re-balance your relationships.  

SCORPIO | Scorpio Rising - this is about a spiritual or intuitive awakening, greater mental health and dissolving old relationship and relating 'stories' from your past, past lives and ancestry that have outlined their usefulness.

SAGITTARIUS | Sagittarius Rising - this is about a new group or cause, new friendship, your vibe will attract your tribe Sag, so let go of old groups and draining friendships that need to go

CAPRICORN | Capricorn Rising - this is about a new career, new goals and boost to your reputation, this is about what comes naturally to you/fits like a glove 

AQUARIUS | Aquarius Rising - this is about travel, media, publishing, teaching opportunities - refine your beliefs Aquarius!

PISCES | Pisces Rising - this is about a new merger, new acquisition, your partner's income or other people's money, an inheritance or an opportunity to go deep and commit

I hope something here is helpful. 

"The season of the witch comes early" will be part III and my personal experience with this Eclipse that I will leave up for about a week before deleting... which you will understand once you read it ... :)

xo all

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