august gets hotter | part III - August 16th, limits and consequences

So now Mars, who has been outpacing Jupiter, is starting to pull away from their conjunction just as Mercury gets off that 29th degree of Leo - both energies can feel like "I must do this NOW" or like we haven't done enough or gotten far enough. This can ease up.

At the same time Mars reaches his exact square to Saturn. So, there is a limit, a reality check, a CONSEQUENCE. Saturn is retrograde in Pisces, so these 'results' are most likely to be based on old actions. Or maybe if we have just recently taken something too far here is where we come down to earth a little or a lot. 

Mars met Saturn back on April 10th at 14 degrees Pisces and started a new chapter (we talked about that HERE), so this is the opening square of that meeting. A crisis point that MUST be addressed. We either need to work harder or revise responsibilities and commitments or we need to STOP. Pisces can also sometimes pull in the need for a sacrifice.  

(in world events on April 10th the New York Times was reporting news that included Biden rebuking Netanyahu, Iran smuggling arms to Gaza, Europe shifting away from gender medications for youth, Xi meeting with Putin, Arizona reinstating their abortion ban, Trump was campaigning and stated he would not sign a federal abortion ban)

It could be that the entire Mars/Jupiter situation, however this has been playing out for us personally, since it is happening in Gemini and applying to this sober Saturn square, never really got off the ground - we talked about it or thought about it, but the dragons in the distance (potential problems or current lack) kept us from taking the expansive actions we needed to take. 

If we did take action with Saturn here, in this tense/frustrating position, but also in a position to make our efforts REAL - maybe we get it and regret it (likely because it's too much), or something like that. Or maybe this is where we actually have to do the work we said we would do.

There is also the chance that Saturn - depending on our natal relationship with Saturn/father - brings in some old luck here, something we were owed or our ancestors were. Saturn will also narrow those Jupiter in Gemini possibilities DOWN which is not a bad thing. There are lots of possibilities all of which likely involve FEELING THE PRESSURE.

(that makes diamonds, yes, but also that crushes skulls, so let's take care of ourselves this week and next)

This is also the day the Sun reaches 24 degrees Leo and moves into a square with Pallas in Scorpio. Pallas in Scorpio can be manipulative/secretive. Backdoor dealings/hidden machinations are pulled into the light and this creates tension and frustration or the backdoor dealings/hidden machinations/power moves are interfering with our ability to shine/do our Sun. Something here for Trump with his 23 Leo Ascendent and Harris with her 21 Leo Mars. 

The way through these challenges is our Cappy Moon. She is trining Venus and sextiling that retrograde Saturn today. Don't be too emotional with whatever you are dealing with. Think long-term. Be responsible. Practical. Do your job. Who's the boss of you? You are.  Keep in mind the Mutable T-Square - stay flexible.

We'll look at the Full Moon in Aquarius next!

xo all

I would be remiss not to mention, although I don't want to dwell on this, the possibility of dangerous situations anytime we have two malefic planets in contact with each other. Drive safely. Don't get into any verbal arguments if you can avoid them. Take care with medications, alcohol, etc. Be smart. Stay safe. World events could be rocky. 

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