the astrology of 2024 - the big stuff first, part I


January provides some really grounded energy and is an excellent time to do whatever you can to create some stability in your life. We still have the North Node in Aries in 2024. Our best path forward will not be complicated, but it will require us to: be ourselves, take action, have courage, trust our instincts, deal with imbalanced relationships. As the North Node integrates with Chiron, we are learning to see our vulnerabilities and wounds, not as our handicaps, but as our STRENGTHS. 

And let's keep in the back of our mind as we look at some of the important time periods in 2024, that over the next three years all the outer planets are going to change signs. This hasn't happened in such a short timeframe since the 1530's. 

When I say 'everything is going to change'. 

I. Am. Not. Kidding. 

2024 is the year one of these outer planets (Pluto, Neptune, Uranus) - PLUTO, arguably the most powerful planet, the planet of death and transformation and power, plutocracy and plutonium - makes his permanent (20 year) move from Capricorn to Aquarius, not to be back here in our lifetime!

What will it be like to have the planet of INTENSITY in the sign of DETACHMENT? I guess, we are going to find out. 

I wrote about it HERE

Pluto snuck into Aquarius for a few weeks in 2023 - it was last spring when the conversation noticeably shifted to, "is AI going to kill us?" the AI being either artificial intelligence or alien intelligence, both very Aquarian subjects. AND Pluto will sneak back out for a few weeks next fall when he moves back to 29 degrees Capricorn just in time for Mars to reach 29 degrees Cancer and oppose him - VOLATILITY - during the United States presidential election! Ugh! 

It was Pluto's meeting with Saturn (also Mercury, the Sun and Ceres) in January 2020 that shifted the world when time ran out - reality (Saturn) destroyed (Pluto), power (Pluto) cemented (Saturn), although most of us didn't feel it until Mars got there in March and triggered the whole thing into our personal lives. In Aquarius through 2044, Pluto will NOT meet up with Saturn (Aqua's ancient ruler) and he will NOT meet up with Uranus either (Aqua's modern ruler) - certainly a good thing!

2024 is also the year Jupiter catches up with Uranus in Taurus. 

BIG CHANGE. LUCKY BREAKS. April is likely to be an important month for many people. 

Then in May, Jupiter moves into Gemini for about a year. Jupiter is considered in his detriment in Gemini since he rules Gemini's polarity sign of Sagittarius. The sign of 'go big or go home' is not so comfy cozy in the sign of 'a little of this and a little of that'. Does that mean he won't be effective here? Hell, no. But, it does mean we are going to have to know how to work with this or we could do a heck of a lot that amounts to a heck of a little. 

With Jupiter in a mutable sign while Saturn is in a mutable sign (Pisces), we know it is likely they will square each other - and they do. THREE times over 2024 and 2025. That's all big news and will bring some challenges, but also some necessary slow-downs since everything will be moving so quickly. With Jupiter in Gemini he will also start trining Pluto. We get one exact hit with that trine in early June when there is alot of other FORWARD LEANING stuff happening. 

Saturn will remain in Pisces all year. Neptune, too. Uranus will remain in Taurus. 

Let's start our digging into 2024 with a look at some important time periods. Then I will do posts with the specifics. 


JANUARY 20TH - Pluto meets the Sun at 29 degrees Capricorn. HUGE. Sun moves into Aquarius. Pluto moves into Aquarius. HUGE. The Sun and Pluto are at 0 Aquarius. Their conjunction doesn't perfect in Aquarius which certainly means something, but it still matters. ALOT. 

29 is the last degree of a sign (it's technically the 30th degree) and called an araretic degree. By now the planet is exhausted,/overstayed its welcome, prone to making both delayed and SNAP decisions. It's kind of a 'desperation play' degree. Hail Mary balls are tossed with fingers crossed. If you are born with a planet at 29 degrees (I have both my Venus at 29 degrees Sagittarius and my South Node at 29 degrees Capricorn), this is pretty much the way that planet will operate. When a planet in your progressed chart reaches 29 degrees - think critical mass here - you really need to knuckle down and not act too hastily. 

We talked about Pluto into Aquarius HERE.

NOTE - 29 Cappy is where Pluto will be in early November when, Mars, at 29 degrees Cancer, opposes him. 

Something in the spotlight now/seeded now can tie into the challenge then.  


