the astrology of the New Moon in Virgo | September 2, 2024 - fresh starts with our health and daily routine, the sober endings of illusions, self-sabotage and escape, time for a clean sweep

On Monday, September 2nd, 2024 at 9:56PM EDT the Virgo Moon catches up with the Virgo Sun giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in Virgo.

Virgo encourages us to prioritize our health, to value quality over quantity, to be of service to others (not at our own expense though and especially not at the expense of our health), to care for our pets, to take care of the day to day things that make our life our life. It also rules co-workers, employees, our daily activities and our job/work plus the theme of our natal Virgo house.

The New Moon is a time when the skies are dark. It is the time of beginning. The seed goes into the ground. The sperm goes into the egg. The nail meets the wood. The thought meets the paper. You get the idea.

This New Moon in Virgo is so well-timed for back-to-school, back-to-work, back-to-ROUTINE. 

Focus on the details. How can you use your skills? How can you make something BETTER? Use commonsense. Do one thing at a time. Do your best. Know that it won't be perfect. Nothing in nature is perfect. Know that perfect isn't the point. During Virgo season we are sometimes charged with the tender work of facing critique, so that we can learn to allow ourselves to make mistakes. A focus on our daily practices during the Virgo lunar cycle - FREES UP STUCK ENERGY.

This is all general stuff that applies to EVERY Virgo New Moon. But, every New Moon is different and this one has its own relationship with the other celestial bodies, so let's take a look at that and what it can mean for us as this New Moon grows to Fullness over the next two weeks and then completes the New Moon in Virgo cycle in 6 months with the Virgo Full Moon - which will be an Eclipse (!). 

Let's unpack the chart!

The skies are dark. The Moon meets the Sun at 11 degrees Virgo. Saturn retrograde opposes the Moon/Sun from 16 degrees Pisces. The New Moon is perfectly sandwiched between asteroid Apollo, at 9 degrees Virgo, and Nemesis, at 13 degrees. Mercury, the ruler of the lunation as ruler of Virgo, sits at 23 degrees Leo (after his/her retrograde, so we have been here before) in a tight trine to Chiron and an applying square to Uranus (the changes ahead). Mars in Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. 

The Moon meets the Sun. A new lunar story begins. Every month a fresh start for all of us in some area of life. 

During this Moon cycle - the Moon meets the Sun (this is the first aspect, so in some way we are starting at the beginning with something), opposes Saturn (limit, reality check), squares Jupiter (uncomfortable expansion, optimism could be overblown, but stay positive), trines Uranus (smooth flow into the future or easily integrated change), opposes Neptune (face delusion, confusion, exhaustion, creative or spiritual challenges), squares Mars (cranking up our anxiety or motivation, the need to sort through information, etc) and finally trines Pluto.

That empowering trine to Pluto is good news for things started during this New Moon cycle to end well - with us in a more empowered space - but we can see with all these aspects the journey will be a bit choppy - plus we have that confusing and draining Mars/Neptune to deal with.

The New Moon opposes Saturn. We know this new beginning is serious/sober. Brings in responsibilities and shows us, likely, limits. Oppositions also speak of endings, so there is an ending coming from our Pisces natal house. Piscean endings often involve a sacrifice. This could be the ending of something we do by choice to get healthier or more organized, etc. 

Saturn in Pisces - March 2023 to May 2025 - has made it more challenging to feel steady. To feel safe. To KNOW WHAT IS REAL AND WHERE WE ARE. Rock solid things/situations are cloudy. Drifting. Dad is dissolving/drunk on the sofa/on vacation. Authority is either idealized or deceptive and either way, nothing is quite REAL. But toss Saturn into an opposition with a planet in Virgo and there is an opportunity to end some kind of excess. To firm something up. Separate the wheat from the chaff. Draw a line in the sand. 

Mercury, the ruler of this lunation is making his/her third trine to Chiron. So, baked into this New Moon story is the potential to heal very old woundings by not hiding our vulnerabilities. Not needing to put lipstick on a pig, so to speak. 

We have this fresh start where we are ending some kind of illusion, we are going to be healthier/more organized AND it is tied into a long story about an old wound. The trine between Mercury and Chiron is finished/has done its job and we are moving on. 

