weekly astrology forecast | January 15th to January 21st, 2024 - Opportunities, Shifts, truth, a light on what has been hidden, big endings and second chance beginnings, another big week as pluto meets the sun and they head into aquarius together

MONDAY - Sun sextiles Neptune

TUESDAY - Venus conjunct Ceres and squares Juno

THURSDAY - Mercury sextiles Saturn

FRIDAY - Mercury trines Jupiter, Venus squares Neptune

SATURDAY - Sun conjuncts Pluto, Sun enters Aquarius, Pluto enters Aquarius

On SUNDAY, we have the smooth Venus trine the North Node and I wanted to relook at this as it really is echoing some of the New Moon's main themes, in play for the next month that we talked about HERE. Plus Venus is set to be very active this week. Remember, Venus is the ruler of the South Node in Libra. So, to get that smooth flow with the North Node in Aries - our best path forward - something from the past needs to CHANGE. 

Libra is about our relationships and balance, so something about the way we do relationships, something we are doing within a particular relationship or our relationship HABITS need to change (Juno retrograde in Virgo and trining last week's New Moon is echoing this). Libra can be passive aggressive when maybe now we need to be assertive. Libra is more about allowing and the North Node in Aries is more about ACTION. Libra can be more about the other person when maybe this is a time to focus on ourselves. The ruler of the South Node trine the North Node can also pull an old love (person or something we used to love) into our FUTURE. Or pull in a new relationship/something new to love that feels comfortable/familiar. Either way the trine is smooth energy - Something is falling into place.  

On MONDAY, the Sun, almost finished in Capricorn now, is in an opportunistic sextile with Saturn in Pisces. The wet weather/flooded basements/people's sinuses can start to dry out :)  Instead of those tense and frustrating Neptune squares we have been getting with the planets in Sagittarius, we will start getting the smoother sextiles - note Venus is still in Sag and still needs to make her square at the end of this week. We get the best of both worlds with Cappy/Pisces sextiles, amplified this year with Saturn in Pisces. This is the energy of 'making the dream real'. We have this little portal where we can SEE how to give our dreams structure or conversely how to work creatively or compassionately within certain limits. This is earth and water and if we can't make something with earth and water then we can't make something. At the same time, the Moon in Pisces sextiles the Cappy Sun - more Pisces/Cappy - making the dream real as something fluid becomes more solid or stable OR as limits/reality dissolves. 

On TUESDAY, Venus at 21 degrees Sagittarius catches up with Ceres and squares Juno, retrograde in Virgo. In Sag, Virgo wants to stretch, explore, spread her wings. She is optimistic/hopeful. Ceres pulls in mothering and season of life situations. The Juno square is tension/frustration within a relationship - a struggle between the details and the big picture. Or maybe a focus on the flaws that is overlooking the wider possibilities. Juno is retrograde, so this tension/frustration isn't a new thing. Stay flexible. Somehow find a way to merge the big picture and the pesky details. 

On THURSDAY, Mercury, direct and back in Cappy now, is sextiling (opportunity that comes through action) serious Saturn. Like Monday, this is Cappy/Pisces. Making the dream real. Or bringing compassion/creativity to sober words and ideas. We had this back on December 2nd for the first time before Mercury stationed retrograde. So, maybe something from then that we backtracked on is back on track or being made more solid. This is practical language/ideas/conversations and you will want to know what you are talking about. Big girl/boy pants on. 

On FRIDAY, Mercury, fresh off his productive pow-wow with daddy Saturn, makes a smooth trine with powerful Pluto - here is where something is falling into place. POWER MOVES WILL BE MADE and in the spotlight. Collectively this speaks of positive communications with authority/management and is good news for our stability/bottom line. Venus's square to Neptune at the same time could bring some kind of relationship or financial disappointment though, so keep your feet on the ground. Squares to Neptune can also speak about illness, wet weather, exhaustion or the need to escape. Watch your wallet. BUT don't be too frugal. If you need a little pick me up, channel the Mercury/Pluto and go for it. 

On SATURDAY - the whole week is building toward this - the Sun catches up with Pluto in Capricorn ONE FINAL TIME IN OUR LIFETIME and then they move in Aquarius - the future - together. 

Not quite arm-in-arm, but certainly within spitting distance. 

The Sun's meeting with Pluto shines a light on power. How are we using/misusing or avoiding ours? Secrets come out and kings fall under the white hot spotlight. 

This could bring a time when we step into our power or are dealing with power. A secret/corruption could come to light. Truth can be spoken/seen. The king/ego meets the grim reaper/what is underneath. Something could feel like life and death and for some, maybe it will be. 

Certainly something important could end. 

Expect collective intensity as the planet of power/transformation/death moves from the sign of the father, government, authority, hierarchy, structure, stability and into the sign of instability, the 'people', tech, groups, rebels, geniuses and outlaws. 

I am going to write a Pluto through the houses this week as he makes his move into Aquarius for the second, of three times, so we will go into this more fully in that post.

This is a BIG deal collectively, although may be most strongly felt initially by people with planets/points at 29 degrees Capricorn - as the Sun meets Pluto and they LEAVE - and people with planets/points at 0 degrees Aquarius or strong Aqua houses - as they ENTER.

By Valentine's Day when Mars (the trigger) is repeating this process, we will almost surely ALL be feeling it.

xo all

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