Mercury, Venus and Mars all start new stories with Pluto this month. All at 0 degrees Aquarius, where Jupiter met Saturn on the Winter Solstice of 2020. The beginning of the new. Keep in mind none of these planets have met up with Pluto in Aquarius since the days of the American and French revolutions. Since these planets rule many houses in all our charts - the effects will be felt. Storylines will end. New storylines can begin abruptly. The future is pulled into our minds, hearts and living-rooms. 

FEBRUARY 5TH - Mercury conjuncts Pluto at 0 Aquarius

Mercury is the first inner planet to meet up with our new Pluto in Aquarius. Mercury hasn't met up with Pluto in Aquarius since the days of the American and French Revolutions! The conversations we are having now, the ideas that are popping our head, the news we are receiving is going to be VERY IMPORTANT. We want to be choosing our words very carefully. The Moon will be in Sagittarius and in an opportunistic sextile with the Aqua Sun. Detached intellect will blend with something hopeful/optimistic. The news/information now could be paving the road for the more volatile pairing of Mars/Pluto later in the month.

FEBRUARY 6TH - Jupiter sextile Saturn (doesn't perfect, but with multiple challenging Jupiter/Saturn squares in 2024 and 2025 we will look at the opportunistic sextile). This is an opportunistic aspect when whatever is expanding is in harmony with what is contracting or with limits/authority. Keep in mind with a sextile, to get the goodies we have to take action/and Saturn always requires we do some work. Jupiter is in Taurus, so this is good for our self-esteem and bottom line. You can take your time with this energy, cross your t's and dot your i's. Progress will be slow and steady.

FEBRUARY 14TH - 22ND - EXTREME VOLATILITY. POWER PLAYS. INTENSITY. PASSION. Mars conjuncts Pluto at 0 Aquarius. Venus conjuncts Pluto at 0 Aquarius. Venus meets up with Mars at 6 Aquarius (NOTE - their last meeting in 2022 was at 0 Aquarius), Chiron conjuncts the North Node (16 Aries)

We are likely to see in February how intensely Pluto in Aquarius will be felt. Aqua is an area of our chart where we are most likely to apply intellect/detachment and now Pluto is coming in with an emotional intensity we have not experienced here. I would expect INTENSE NEEDS FOR FREEDOM and to be ourselves among other things. More tech in our personal lives. Changes with groups and causes. Mars (masculine) meeting up with Venus (feminine) at the same time continues our Aqua relationship theme - the need for more space within relationships/more intellect and this can come in through comfortable and uncomfortable situations. Two years ago when Mars and Venus met in Aquarius, Pluto was still in Capricorn. Now, we've got Pluto intensifying Aquarius, wanting to go deep/merge/get to the bottom of things - we will have to see how intensity meeting detachment/the future plays out! With Chiron meeting the North Node, our wounds/vulnerabilities will be part of what is driving our train. Needed to get where we are going. Our weaknesses/old familial wounds are not our weaknesses after all. 


MARCH 25TH - Full Moon Lunar ECLIPSE at 5 degrees Libra

APRIL 8TH - New Moon Solar ECLIPSE at 19 Aries (visible US and conjunct US natal Chiron - wound in the sign of home/country) - BIG

These will get their own posts.


APRIL 1ST - APRIL 25TH - MERCURY RETROGRADE (starts walking degrees he/she will cover three times on March 18th and finishes up on May 13th) starts in the middle of the Eclipses. This is a fire retrograde and covers 16-27 degrees of Aries.


APRIL 20TH - Jupiter meets Uranus at 21 degrees Taurus. (Mercury will be conjunct Venus, Mars will be sextiling Jupiter and Uranus, YOD with Mars at 21 degrees Pisces apex)

This is HUGE. Jupiter brings expansion/growth/faith/luck and Uranus is all about the future/change/even chaos. If something isn't going your way now, you can be assured the loss is to make room for something bigger/better, more liberating. Note - this is happening conjunct Israel's Sun.

We will look at this in its own post.  


MAY 18TH - MAY 23RD - Venus conjuncts Uranus, Sun conjuncts Jupiter, Jupiter sextiles Neptune, Venus conjuncts Jupiter and sextiles Neptune, Sun trines Pluto - change, luck, empowerment!


MAY 25TH - Jupiter enters Gemini for the next year


MAY 31ST - JUNE 4TH - Mercury conjuncts Uranus, Jupiter trines Pluto, Mercury sextiles Neptune, Sun and Venus conjunct and sextile the North Node, Mercury trines Pluto, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter - unexpected news, most likely good, empowerment, forward movement, luck

JULY 15TH - Mars conjunct Uranus - VOLATILITY - slow down, expect change and the unexpected, we might need to apply some brakes to any crazy impulsivity now. 


