weekly astrology forecast | September 1st - September 8th, 2024 - the changes change, a fresh start geared toward getting healthier and more organized, more surprises or details about an old surprise

With two planets changing signs, one changing direction, a New Moon wanting us to clean up the mess plus a few squares and oppositions sprinkled in, it looks like a big week to me without even looking at it. 

So, let's look at it.

Let's unpack the week! 

SUNDAY - Uranus stations retrograde, Pluto backs into Capricorn

MONDAY - New Moon in Virgo (11 degrees), Mercury trines Chiron (third of three)

TUESDAY - Mars squares Neptune, Venus opposes North Node

WEDNESDAY - Mars enters Cancer (for a long haul

THURSDAY - Mars inconjunct Pluto

SATURDAY - Mercury squares Uranus

SUNDAY - Sun opposes Saturn, Pallas enters Sagittarius

SUNDAY - Uranus stations retrograde, Pluto backs into Capricorn - change is postponed, the future is pushed off, the United States Pluto return is back in play BIG TIME 

Uranus stations retrograde at 27 degrees Taurus (on fixed star Algol). Collectively, Taurus rules our money, our resources, what we have earned, our values, our self-esteem, the planet Earth. There is a change of direction now. Maybe a pause on radical change/liberation or maybe an intensification. Uranus is unpredictable - any unexpected lightning strike could take us in a bold new direction or remove all the excitement/energy from a forward-leaning project/situation.

For some people changes that hit unexpectedly over the last few months will slow down or be put on hold. If we are directly impacted by Uranus's back and forth over a sensitive planet or point in our natal chart - changes could intensify. Outer changes can be pulled into the inner realms to re-align, re-consider, re-work things. Also, to pull our past (including ancestral and past-lives) into our present. Remember, Uranus (modern ruler of Aquarius) is all about detaching us from what we no longer need/what is no longer working/what is standing in the way of PROGRESS by the fastest means possible. If we can't get there from here, Uranus will get us to where we need to be so we can. It is often uncomfortable because it is unfamiliar and sometimes sudden. Uranus will be retrograde for the rest of the year and will station direct on 23 degrees Taurus on January 30th.

At the same time, Pluto, already retrograde, makes his final BACKWARD entry into Capricorn (and my 29 degree Cappy South Node - ugh) in our lifetime, beginning the final leg of a journey we started back in 2008. Pluto will station direct - on this same 29th degree - on October 11th and then return to Aquarius, for a 20 year stay, on November 19th. 

So, from now until November 19th is the final de-construction of very old patriarchal/hierarchical storylines and structures. 

With both of these changes happening in earth signs, some people could experience seismic shifts and turnarounds with real world things this week - collectively this could be about finances, weather, career, authority, stability. 

The difference between this Pluto at the end of Cappy and last year's Pluto and the year before that - is we now have BOTH THE OTHER OUTER PLANETS - at the end of their signs, too. They are all helping each other out here with major endings and powerful beginnings. Neptune providing the anesthesia/diluting/higher perspective. Uranus, the swift kicks and lightning bolts sometimes necessary to come unstuck and PROGRESS.

MONDAYNew Moon in Virgo (11 degrees), Mercury trines Chiron (third of three)

The Moon meets the Sun at 11 degrees Virgo. This is widely opposing Saturn and tightly sandwiched between asteroids Apollo and Nemesis. Mercury, ruler of this lunation, is at 23 degrees Leo - direct now - and making his/her final trine to Chiron in Aries.

We will unpack this in its own post next!

TUESDAY - Mars squares Neptune, Venus opposes North Node

Mars, at 29 degrees Gemini squares Neptune in Pisces. I warned when Mars went into Gemini that his closing aspect would be this possibly disappointing/diluting square to Neptune. Maybe the results of our 'all-over-the-place' actions of the last few weeks with Mars in Gemini are not what we had hoped. We could be tired/drained/sick. Some will be lost in the sauce, trying to hold onto an illusion/addiction/escape. We could feel nostalgic/be looking backward. Often challenging Mars aspects to Neptune speak of market/bitcoin downswings, so we will have to see what happens here. Our words/actions could drift off course or require some kind of sacrifice to keep moving. Focus and initiative could be challenging. Slow down. Not everything will be true. CHECK YOUR FACTS. 

Squares to Mars from Neptune impact our momentum and are designed to check for leaks. Is this boat seaworthy? Is what we are doing/the action we are taking/the initiative and energy we are expelling solid and valid and worth it? Can we be swayed from our course? Do we patch the leak or toss the whole boat?

At the same time, Venus meets the South Node and opposes the North Node. We could feel drawn to the past. Old relationships and financial situations are attractive. Venus's opposition to the North Node in Aries (Mars sign) is, kind of, echoing the Mars/Neptune. Both encourage action over passivity, but it won't be easy to stay on track/task here.

WEDNESDAY - Mars enters Cancer

Cancer - answering to the moody Moon - is a tricky placement for action-Jackson Mars who now has to FEEL everything he is doing and with his upcoming retrograde from Leo back to Cancer he will be here for a VERY long time, finally exiting Cancer for good on April 18th, 2025. Yes, you read that right. 

Mars (action, initiative, anger, passion) is not quite so comfortable in Lunar-ruled Cancer where he is considered in his fall. Part of this 'considered in his fall' thing is because Mars is thought to be especially effective in Capricorn, Cancer's polarity sign. 

