the astrology of the Full Moon in Aquarius | part VI - august 19th, 2024 - sudden endings, headless chickens, results and consequences, tests of faith, not getting everything you want, moving into the future ready or not

So, the energetic signatures of the last week that I have been writing about daily have been building to THIS.

On Monday, August 19th, the Aquarius Moon opposes the Leo Sun at 27 degrees. 

Here we go!

Remember we have just had a VERY UNUSUAL two Capricorn Full Moons in a row. We have had plenty of time to prepare for this ending, result or consequence. We had multiple chances to make a graceful exit. 

Every Aquarius Full Moon is the polarity of me (Leo) vs them ie the group, crowd, the "other" (Aquarius). This is by cosmic design. The king trips. The people storm the gates. What is 'attached' in Leo becomes 'detached' in Aquarius.

This one is happening in a tense/frustrating CHAOTIC and EXACT square to Aquarius modern ruler Uranus in Taurus who is conjunct fixed star Algol (the third eye of Medusa). Uranus is now at 27 degrees Taurus where he has not been since the rebellions of the 1700's. Uranus, along with the lights, the Sun and Moon is forming a FIXED T-SQUARE

With Uranus on Algol - heads will roll. In some way or another WE ARE ALL LOSING OUR HEADS. 

Jupiter in Gemini reaches his exact square to Saturn at the same time - this is a threepeating aspect that concludes in June 2025 through Cancer (home/family/country) and Aries (independence, self-sufficiency, the need to fight or stand up for ourselves). We have Jupiter/Zeus the benevolent King of the Gods challenged by Saturn/father the king of reality. Or maybe we should say Saturn is challenged by Jupiter. We know how this eventually ended (spoiler alert - Jupiter defeats his father in the end, reality expands), but for now, we have the first BATTLE. 

This is the story of our middle-planets forever and ever job of expansion (Jupiter) vs stability/contraction (Saturn). This is a recurring test (Saturn) of faith (Jupiter).

Jupiter and Saturn are squaring each other AND Jupiter is squaring Venus (amplifying what we want) and Saturn is opposing Venus (saying no, you aren't getting what you want). Here is the MUTABLE T-SQUARE we have been talking about. Exact now. Mercury is retrograde and just hours before this Full Moon has had his/her pow-wow (inferior conjunction) with the Sun and Vesta. We talked about this HERE. This is all part of this Full Moon's story. What is the chance we are going to have a Full Moon in future-focused/other-focused Aquarius happening with Mercury retrograde and Vesta conjunct the Sun in a square to Uranus just as Jupiter squares Saturn and Venus opposes Saturn and squares Jupiter. 

WTF people. Stay humble. I will, too, and I am surely not about to say I know what the hell is happening. I don't.

First, that Fixed T-Square with Uranus at the apex is SUDDEN CHANGE. Trauma. Endings. Liberation. This is fixed energy, so there will be no leeway here/no way out/no compromises. Leo is dramatic and things can be explosive.

With the Sun conjunct Vesta if we are focused intently on something/if something is keeping us up at night - Uranus will snap our head in another direction - OUR ATTENTION SHIFTS. Happening late in the game and with a powerful Full Moon, it is likely that something is over. 

And, we want to allow our attention to shift/our ego attachment to detach since Uranus/Algol can both literally and metaphorically snap our neck and then we run around like a headless chicken. Saturn's square to Jupiter and opposition to Venus in Virgo speaks of limits and endings, too. Venus also pulls in our relationships, our resources and money, our values and self-esteem and through Virgo - our work, health, pets. We are not getting everything we want. 

Jupiter and Saturn are going to square THREE TIMES.

August 19th, 2024 - with Jupiter at 17 degrees Gemini and Saturn, retrograde, at 17 degrees Pisces - happening at a Full Moon in Aquarius squaring Uranus with the Moon on the United States Moon (the people).

December 24th, 2024 - with Jupiter retrograde at 14 degrees Gemini and Saturn at 14 degrees Pisces

June 15th, 2025 - with Jupiter at 1 degree Cancer and Saturn at 1 degree Aries (Jupiter will then quickly square Neptune at 2 degrees Aries) - this is the meeting with all planets direct. This final square will be with Saturn EXACT on the IC (roots/home) of the United States chart and Jupiter tightly conjunct the U.S. 10th house (authority, reputation, career) ruling Venus in the 7th (partners). 

This Full Moon is a HUGE launching pad for the 2024 - 2025 Jupiter/Saturn (tests of faith, expansion vs contraction) storyline. The Jupiter/Saturn squares are a normal part of Jupiter and Saturn's never ending cycle. This particular story started back at the Winter Solstice of 2020 when Jupiter met Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius - and "the world started back up again". Venus met Mars at 0 degrees Aquarius in March 2022 and our relationships really started to DETACH/need more space. They met again in Aquarius in 2024 and they will meet in Capricorn in 2026 (this happens with both Venus and Mars conjunct the Sun and opposing Jupiter, so more stability within relationships/doing what needs to be done) before Venus and Mars meet on the Galactic Center with the North Node and Pluto conjunct in Aquarius in 2027. Relationships between men and women will probably be looking quite different by then. Anyway, I am getting off track with this.

For now - big girl/boy pants on. Saturn is the ancient ruler of Aquarius - respond with dignity. Stay flexible. Trust life. Bigger hands than ours are steering this ship. Know that if you are the one blowing something up you had better be doing it responsibly. Endings are karmic. EVERY ENDING IS ALSO A BEGINNING. With Mercury retrograde, this ending/this beginning can be familiar. We have been here before. If life is pointing your head in an old direction, see what is back there. We are at the mid-point of the Mercury retrograde cycle and Mercury has taken us back to Leo/back to our heart/back to our royal roots/back to what we once loved FOR A REASON. 

I am going to write a political post next and I think the energy of this summer and fall and this Full Moon will become even clearer when we look at some public figures. 

This Full Moon energy will color the week ahead just as my last few days' postings brought us to this post, so I probably won't repeat all this. I will do a post for later in the week as the Sun goes into Virgo, Venus squares Mars (their opening square from their last Aquarius conjunction/start - this one is Virgo/Gemini, so very Mercurian, and remember Mercury is retrograde so we are looking backward/re-vising/re-viewing, etc - we'll talk about this in another post) and Mercury's second trine to healing Chiron. 

So back with that political post, hopefully Sunday night or Monday morning since the Democratic Convention kicks off right on this Full Moon on MONDAY!

xo all

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