august gets hotter | part II - August 15th, grand fire trine

On August 15th, the Moon continues her journey through Sagittarius. She trines the Sun, squares Neptune and goes void off a trine to Mercury. She will be void from 12:52PM EDT to 1:51PM EDT when she moves into Capricorn where she will help us through some gnarly planetary machinations by making all smooth aspects for the next couple days.

Today's Moon trine Sun is this month's Waxing Trine - Sag/Leo. 

Chiron in Aries trining both amplifies the whole thing into a Grand Fire Trine. Here is the integrated and accessible healing of old wounds via faith. optimism, courage and CONFIDENCE. 

With both our lights, the Sun and Moon, trining Chiron here is a chance - with the Mutable T-Square also in play - to CHANGE THE WAY WE SHOW UP. To change the way we fill the space our solar energy is designed to fill. To be the star and take the center stage of our own life. To use the gifts we have been given, especially if we have been hiding them or grown out of touch with them through fear of standing up or standing out. 

This speaks of being ourselves and knowing we can take care of ourselves. Being open and honest and out there about our vulnerabilities/what hurts makes all of us STRONGER. This aspect can also speak of recovery from an actual illness. Something is falling into place here. 

The Sun is conjunct asteroid Achilles. Our Sun is our living being/our vitality. He is strong in his home sign of Leo now, so his aspects are more impactful. 

Achilles was a student of Chiron whose mother Thetis tried to give him immortality by dipping him in the River Styx in Hades - the ankle she held during this "dip" left forever vulnerable and this would be exactly where Paris would later shoot him with an arrow (aided by Apollo) to avenge the death of his brother Hector. The term "Achilles heel" speaks of our weak spot/vulnerability and Achilles sitting with the Sun now is repeating the Sun/Chiron light on a wound or weakness (Chiron was also shot in the foot with an arrow, so maybe also something here about not shooting ourselves in the foot).

We talked in the Mercury retrograde post HERE about Mercury making repeating trines to Chiron during his retrograde (in play now) and, today, we have this month's Waxing Trine between the Moon and Sun pulling Chiron into a Grand Fire Trine! 

This is not a coincidence, but how life works. It always amazes me. 

Chiron's orbit is between Uranus (his grandfather) and Saturn (his father). The asteroid travels far into Uranus's realm and picks up energetically our subconscious memories (in evolutionary astrology Uranus is associated with subconscious memories that we experienced as traumatic in prior lives, these could also be ancestral traumas) and relays these energies to Saturn/reality - pulls them into our physical life. Maybe he takes on our pain just as the mythological Chiron did for Prometheus when he got him off that damn rock. Yes, Chiron is kind of the Jesus of mythology.  

"the wound is the place where light enters you" ... Rumi

And we can flip these words around and say - the space the light gets in/the space where we are enlightened there is a wound. Does it help to look at it this way, too?

We'll just leave it there for now. Chiron is our natal chart is a very deep, very old wound. It precedes us and is part of what we come from and come here to work with and is very active during these pivotal mid-month energies.

Tomorrow Mars will reach his exact square to Saturn. Limits, consequences, reality checks. This is already in play. We will talk about this tonight. 

I hope something here is helpful.

The weekly is HERE

xo all

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