The challenge here is that Mars can't be all Martian - fired up and passionate and out in the world testing his courage, running onto the battlefield thinking only of himself and how good it will feel to swing that sword - when he has these pesky emotional Cancerian things to contend with.

Things like feelings (it's harder to take the instinctive action he needs to take when he has to feel his way through what he is doing instead of just doing it). And home and family and security (harder to be putting himself first when he has a family depending on him and harder to fight most effectively when he needs to stay alive to come home at the end of the day).

This stuff can make Mars like a pot of hot water ready to boil over at any minute. Like the too-young father who wants to be out bar-hopping with his buds - he is trapped.

Collectively we will be more security and safety conscious. We will be more emotional. We could be more focused on home and family, real estate, a renovation project, a home or family business. We could be taking action to be more protective of whatever we have going on within these themes.

Individually, our natal Cancer houses will experience more initiative, action, passion and anger. Where is Cancer in your natal chart? Wherever it is, Mars is not the usual way we deal with the things ruled by this house (unless of course, you have Mars there natally). Our natal Mars, and the house he resides, will be impacted, too. 

I will do a separate post on Mars in Cancer/Leo this week. Remember we just had Mercury retrograding from Virgo back into Leo, so Mars retrograde from Leo back into Cancer will be, in some ways, a continuation of that. Just know, people will be more fueled by emotion and prone toward taking things personally. Everyone will be more protective of home and family, country and roots. 

THURSDAY - Mars, at 29 Gemini, inconjuncts Pluto at 29 Capricorn

So, this is Pluto's first aspect now that he is back in Capricorn. Inconjuncts are rocks and hard places that show a need to ADJUST - our actions, expectations, words, thinking, etc. 

Mars has been in Gemini for a couple months. We have been doing multiple things at once or doing things OVER AGAIN. Maybe we were taking action with commercial projects, writing projects, sibling, local community or transportation issues. Whatever this 'seeing double/multi-tasking' has been about for us, it has always been going to end with this week's square to Neptune - nostalgia, disappointment, exhaustion, etc - and this inconjunct to Pluto - an adjustment to our relationship with power.

The Mars/Pluto inconjunct is a DISCONNECT between our conscious actions (and words and thinking with Mars in Mercury ruled Gemini) and our unconscious IMPULSES. 

And, happening at the 'hail-mary' play/'must' make this happen NOW 29th degree - we can come on way too strong or too controlling or OBSESS OVER A CHOICE. Conversations can get heated as old power dynamics are pulled into current circumstances. 

The Moon in Libra meeting Venus will help greatly. Yes, we can all get along. You want to be standing in your own shoes here/using your own words - asserting yourself and taking action with your ideas from a space where you know why you are doing what you are doing and why you are saying what you are saying, so slow down a second. Measure twice and cut once. 

That retrograde Pluto pulls in old hidden agendas and shadow stuff. Know this going in. 

Also know that all these 29 degree activated energies this week can make things feel like it is now or never. Like we have to do SOMETHING.

Sometimes it is now or never and we must act or speak up, but know taking new action from this space of endings (the final degree) does mean we miss whatever the next degree/the new will pull into the story. We leap and then see the elevator we might have taken. 

So, sometimes this 29th degree OOMPH pushes us to take action or make choices we need to make and have been procrastinating. But other times we push forward with something that is half-assed thought out. 

We need to know which is which. 

Mostly be sure there is not a hidden agenda here/shadow crap ruling whatever you are doing/saying. Stay in your own shoes. Know they won't be your comfy house slippers. The Moon and Venus together in cooperative/diplomatic Libra will greatly help. 

SATURDAY - Mercury, at 27 degrees Leo, squares Uranus 

Here is the surprising news/shocking disruption. This has been a repeating aspect. We had the last Mercury/Uranus with Mercury retrograde - that was the day Biden announced he would not be seeking re-election - and we have this Mercury/Uranus with Uranus retrograde. Maybe this is news/information that is shocking/disruptive. Radical declarations. Maybe this is new news about the old change from July. Plans change. Fixed ideas are challenged and changes can come at a cost. This could involve issues around money, security, values. We might be distracted and others might, too. Double check paperwork. Drive carefully. 

SUNDAY - Sun opposes Saturn, Pallas enters Sagittarius

The Sun/Saturn opposition we will talk about in the New Moon post. This is a reality check likely around work, health or whatever we are trying to clean up/fix/refine. Oppositions can bring endings/results. Sun/Saturn aspects are HUMBLING. They can bring earned authority and/or rewards. With Saturn in Pisces, results are not as long-lasting/stability isn't about standing still. And stable, is only stable, if we keep moving. We are swimming/floating. Not expecting things to stay the same is helpful. With Virgo/Pisces maybe we are doing the work and no one is noticing. You might be able to connect the dots to the Sun/Saturn meeting (along with Mercury) back at the very end of February when there could have been a commitment made or a reality check. 

At the same time, Pallas comes up from the depths of Scorpio and moves into Sagittarius. Pallas stationed retrograde at 8 degrees Sagittarius back in March, so this is our second pass through these early degrees. The strategy, that was maybe big and bold, but lacking on specifics, was delved into more deeply in Scorpio - we looked under the covers/the hood - and now we are back in Sag, with renewed optimism and HOPE. If this is impacting our chart and certain education or legal or publishing or travel situations have been under review or held up, they could start to move forward now.

I hope something here is helpful. It looks like a big week to me. Back with the New Moon in Virgo post that will really set the scene for the final two weeks before Eclipse season.

xo all

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