Lunar Eclipse Full Moon in Pisces | a preview of 2025 - 2026, allowing the things that are falling apart or away to fall apart or away ...

This is going up a little late, but as an Eclipse colors the season more than the day, it is still very useful. As I write this on Wednesday morning the Moon has moved into independent Aries - everyone will need a little space. Mercury is opposing Saturn. Our words can be blocked or misunderstood. This could be trouble with authority. Listen, Speak intentionally. 

Venus is applying to that square to Pluto right before she heads into Scorpio. Relationships should be handled with kid gloves (what a strange expression, huh? not sure why I am saying it this way, but I will keep it in here). I hope we are using our time with Venus in Libra well because it is coming to an end ...

On Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 at 10:34PM EDT, the Pisces Moon opposed the Virgo Sun at 25 degrees giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon in Pisces. Close enough to the North Node of the Moon (in early Aries) - this one is a partial Lunar Eclipse.

The North Node will ACTUALLY be in Pisces from January 11, 2025 through July 26, 2026. 

But, the future is reaching back to us now, activating something now. AND we have the end of Age of Pisces with Pluto back in Capriocrn for only a few weeks. During our first Lunar Eclipse with Pluto in Cappy back in 2008 we had the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo (Sun in Pisces) and we end Pluto in Cappy with our final Lunar Eclipse - this time in Pisces with the Sun in Virgo. Have we changed course? Has something flipped around on us?

This Eclipse is about BIG ENDINGS that come over time and might have some loose ends ...

Before we unpack the chart let's just pretend the North Node is in Pisces right now, since it kind of is with this Eclipse. With the North Node in Aries I have been saying - become more self-sufficient, more self-motivated, yada yada. 

But let's pretend the North Node is in Pisces. With the North Node in Pisces and the South Node in Virgo - our physical health will be very dependent on our emotional and mental health. We are going to want to trust in something bigger than ourselves, get our head out of the details (which will be endless with all this Virgo) and drop fears around not doing things because they have to be JUST SO. Have faith. Develop your intuition and imagination. As we let go of our need for things to be JUST SO it will be easier to feel compassion for ourselves and others and achieve greater balance. It will be easier for things and situations and people that we need to find their way to us to FIND US when we release our need for the way things show up to be JUST SO. 

It's like we are at a train hub and we have 10 trains on their way to the hub (us!), but we really want that yellow train with the red interior and that train is hanging out at Starbucks waiting on a Pumpkin Cream Cold Brew. This is the end of Pluto in Cappy folks, the end of the Age of Pisces - if that train hasn't gotten here yet, that train probably isn't coming. The very idea of what it means to live/what it means to create was co-opted during the Age of Pisces by the illusion of one infallible masculine God waiting to judge us. This has made us afraid to try. Created an imagined hierarchy that doesn't work anymore. Our natural Piscean ability to connect with other people/ideas/situations to make better outcomes, has been deadened by our learned fear of being judged/of screwing things up. Perfectionism has never been so much about making anything perfect as it has been about making us safe and then safe havens become prisons. 

This sounds tricky, but only because Mercury in Virgo is a great overthinker. The Mercury/Saturn happening RIGHT NOW along with the Venus/Chiron is making me think about the ways we let others set limits for us or maybe we are creating our own self-imposed limits, but they are based on the opinions of other people. We always have to remember that we are the star of our OWN MOVIE. If it looks like someone or some situation has control of us, it's not so much that we have given them this control/ceded the center stage of our own play, as it is that we need to change the way we are looking at things. Stop judging ourselves. Stop judging the situation as limiting or weakening us. Begin to notice what else is happening. If you are not on that center stage then where are you and what can you see from there that you couldn't if your ass was in the driver's seat? 

So, now we have this big Full Moon Lunar Eclipse with the Moon and Neptune. And the Moon with Neptune can hold us captive in a world of endless possibilities just as surely as the Mercury/Saturn pulls in that stop sign/reality check. 


