august gets hotter | Part V - August 18th, seeing where we are, shocking and destabilizing news designed to change our focus

It's Sunday. The Full Moon is TOMORROW. 

The Moon is in logical/detached Aquarius. She trines Jupiter in Gemini. Choices. Options. Optimism. Luck. Bigger is better. Take a chance 

(which is different than a risk and we are in the midst of this cray-cray Mutable T-Square for about another week, so if you have planets or points between approx. 16 and 20 degrees of the mutable signs - Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces - take a breath and slow down if you can't tell which is which).

The Sun reaches 26 degrees Leo and catches up with our retrograde Mercury - our backward thinking, whatever is held up or being revised. 

This is Mercury's inferior conjunction, the part of Mercury's cycle that is similar to a New Moon/fresh start. Mercury then squares Uranus - CHANGE OF PLANS, SHOCKING NEWS (with Uranus in Taurus changes often have financial/resource/values and self-esteem themes - our security can be SHOOK), this is part two of the three-part Mercury retrograde story with Uranus this summer and might connect back to 'earth shaking' events from near July 21st 

(This was the day that Biden dropped out of the Presidential race via a letter posted to social media and makes me wonder if this second Mercury/Uranus is when he steps down entirely - the Sun/Mercury on his painful and powerful North Node/Chiron or if that will be nearer the final Mercury/Uranus on September 7th. July 21st was also within hours of the Trump/Vance first rally together and I have been wondering if Vance is going to stick. A better pick for him would surely have been Tulsi Gabbard, I am not sure what party she is now if any, with her chart and ancestral/chart connection to the Native American energy and I will talk about this in the upcoming political post and also the Full Moon post tomorrow which connects to the Indian Removal Act of 1830 and how this all connects to the current immigration situation in the world.)

Then Mercury (retrograde) catches up with Vesta. 

So, Mercury/Sun is a light on what this Mercury retro cycle has been about for us. HERE is a beginning with its feet in CLARITY. We know what we know. Happening in fiery Leo - this is about our heart, what our heart wants, the way we shine, the way we love, the way we are designed to DO OUR SUN, our natal Leo house theme. Insights about what we are re-vising, reviewing, re-doing are likely as well as information about what has been 'in the shadows'. 

Then there is Mercury's almost immediate or simultaneous square with Uranus - SHOCKING NEWS that is potentially destabilizing. 

This can also show up - because Mercury is conjunct Vesta (sacred focus/what is keeping us up a night) at the same time - as a situation/conversation/news, etc, that allows us to see that something is not quite so "Leo/royal" as we think it is. Maybe this thing that has been keeping us up at night is not so much what our heart wants/not quite so BRIGHT. The Sun slips. Father falls. The emperor has no clothes. The honeymoon is over. Squares bring the tension/frustration that create CHANGE/force action.

This is all part of the Full Moon in Aquarius on Monday - the RESULT/ENDING that involves a crisis of disruption, forced DETACHMENT and LIBERATION - that pulls us into the new future. 

We'll talk about the Full Moon in the next post. 

xo all

(keep in mind astrological aspects, other than the lunar aspects that are very fast moving do not always happen exactly on the day I write about them, since I am writing when they are most exact - things happen as aspects apply and unwind, too, so use the dates as a guide to timing and sequence, but know they are not always totally tightly tied to events down here)

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