weekly astrology forecast | september 9th to 15th, 2024 - the blessings before the fated changes, love and luck, a beautiful week ahead for many with something for everyone

What magic is this week?! 

A Sun/Jupiter, a Venus/Jupiter, Mercury coming home to Virgo, Mercury and Mars opportunities, a strong Venus. Life is showing us the good/the blessings - WHAT WE ARE ATTRACTING (which you will be able to see by what shows up) before next week's first Pisces Eclipse that will shake things up and pull in the fated changes.  

Let's take advantage and enjoy this week! 

The best comes at the end of the week, but all week the good energy is applying and in play. 

Stay positive. Optimistic. Confident. Be social. Be generous. Make the call. Go on the date. Buy a lottery ticket! Eclipse season, which starts next week, is going to shake up our lives - let's give the energies something GOOD to work with. 

First, Mercury comes home to Virgo on MONDAY

This is extremely good news for all of us, and, in particular Virgos and Geminis (Suns, Moons and especially risings), and people with important natal and even progressed Mercurys in their charts - packed 3rd and 6th houses for example. Mercury gets stronger/smarter/more FOCUSED.

Because of Mercury's recent retrograde we have been here BEFORE. Mercury first entered Virgo on July 25th, so something from near that date could connect to this week. 

What have we learned? What have we fixed? What has changed/what have we changed?

We have been pulling the royal roots (Leo) of some situation - maybe, any sense of entitlement that is keeping us stuck or, maybe, the freedoms we have traded in for comfortable safety and servitude - in order to make something in our life BETTER. 

Mercury immediately squares Pallas in 'big-picture' Sagittarius, so there will be some tension between the details and the big picture. 

The forest and the trees. 

The nitty-gritty details and our optimistic hopes. 

Mercury in Virgo, as us, is older and wiser now. 

Pallas pulls some Sag fresh-air into our Virgo critiques and PROBLEMS. This comes in through a square, so there is tension/frustration. But, again, we have been here before, so we should be able to see which of Pallas's optimistic strategies and confident plans ADD to our success/get us closer to our goal and which we need to adjust/slow down/take our time with - in order to focus on those nitty-gritty details that Virgo just loves. 

I should add here that before Mercury leaves Leo for Virgo she/he makes an inconjunct to Pluto in Capricorn so this is some adjustment with work or authority/responsibilities needed BEFORE Mercury even comes home to Virgo. 

On WEDNESDAY, Venus, already at 15 degrees Libra - how is this possible? - inconjuncts Saturn, so we are making an adjustment within a relationship or with our finances due to a limit/responsibility or need for stability/structure.

This is also the day, Mercury, at 4 degrees Virgo sextiles Mars in Cancer.

This is two inner planets in an opportunistic aspect with each other in the early degrees of your Cancer and Virgo houses. Good for walking our talk. Taking action on an idea. Our thinking and our passions are in sync with each other. Pay attention to conversations/words and information now and 

Then on THURSDAY, the Sun, at 20 degrees Virgo, squares Jupiter. This is a square, but the kind created when something expansive/better is introduced that shakes up our complacency/routine. Is uncomfortable.  

Expansion. Optimism. Confidence. A time to take something further/get more. There can be rewards here. BLESSINGS. 

Keep in mind with Jupiter squares not everything will turn out quite as great as it looks like it will, but things can still improve/get better. 

You might need to exercise some moderation here if this is hitting your chart directly. The good news - the Sun in Virgo is now answering to a strong, and out-of-shadow (not repeating old steps) - Mercury, by the time we get this aspect with expansive Jupiter. BUT keep in mind this is still a Sun in Virgo - yes, we need to reach for MORE, but not a crazy lot more than we can reasonably handle if you get what I mean here. 

The Sun will move past Jupiter and still be in practical, detail-oriented "I must get this thing perfect" Virgo and we could be left with a HUGE to-do list and lots of pressure. Be strategic. 

By SUNDAY - Venus in Libra is trining Jupiter! 

Can things get any better?! 

People with planets and points nearest to 20 degrees of the air signs will likely benefit most. Here is where our relationships/finances are BENEFITTING from all the little things Jupiter in Gemini has been sending our way. Venus/Jupiter says ENJOY. Be generous. 


This isn't about effort and hard work. This is about what just falls into our lap. Be out and about and social. Relationships and finances can benefit. The Moon in Aquarius is making great aspects today, too.

Next week we start Eclipse season, so let's enjoy this calm before any storms!

xo all 

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