weekly astrology forecast | August 12th to August 18th, 2024 - extremely important two weeks ahead, tension, test of faith, sh*t gets real

MONDAY - Moon squares Sun

WEDNESDAY - Mercury backs into Leo, Mars conjuncts Jupiter

THURSDAY - Sun trines Chiron

FRIDAY - Mars squares Saturn

SUNDAY - Mercury squares Uranus, Sun conjuncts Mercury retrograde

This is a tricky and challenging week and pulls us into next week's HUGE aspects. 

Some things to keep in mind:

MERCURY IS RETROGRADE. So, we are either returning to an old situation/conversation/idea, etc OR something happening now can turn around on us in a week or so when Mercury is direct. We can change our mind or someone else can. This week he/she (as us) returns to Leo - an old passion, love, heart-filled desire, pleasure - and then squares Uranus - another SHOCK or we are dealing with a previous shock/disruption- and then Mercury meets the Sun - clarity. Whatever this Virgo thing is about for us (our Virgo house theme, our work, our health, even our pet) we bring it back into Leo for a more heartful look, then we get greater clarity. Keep in mind this pull back into Leo also pulls our EGO (and likely more drama) into an already complicated story. 

MARS - our action, passion, initiative - is going to meet Jupiter ie EXPAND and then square Saturn ie BE TESTED/contract. This is not a week to expect smooth sailing. Know this going in. So, there is this energetic SURGE and then a reality check/roadblock. 

THIS IS ALL LEADING US TO NEXT WEEK and August 19th's BIG Full Moon at the end of Aquarius - along with a gazillion other aspects. The biggest of which is Jupiter's square to Saturn, which will be repeated and pulled into 2025 as our FAITH - and the storyline that started at the end of 2020 when the world started back up again - IS TESTED.

Let's unpack the week and then I will write a big picture post. 

MONDAY - the Moon in Scorpio trines Saturn retrograde and then squares the Sun

The Moon's square to the Sun is this month's First Quarter Square - tension/frustration/call to action from our New Moon in Leo story last week. The Moon is in dark, deep Scorpio and wants to get to the bottom of things. The Sun is strong in his home sign of Leo - shining, having fun, asking us to follow our heart. Squares are tension/frustration and require action. So, there is probably something here we don't want to look at that needs our attention. That needs to come into the light. Keep in mind there is a reason the Moon is considered in her fall in Scorpio - our emotions can get obsessive/suspicious. And Mercury is retrograde so we really aren't thinking straight. It's a time to respond and not react. Big girl/boy pants on because the Sun is our ego and will not want to deal with this thing or could react from this space of ego and make things worse. If something has been pushed under the rug here's where maybe it crawls out. OR we lift up the rug and sweep it out to deal with it.

The way through this day is that trine to sober Saturn. BE RESPONSIBLE. Take responsibility for what you bring into the situation. Do your work. Big girl/boy pants on. 

WEDNESDAY - Mars meets up with Jupiter (16 degrees Leo) as Mercury backs from Virgo into Leo. 

Mars/Jupiter is big and bold and we want to take advantage of this SURGE (yes, even knowing the road is out up ahead, but knowing the road is out up ahead we are BETTER PREPARED to not take this SURGE thing at 100 miles per hour). Our actions, passions, ambitions are AMPLIFIED. Our actions make us lucky. We could feel motivated and raring to GO. And this is happening in Gemini where we are already repeating ourselves or doing two things at once. 

It might seem that it sucks that the Mars/Jupiter GO BIG/motivation is happening right before that road-blocking, bubble-busting Saturn square, BUT without Saturn there isn't any reality to whatever is happening. It's all smoke and mirrors. 


Keep this in mind even though we know that square to Saturn is coming. Saturn doesn't dilute the good. Saturnian energy wants to refine it and make it MORE REAL. 

So, if your motor is running, just don't go too far too fast. Don't overpromise. Don't take on too much because we have the benefit of astrology to see the challenge ahead. Any over-the-top or overly enthusiastic bullsh*t will trip us up later. And with Saturn in Pisces this may be stuff we can't even see. Here is the value of astrology. So, the Mars/Jupiter encourages us to take action or think/act boldly, and WE SHOULD AND WE WILL, but not foolishly because we can see 1. Mars is going to run into a reality check with Saturn and 2. Mercury (the ruler of Gemini where all this stuff is going down) is backing up. Our blindspots have blindspots. We aren't traveling in a straight line and there are things that are going to turn around on us. 

