mercury direct, venus coming home to libra, a clean sweep new moon | the astrology of now and next

Sorry for my AWOL time with out-of-state family. I can never seem to coordinate guests, my business and this blog and the blog is the easiest to let slide a bit. But now, my guests are back home, my business's 'back to school' busyness is subsiding and I'm back (I sound like that bad penny that just keeps turning up or Schwarzenegger in Terminator - yes, I like that one better.) 

What have we missed? 

Mercury stationed direct at 21 degrees Leo on the early morning of the 28th. This backtracking from Virgo to Leo is OVER. We are in the home stretch where we take the actions or face the consequences of whatever we have re-thought/re-done or neglected to. Mercury stationed in a trine to Chiron, just as the Moon in Cancer inconjuncted Pluto (in Aquarius). Feeling vulnerable/easily hurt. Venus would have been at 29 degrees Virgo here - the sign of her fall - which wouldn't have helped. Relationship/financial stresses might have provoked hail-mary-type plays, late calls and the feeling of "must". The 29th degree also put Venus in an opposition to Neptune - something ends or concludes, an illusion dissolves. A sacrifice is needed. Maybe. That 'control' we thought we had, well .......

Then yesterday - thank goodness -  Venus came home to Libra. It should be easier to compromise/agree/GET ALONG. Maybe a few bridges, burned during Venus's nitpicky journey through Virgo, can be serged back together.

This transit (until September 22nd) makes Libra Suns and Risings, who are already naturally attractive, even more so - both physically attractive and more able to attract what they want/need. Everyone's Libra house gets more attractive, too (what house was Libra in when you were born? what is the theme of that house? Where is Venus in your natal chart? This area of life gets more attractive, too, as transiting Venus grows stronger in her home sign).

We will be attracted to what we find 'beautiful'. We will be attracted to what we find 'just'. We will be attracted to what we find 'peaceful'. 

And these are the qualities people will find attractive in us and our work in the world. 

These are the qualities we'll want to bring to the table (and yes, flowers, flowers would be a good thing to bring to the table, too) to attract whatever we are wanting to attract now.


If our relationships have felt too nit-picky/critical/austere - things will improve under this transit.

The potential for peace increases as we move from critic (Virgo) to diplomat (Libra). The potential for people pleasing increases, too, so balance is the key now. Making life too much about the other person is Libra's shadow side. It's easier, or sometimes, ahem, lazier, to just give in to something to have "harmony" than to work out the win-wins or half-assed win-wins that are sometimes required. 

We need to honor ourselves as well as the other person.

In Libra, there is power in groups and alliances - but the emphasis (for now) is on the shared human experience of connection rather than on what might emerge later. It's not the time for thinking about how it will all play out, what we are getting or giving. There is Scorpio season for that. It's just the time for the experience. We come into real harmony when we can see each other clearly. We don't have to always agree with each other. Agreeing isn't step two or even step one hundred and two. 


These days, it's easy to forget that ...

Venus in Libra immediately trined Pluto in Aquarius powering up this whole thing. 

Then tomorrow - Saturday - Mars in Gemini is going to be exact in an opportunistic sextile with Uranus. Change is good. New action is good. New words are good/bring the potential for success. Doing two things and once or twice - all carry the potential for positive change. DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT/slightly uncomfortable. Act differently. Talk differently. Read something else. Talk to someone new. 

OK, we are up to date and I am going to start the September now. It kicks off Sunday as Uranus stations retrograde and Pluto backs into Capricorn - YES, FOR THE LAST TIME. 

We will talk about all this next PLUS the New Moon in Virgo the very next day that looks like a very interesting one - last New Moon before Eclipse season and it will conclude in 6 months in an Eclipse, so we'll look at that, too.

xo all

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