Let's unpack the chart.

The Moon is at 25 degrees Pisces and opposes the Sun at 25 degrees Virgo. 

The Full Moon conjuncts Neptune - never to happen again in our lifetimes in Neptune's home sign of Pisces. This is magic on steroids. Words/thoughts are SPELLS. Proceed with caution - which I would recommend - or let sh*t fly, it's up to you. 

The Moon sextiles Uranus and Pluto (some sh*t will fly and hit its intended targets - like pieces of electronic pagers, damn that is some scary stuff isn't it?). The Moon squares Jupiter making things BIGGER. Neptune, ruler of the lunation as ruler of Pisces is tightly conjunct asteroid Circe - more magic. The outer planets are forming a Grand Earth Trine. Mars squares the Nodes of Fate and forms a Grand Cardinal Cross with the Nodes and Ceres. Mercury opposes Saturn. Venus opposes Chiron. All the major players are IN THE GAME. It looks like big things are happening because they are. 

AND it looks complex because it is complex - something that Pisces is not so find of - and we will likely be asked to be compassionate toward ourselves and other people. Emotions will be running high.

The Pisces/Virgo opposition is about letting go vs battening down the hatches. The big picture we can feel vs the nitty gritty minutia we can touch. Lies vs facts. Faith and magic vs practicality. Compassion vs criticism. Vacation and relaxation vs work. Letting things go vs cleaning up our act. Addiction and self-sabotage vs a healthy routine. 

It's God/the big unknown vs the "devil that's in the details".

The Full Moon is conjunct Neptune for the last time in our lifetimes with Neptune this strong. In his home sign of Pisces. I would expect water situations. Leaks and leaky boundaries. Watch your intake of medication. Don't over meditate either. People with addiction problems are going to be especially porous ...  and keep in mind Eclipse events are events out of time. They work backward and forward. 

The Moon squares Jupiter making things bigger. We can take on too much/have trouble later with the delivery. This aspect is waning, so maybe we have already bitten off more than we can chew, but don't know it yet or maybe we took advantage of the Moon's sextiles to Uranus and Pluto and took care of business. 

The Moon's sextiles to Uranus and Pluto are applying. So whatever we are losing here - Eclipses eclipse something out of our life or out of our way - we are being freed up and empowered. It may not feel like this. It may hurt like a mother, but the reality is that we are being freed up and empowered. 

The Full Moon is conjunct asteroid Circe, a powerful sorceress who turned men into animals (we can usually be assured there is a woman to blame for bad male behavior in the stories of old) and eventually met her match in Odysseus. Something about her potions/herbs/drugs and turning men into animals with all this Pisces is making me think of the drug and alcohol crisis. STAY SOBER.

Think about what is actually happening - the Earth is blocking the Sun's light from reflecting off the Moon. To see this as an event where ENERGIES ARE BEING COSMICALLY REARRANGED should make sense to even the most practical thinker. 

Unlike a regular Full Moon where we get to see the big picture, with an Eclipse THE BIG PICTURE IS HIDDEN. Then toss confusing Neptune into the mix! 

The Mercury/Saturn that seems so stressful is probably actually saving us from ourselves.

The bottom line - there is always a surrender with a Pisces Full Moon and with this one, the Moon's other aspects are kind of reassuring us that what is meant to fade away will and what is meant to expand will do that, too. This fate train is just getting started. Next Eclipse in two weeks. 

That's all I've got. 

I think anything else I could say will just muddy the waters even more and I don't think it's my place to be doing that. 

I am going to look at Mars' long slog through Cancer next and that will pull U.S. politics into the mix, but I think we need to get a better look at what Mars, as us, will be doing in Cancer for such a long, long time.

xo all

I had to do something today, and I can't talk on here about what this is except to say I was thinking, "there will be hell to pay". But ... better to get this done now with Venus in Libra, than later with Venus in Scorpio, so I plowed ahead. 

If you have something like this going on, I would get on with it ...

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