AUGUST 5TH - AUGUST 28TH - MERCURY RETROGRADE (starts walking degrees he/she will cover three times on July 16th and finishes up on September 11th). This retrograde starts at 4 degrees Virgo and ends at 22 degrees Leo. So, we go from practical earth - our daily habits, health routines, work - back to fire - our creativity, passion, heart.


AUGUST 14TH - 22ND - Mars conjunct Jupiter, Sun trine Chiron, Mars square Saturn, Neptune sextile Pluto (doesn't quite perfect), Mercury squares Uranus, Sun conjuncts Mercury retrograde, Venus squares Jupiter and opposes Saturn, Sun squares Uranus, JUPITER SQUARES SATURN (aspect repeats two more times in 2023 and 2024), Venus squares Mars - big energy here as Mercury retrograde meets the Sun and Jupiter squares Saturn, whatever is going on is part of a much larger/longer story of expansion vs contraction/limits. Financial reality checks. Change. Choices can get more limited which can be a good thing. There is a CRAZY stressful - multiple T-squares - and very Uranian/expect the unexpected Full Moon in Aquarius on August 19th exactly on the U.S. Moon - the people. Looks dicey. 


SEPTEMBER 1ST - Pluto retrogrades back to 29 degrees Capricorn. 


SEPTEMBER 17TH - Full Moon Lunar ECLIPSE at 25 degrees Pisces

OCTOBER 2ND - New Moon Solar ECLIPSE at 10 degrees Libra

We will talk about these in their own post. 

MARS/PLUTO OPPOSITION AT 29 CAPPY - United States Election

NOVEMBER 2ND to 3RD - Mars, at 29 Cancer, opposes Pluto (retrograde) at 29 Capricorn - this is the trigger aspect for the VOLATILE final chapter of the Pluto in Capricorn cycle that started back in 2008 with the recession/election of Obama. NOTE - this is two days before the United States Presidential Election and in play from approx. November 1st - 5th. This is also the day Venus in Sagittarius opposes Jupiter and trines Chiron - Venus helping. 

We'll look at this when we get closer and can get a better grip on what is going on. 

Pluto is conjunct Robert F. Kennedy Jr's Sun, North Node, Venus, Mercury - Mars opposing, and conjunct his natal asteroid Whitehouse and Jupiter will be conjunct his natal Jupiter (transiting asteroid Whitehouse will be exact on his uncle JFK's natal asteroid Whitehouse, Mars on JFK's natal Saturn, Chiron exact on his DC). Biden will have Mars conjunct his natal/chart ruling Jupiter with the Sun on his Mars (which he has every election day). Trump will have Pluto widely conjunct his Mars/Venus and Jupiter EXACT on his North Node of Fate. 


NOVEMBER 19TH - Pluto re-enters Aquarius, leaving Capricorn for the rest of our lives! The Saturn/Pluto conjunction of 2020, and the old world, in our rearview mirror forevah. 


NOVEMBER 25TH - DECEMBER 15TH - MERCURY RETROGRADE (starts walking degrees he/she will cover three times on November 7th and finishes up on January 2nd). This is another fire retrograde and will cover 7 to 22 degrees of Sagittarius.


DECEMBER 6TH - Mars stations retrograde at 6 Leo, opposite Pluto. He backs into Cancer January 6th, stations direct on February 23rd and re-enters Leo in mid-April 2025.

We will talk about this in its own post. 


DECEMBER 24TH - Jupiter retrograde squares Saturn (14 degrees) - this is the 2nd of three squares between Jupiter and Saturn while Jupiter is in Gemini and Saturn is in Pisces. The first square was in the midst of the 3rd week of August's BIG energies and the final square will be in April 2025. Jupiter wants to expand/go big or go home and Saturn wants to hold the line/contract if needed. 

These mutable squares will be big players in the energies of 2024 (summer onward) and early 2025. 

Jupiter and Saturn met at 0 degrees Aquarius back on the solstice in December 2020 - when the world starting back up again (the 3D version of this was probably the vaccines being rolled out). We talked about it HERE - the star that resembled the Bethlehem star that guided the Magi at Christ's birth. Now, we are getting the squares - challenges/frustrations - from that new beginning. 

DECEMBER 31ST - Pluto sextiles North Node 

Most of this stuff will have bigger posts. The retrograde posts are next. 

xo all

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