The New Moon is conjunct Apollo - the Sun God. This is echoing the Mercury in Leo/Chiron in Aries trine to me. Being our own light. Knowing we can be ourselves and take care of ourselves. Apollo was a student of Chiron and, like Chiron, mastered many skills. Beloved by the people and the Gods, Apollo was a bit of a God unto himself (interesting I just noticed ALL the men in my family have Apollo in Leo and none of the women do, wth little royal Sun Gods all of them?!). Apollo didn't marry. Had lovers and children (all of whom met untimely endings, so he produced no lineage), but, like our celestial Sun, Apollo stood alone. Was self-contained. There could be something about this fresh start where we must stand on our own. Be our own Sun. Drive our own chariot. Virgo doesn't require/expect applause, the sign, not necessarily the people :), because Virgo KNOWS he has done a good job. The New Moon is also conjunct asteroid Nessus. Nessus themes are a bit more gnarly and include themes of abuse, rape, revenge, jealousy, implied consenttrusting untrustworthy people with precious cargobetrayal, poisonthird party situations, things coming back aroundvery old karma. In Pisces, he makes me think of the ways we self sabotage ourselves. Certainly our life is created by what we ALLOW/what we put up with. Maybe there needs to be a line drawn in the sand with something here. 

I don't usually look ahead six months to the Full Moon in Virgo - when this New Moon cycle actually completes - but since I know the Nodes of Fate will have moved from Libra/Aries to Virgo/Pisces by that time and that Full Moon will be an Eclipse - let's take a look. The FULL Moon in Virgo will be a total Lunar Eclipse on March 14, 2025 at 23 degrees Virgo. Apollo will be at 29 Cappy, so where Pluto is now. Mercury will be in Aries and will station retrograde right after the Full Moon and will be conjunct a retrograde Venus, so the Full Moon then, which is the culmination of the New Moon now, is a repeating story. The Sun will be conjunct Saturn in mid-March - we get the Sun opposite Saturn now. The Sun will be conjunct the North Node and sextiling Uranus. It looks like a very powerful Eclipse. Mid-March looks big. 

So, to recap this whole thing - we get a fresh start in our Virgo house. A chance to make something better. Get healthier. Get organized. Develop a better routine. Clean up a mess. This comes through the release of some kind of illusion or self-sabotage or GUILT. This won't be easy. For most people, there is a reality check here. The party's over. The vacation ends. We pull our feet out of the sand or maybe we draw a line in it. Surely Saturn here opposing the New Moon, the Sun, Apollo and Nessus is offering us lessons in self-control. AND Mercury's final trine to Chiron being exact on the day of the New Moon, could, yes, make us feel more sensitive and easily slighted/hurt through words and information (maybe with Mercury in Leo activating feelings that other people are too loud, proud, getting too much attention, etc), BUT is also a final chance for us to integrate woundings around our ability to be ourselves/take care of ourselves via our own bold words and openness. Don't be afraid to shine - warts and all. Apollo sitting with the Sun and New Moon is going to make someone pretty shiny - why can't that someone be us? 

New Moon Guidelines

Set your intentions and make your affirmations for Virgo themes (or your natal Virgo house theme!) for the best outcomes - health, quality over quantity, service to others, attention to details, work, co-workers, employees, day to day activities, cleaning, organizing, pets.

INTENTION TIPS: Let the earth guide you this month, plant your feet firmly on the ground, clear your head, write what your physical self, grounded by the earth, wants - not what you think you should write. Write your intentions down by hand in script on a blank piece of paper, speak the words out loud, maybe burn the paper and give the ashes back to the earth - release your attention from these things knowing your intention is known.

Life has heard you. Know these things are already yours.  

xo all

I will do a collective post next. Uranus is strong and powerful now and stationing on dangerous Algol - conjunct Israel's Sun, opposing Biden's Sun/Venus, conjunct Trump's midheaven and Harris's Jupiter, and conjunct Facebook's Sun/Jupiter - among many others. Then I will get up a post about Mars' upcoming retrograde!

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