This is also the day Mercury backs up from Virgo into Leo. We are going back to something we used to love. We are going back to our heart. We are going back to the royal roots (Leo) of a problem (Virgo) meaning any sense of entitlement that is keeping us stuck or maybe the freedoms we have traded in so we can be safe and comfortable. 

We are going to be smart with this, too, because we know Mercury is going to ONCE AGAIN square Uranus at the end of the week - more change, disruption or more likely another look at the already in motion change and disruption - and then meet up with the Sun/our ego/father/authority to bring some clarity to the situation. 

THURSDAY - the Sun, at 23 Leo trines Chiron at 23 Aries

Whatever is going on is healing very old wounds around our identity and self-worth. This can happen through a health situation ie living through it, dealing with it, the way we take action and deal with challenges OR this can happen as we work with our own wounds and have compassion/a heart for other people. WE ARE HEALED BY CONFIDENCE AND COURAGE. 

FRIDAY - Mars, at 17 Gemini, squares Saturn in Pisces. 

Here is the roadblock. TEST. Keep in mind, Saturn is retrograde, so this is not a brand-new thing, This is about old responsibilities and obligations and ways of owning our own authority and dealing with authority. With Saturn in Pisces we could be dealing with hidden fears, ancestral storylines, stuff done behind our back, stuff we can't see clearly. The way through a Saturn square is usually to WORK HARDER. To have patience. Upper lips need to be stiff. Mars in Gemini is kind of all over the place and Saturn is narrowing our focus by showing us what we can't have/can't do. This is part of the process. This will be harder if we have already taken something too far or promised too much and have to reel things in. 

Collectively, when two malefic planets meet at a hard angle things are usually not good - we will have to see what happens. Understand this is a test of faith and part of a greater expansion/contraction process. Bigger hands than ours have the wheel/life knows what it is doing. 

(Mars is exact on Trump's 10th house - career/ambition, public life - chaotic/futuristic Uranus and trines his Jupiter in Libra - partners - and Saturn is in his 8th house of endings/mergers. He is going to make some kind of change here or something is going to change on him)

SUNDAY - Mercury retrograde squares Uranus (27 Leo/Taurus) and then catches up with the Sun (26 Leo)

Mercury/Uranus could be another surprise/disruption, but this is most likely, with Mercury moving in reverse, a recent disruption that we are RE-THINKING, re-discussing, re-working. With Mercury almost immediately meeting the Sun which happens at the mid-point of every Mercury retrograde cycle we have a clearer vision now. We know things we didn't know before. Mercury's next aspect - which is going to happen AFTER a whole bunch of other stuff next week - is a repeat of his healing trine to Chiron. This is good news that even in the midst of whatever challenges we are dealing with we are healing very old and very deep wounds around our self-esteem/wounded masculine energies. 

That's enough for now. 

We can see the writing on the wall this week and I had family over yesterday, so am late getting this up and don't want to be even later. 

In the beginning of 2024 I talked about this period of August HERE 


AUGUST 14TH - 22ND - Mars conjunct Jupiter, Sun trine Chiron, Mars square Saturn, Neptune sextile Pluto (doesn't quite perfect), Mercury squares Uranus, Sun conjuncts Mercury retrograde, Venus squares Jupiter and opposes Saturn, Sun squares Uranus, JUPITER SQUARES SATURN (aspect repeats two more times in 2023 and 2024), Venus squares Mars - big energy here as Mercury retrograde meets the Sun and Jupiter squares Saturn, whatever is going on is part of a much larger/longer story of expansion vs contraction/limits. Financial reality checks. Change. Choices can get more limited which can be a good thing. There is a CRAZY stressful - multiple T-squares - and very Uranian/expect the unexpected Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th exactly on the U.S. Moon - the people. Looks dicey. "

Next week, Venus, ie our relationships, resources, women, self-esteem and money - are pulled into the Jupiter/Saturn square's ongoing TEST OF FAITH. And we have a mega-Full Moon - right on the U.S. natal Moon (the people) - on August 19th. 

We'll talk about that and the politics a bit as part of a big picture post next. We will look at the U.S., U.K. Israel, Palestine and Iran (whose late degree Mars/Mercury is being affected by September's Pisces Eclipse that comes into play on August 17th). 

Take care of yourself this week. Have courage. Be brave and bold, but don't over-do, over-promise, over-idealize or over-complicate situations. Stay on top of things as best you can. Don't shirk responsibilities. Do the work. Put on those big girl/boy pants even if it is summer. Know you are playing the long game. Know we are all in this together.

xo all 

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