weekly astrology forecast | september 16th to 22nd, 2024 - lunar eclipse in pisces that jumps the shark, big fated endings and results, surrender, losses that bring freedom and empowerment

We head into Eclipse season with a MEGA Lunar Eclipse in Pisces this week - which, yes, jumps the shark because the North Node is not even in Pisces YET and won't be until next year!

Eclipses will eclipse something out of our life or out of our way. 

With all the outer planets at the end of their signs - there is a huge unraveling happening as so many things are FINISHING UP. 

For now - this unraveling is creating space for what has been hidden to come into view. 

Imagine your sweater unraveling off your back and now we are all looking at your bra (and I hope for your sake, and ours, too, that it's not that old ratty one you wear when you have procrastinated laundry). It was always under there, but now we can SEE IT. We might see the world as more chaotic, divisive and destructive, but what is really happening is we are seeing more deeply. 

More clearly.

Has the world really changed or have we?  

Venus is finishing up in Libra - what can we make more peaceful, diplomatic, BEAUTIFUL right now? Mars is in Cancer and we are going to go all the way through Cancer - feeling every move we make - and then Mars will leave Cancer for Leo and then turn around and come back into Cancer. Mars in Cancer can make us feel more protective. More ruled by our emotions. We are searching for HOME (what we really value) and maybe what we will find by the time Mars leaves Cancer for good next year is some taste of the true nourishment life is ready to offer us once we have made some room for it. 

Mercury is home in Virgo for awhile longer - practical words. Plans that prioritize our health, daily routine, our service, even our pets. Be deliberate and focused with your words. Jupiter is answering to Mercury from Gemini and Saturn is answering to Neptune from Pisces. So much of the energy is mutable so stay flexible. Stay open. 

Let's jump in and unpack the week and then we will dive deeply into the Lunar Eclipse in the next post and then I will get a Mars in Cancer longer range post up. 

First Eclipse this week in Pisces (a little preview of 2025-2026), next Eclipse (jumps back into our real time Libra/Aries axis) in two weeks in Libra! 

Eclipse cycle here we go!

MONDAY - Venus opposes Chiron 

WEDNESDAY - Mercury opposes Saturn retrograde, LUNAR ECLIPSE FULL MOON in Pisces conjunct Neptune!

THURSDAY - Sun trines Uranus retrograde 

SATURDAY - Mercury squares Jupiter 

SUNDAY - Sun trines Pluto retrograde, Sun enters Libra, Venus squares Pluto, Venus enters Scorpio

MONDAY - Venus in a mad dash through her home sign of Libra moves into an opposition with Chiron in Aries - something hurts. Maybe we are feeling unappreciated. Maybe we are feeling jealous. Maybe we are feeling embarrassed. Oppositions are endings and this can also be showing us an imbalanced or uncomfortable OUTCOME. 

WEDNESDAY - Mercury opposes a retrograde Saturn bringing up an old situation with limits/authority, maybe bringing something to a head and we have the first Lunar Eclipse of the Pisces/Virgo eclipse cycle THAT HASN'T EVEN STARTED YET and jumps in here early because whatever is happening needs to happen NOW - is bringing, what might be a MAJOR culmination/ending. If it is, it has been slow/dissolving - we have seen this coming. 

We will talk about this in its own post next. 

That Mercury/Saturn speaks of a major reality check or old road block and the Moon/Neptune speaks of access to very real MAGIC. Mars at the bending of the Nodes speaks of a SKIPPED STEP. I can't wait to take a good look at this one. 

THURSDAY - now the Sun in Virgo is trining Uranus retrograde and applying to Sunday's trine to Pluto

This is about work/new daily habits that are smoothly empowering and pulling us into the future. Eclipses bring fated events and having the Sun move right into these smooth trines is EXCELLENT NEWS FOR ALL OF US. New ideas. New values. New/more healthy solutions. New work. A light on the new. A light on the liberating. FLASHES OF GENIUS. New leadership. A light on our real power. Doors can open. Windows can open. 

Both Pluto and Uranus are retrograde, so the new isn't totally new - keep this in mind. 

SATURDAY - now Mercury is squaring Jupiter in Gemini from 20 degrees Virgo - this can be connected to Thursday's big energetics.

Increased enthusiasm. Maybe increased luck through practical actions. Big conversations. Check urges to overpromise or exaggerate. Know that other people might be. There could be more to do, more to say, more communication and errands. Take a breath when you can.

SUNDAY - both the Sun and Pluto interact with powerful Pluto - back in Cappy for that one final rodeo - final goodbye to whatever started back in 2007-2008 - then they change signs.

The Sun has had a very busy week. The Sun is our life force/our ego. If he is busy, we are, too. The trine to Pluto is empowerment, something is falling into place. Then we leave "organization, service and health-conscious" Virgo for Libra - matters involving other people and the stuff we are projecting onto other people will begin to take up more of our energy/will begin to come into the light. Venus squares Pluto from her home sign on her way out the door. Pluto is retrograde, so this is about old power imbalances. Old mergers. Old merged finances. Old DEBTS. Squares bring tension and frustration and require action. Have we been giving our power away to someone or some situation? What do we owe and what is owed to us? Some very old books are being balanced over the next six months. Sometimes squares with Pluto can feel like life and death because they bring the intensity of 'before and after' type situations and create literal transformation. Then Venus dives into Scorpio and starts answering to Pluto. Scorpio Suns and Risings become more attractive/magnetic. Relationships become more intense. Financial situations can become more entangled and sometimes more lucrative. 


An Eclipse is a cosmic reset - much like a computer being turned off and back on. Except the computer is us and the program that uploads at restart is a little bit (or quite a lot) different than the one we ran on before. ECLIPSES CHANGE US, and we, (vibrating differently) change our circumstances by attracting or repelling what our new self/new energy lines up with. And keep in mind because Eclipses are fated events 'out of time' they can connect to events that have already happened. Often about one month before or one month after the actual Eclipse and then they unroll over about six months and sometimes even longer. We will need eyes in the back of our head and a pair of binoculars for this one. 

The fate train is leaving the station folks. Here we go!

xo all

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