weekend astrology forecast | August 23rd - 25th, 2024 - a very healing and very Mercury weekend, a comfortable and comforting start and then expect lots of talk and information and sibling stuff and local community and tech and transport stuff and going here and there

On FRIDAY - Mercury retrograde makes his second trine to wounded healer Chiron as the Moon in Taurus trines the Sun in Virgo - yes, the Sun has joined Venus in Virgo. Sorry summer (as much as I love the fall season, I am hanging on to summer by my fingernails for as long as possible over here). 

The Moon's trine to the Sun is this month's Waning Trine. Part of the potential/promise of last week's Full Moon. Taurus and Virgo are practical signs. We work, we make money. We have money/resources, we spent it in useful ways. We fix the things we own. It's nuts and bolts stuff - you get the idea. Things go smoothly when our attention/our emotions are focused on these kinds of details. Things that make sense/cents.

Mercury first trined Chiron back in the middle of July. There was alot going on then. Mercury is back in Leo now, so this is about a loud/proud conversation or idea or information. This could also take the conversation back to a person/situation/creative project that we once loved. Going back here with our thoughts/words is healing if we can keep it in the Leo-vibe of fun/sun/generosity. Loving something/someone as they are/were. And ultimately with Chiron in Aries - loving ourselves. 

On SATURDAY - the Moon continues to move through Taurus. We are nurtured/nourished by traditionally nourishing things. Good food, a hot bath, warm towels, a soothing touch. Think comfort here. She makes a bunch of aspects - mostly smooth - before going void late Saturday evening EDT off an opportunistic sextile to Neptune. After some kind of kerfluffle in the morning - expect things to go well. 

Now Mercury retrograde is sextiling Mars and Mars is sextiling Chiron. We are busy/moving, conversations are happening. Ideas are flowing. We are making quick (not super important) decisions and choices. This opportunity with Chiron says that although healing comes by facing and dealing with wounds and vulnerabilities this doesn't have to be some big heavy thing. Keep things light. Add humor.

And finally on SUNDAY - the Moon moves into Gemini and squares the Sun. 

This is the midpoint between last week's Full Moon in Aquarius and our upcoming Virgo New Moon. The square is Gemini/Virgo - Third Quarter - so both signs are answering to our retrograde Mercury. Whatever this tension or frustration is - this won't be a totally new conversation or idea or sibling/local community/tech/transportation PROBLEM - we've been here before. The Sun wants to help/fix/be practical. The Moon wants to talk/go/have options. There is tension/frustration. The need for action, sometimes a pivot. 

This is the Moon's only aspect until Monday's square with Saturn. There can be challenging decisions and questions. Maybe one person wants to be practical and take care of a problem or not overspend, etc, and another person wants to keep it light, do different things, not deal with practical things right now. Maybe both these people are us. Sometimes Gemini/Virgo squares bring in new choices that muddy the waters. We were going to do this and now there is another option, or two, over there. We will just do the best we can with this knowing the New Moon in practical Virgo is coming and there could be something important here. 

I hope something here is helpful/healthful (Sun in Virgo now!). Enjoy your weekend!


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