Full Moon in Leo | Thursday, January 25, 2024 - not saving the drama for your mama, the time to stop planning and start tossing stuff at the wall and see what sticks, addressing what hurts, not able to avoid the shiny stuff's shadow, finding our courage and maybe our crown

On Thursday, January 25th. 2024 at 12:54PM EST, the Leo Moon reaches 5 degrees and opposes the Aquarius Sun - giving us this month's Full Moon; our annual FULL MOON IN LEO. 

Full Moon are always oppositions. The Sun and the Moon are on opposite sides of the earth or more precisely the ecliptic longitudes of the Sun and Moon are 180 degrees apart.

Full Moons bring things to a culmination, a conclusion or into the light. 

Leo is represented by the lion. A lion is a cat. If you live with a cat you have some idea of what this 'king of the beasts' thing is all about. It becomes the cat's house. You become the cat's human. Cats rule. The male lion doesn't just get to mate with his choice of lioness. He gets all the lionesses (and now I am picturing a whole lineup of that little guy from Peanuts dragging his blanket). Leo represents royalty and generosity and fun and romance and children and creativity.

The shadow of the Leo archetype is a kind of arrogance or greed or self-importance, but what you will find with most Leos is that they have a presence - they impress us. Sometimes it's hard for other people to relate to Leo as "one of us".

There is a reason the king of the jungle is the king of the jungle. There is dignity here.

Let's unpack the chart.

The Full Moon opposes the Sun at 5 degrees Leo/Aquarius. Pluto is conjunct the Sun -  separating. The Full Moon squares Jupiter - applying. The Full Moon is inconjunct Saturn (exact) and inconjunct Venus, separating. The Full Moon is exact with asteroid Memoria. Mars squares Chiron exact. 

The Sun sits with Pluto and opposes our lovely Luna. Luna is already not so strong in the Sun's sign (the Sun is not so strong in Aquarius either). Maybe here are power struggles, particularly with women. Certainly there could be drama. Maybe someone wants too much attention, too much appreciation, too much SOMETHING, maybe that someone is us. With Pluto here there can be jealousy over someone else GETTING too much attention/appreciation, too. The best of Leo - following our heart, taking the center stage of our own life, love, risk are all here. And powered up by Pluto - the shadow side of these things is visible, too.

The Pluto/Moon will make emotions intense as it creates an emotional backdrop for the next two weeks. 

Now, if Pluto were opposing our NATAL Moon we would be feeling this for about 2 years, so let's be glad we are only dealing with this for a couple weeks :) With Pluto opposing the Full Moon our emotions are COMPLICATED by events/triggers from the past that we may not even be aware of. We are sort of RE-LIVING something that has already happened and we might realize we are doing this, but maybe we don't, so our feelings are usually more INTENSE than the situation calls for. This is what I mean when I talk about "triggered". Think about road rage. Let's say someone has just 'cut us off' in traffic and we feel ourselves get very angry very quickly and we tell ourselves it is because "this idiot almost killed us" when really he is triggering every other time someone has 'gotten ahead of us' or we have 'fallen behind'. 

Five degrees Taurus - a hot degree that EXACTLY squares this Moon - is LIT with the energy of the October 28th Eclipse and Jupiter's station direct on December 30th. The heart of that Full Moon, like this one, wasn't really in the howling. That one was about walking our talk and dealing with the information we probably didn't want to look it (Mercury and Mars breathing down each other's necks in Scorpio THEN). Then Jupiter backed up to that degree (5 Taurus) and turned around at the end of December. The energy where our arguably most benefic planet 'popped a squat' matters, too. Jupiter in Taurus, determined to show us the quality ALREADY in our life, connecting our luck/expansion with what we already own, our values, our skills, our existing resources, what feels comfortable, our planet Earth, spent WEEKS at 5 degrees Taurus. This matters and it matters that about a week ago, Jupiter started to move on. So, now at this Full Moon at 5 degrees Leo/Aquarius, Jupiter is squaring from SIX degrees Taurus. 

Do we appreciate what we have? And did we deal with the stuff we didn't want to deal with - that Eclipse? Did things get better - Jupiter?

Now here we are three months from that Halloween Eclipse with Mars and Mercury ONCE AGAIN breathing down each other's necks. 

Yes, it never ends folks - and I guess we better hope it doesn't :)

This time, they are in cardinal Capricorn. This time, it's not about the stuff we don't want to look at. THIS TIME WE ARE LOOKING. This is about conversations and actions - walking our talk - with our goals, ambitions, career, public life (or natal Cappy house theme). And since the Cappy planets are squaring Chiron - the old wound/vulnerability - that is holding us back. 


Leo is about courage. Following our heart. Being true to ourselves. Leo rules our children, creative projects and romance. At its best, Leo is generous, loving, brave. When taken too far - and being the sign of ROYALTY this isn't really such a stretch for Leo energy - Leo rules me-me-me selfishness. 

The Full Moon in Leo brings the SPOTLIGHT here. Something is coming to its fullness, or our awareness, or maybe an ending. 

The conjunction with Pluto pulls the shadow into the spotlight, too. We can't pretend not to see what this - whatever THIS is - is costing us. The Moon's opposition to Pluto can make things feel like life and death. Pulls in control issues, jealousy, manipulation, A SENSE OF URGENCY. 

The square to Jupiter makes whatever is going on BIGGER (could speak of a BIG BOLD move). And forms a T-Square, with Jupiter at the apex, so our MATERIAL LIFE, resources, money (Jupiter in Taurus) is a focus/won't be ignored. 

The empty leg is Scorpio, so our PASSIONS won't either.  

The Moon in Leo is answering to the Sun in Aquarius. The Sun is answering to Uranus - strong and still and preparing to turn direct in two days. Think about moving your finger through a candle flame and then your finger stops moving - your finger is going to get PRETTY DAMN HOT. 

Uranus, powerful at station and this Sun/Pluto is answering to him says - HERE is the change that was postponed. 

The Sun is also answering to Saturn, Aqua's ancient ruler. Saturn is out of sorts with this Full Moon - EXACTLY out of sorts with an inconjunct from Pisces. Maybe some disconnect between our self-expression and the RULES.

At the same time Mercury and Mars are breathing down each other's necks in Cappy and squaring Chiron. Walking our talk. Our goals, careers, REPUTATIONS somehow tossed into the mix now. Communications and actions that speak of difficult choices, confronting old wounds and vulnerabilities. Addressing what hurts.  

Are there answers here? MANY probably. 

But we aren't really looking for answers anymore.

Pluto is in Aquarius, we are looking for solutions. Going with what works even if it looks DIFFERENT, even if its just for now. No one can tell you what to do, but you. 

And you probably won't know and that might be a good thing. But you have everything - once Uranus stations direct in two days - you need to figure something out. To find a solution. 

Asteroid Memoria is exact on the Full Moon and is making me think about how who we are now, is, in a very real way, a collection of our memories. I remember a documentary about a man who lost his memory. His accent changed, the way he walked changed, the foods he liked changed, his temperament changed, etc. It wasn't just like he was the same person, but forgot his name or where he lived. 

He was an entirely different person. 

Maybe as Pluto sits with the Sun and opposes the Moon in Leo, we can be, too. 

xo all

Note - we have a gazillion aspects this weekend - it seems life is determined to touch as many people's lives as possible as quickly as possible .... also note we will be back in some way at the end of the year with what we are dealing with now. 

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