the astrology of 2024 - part II - the inner planets, Mercury and Venus


Let's start with Mercury since he stations direct at 22 degrees Sagittarius on January 1st. Keep in mind, this won't exactly be a full-steam ahead kind of thing. Remember he/she is now covering the degrees of his retrograde for the third time. Move forward, but give yourself time to get up to speed (this is also the day Venus squares Saturn for a reality check). 

By the 3rd week of January when it really is FULL-STEAM AHEAD you will be!

Mercury is our fastest moving planet and even with multiple retrogrades covers the entire zodiac in about a year. He will make three retrogrades in 2024, predominantly involving FIRE SIGNS. His retrogrades impact everyone and maybe especially people ruled by Mercury - Virgo and Gemini risings: 

April 1st - April 25th - (starts walking degrees he/she will cover three times on March 18th and finishes up on May 13th). This is a fire retrograde and covers 16-27 degrees of Aries. 

Collectively this retrograde is about revising the way we start and what we are starting, rethinking the way we take action/go after what we want, rethinking the way we fight/argue, rethinking our physicality and the way we present ourselves. Mercury in Aries is fast talking and spontaneous - it's GO and we'll figure it out on the way, so Mercury's retrograde here can have us re-thinking hasty words and ideas. What we have said with passion or anger can be reviewed/revised while Mercury is retrograde. 

Once Mercury stations direct on April 25th we will start moving ahead again. Older and wiser and often with another chance to make things right/better. NOTE - Mercury will meet up with Chiron multiple times during this retrograde cycle, so old wounds around our ability to take care of ourselves, stand up for ourselves and be ourselves could be triggered.

If you have planets/points in your natal chart between 16 and 27 degrees of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), this could impact you more directly, but everyone will need to slow down during this period of time. Happening right in the middle of Eclipse season and as Jupiter meets Uranus will make this retrograde even more impactful!

August 5th - August 28th - (starts walking degrees he/she will cover three times on July 16th and finishes up on September 11th). This retrograde starts at 4 degrees Virgo and ends at 22 degrees Leo. So, we go from practical earth - our daily habits, health routines, work - back to fire - our creativity, passion, heart. 

Collectively this will be about taking our day-to-day work/habits, etc back to what our heart wants/what we love. Are we doing our Sun? Showing up? While Mercury is retrograde we could be rethinking/reviewing/revising creative projects, maybe romantic situations or situations with children. By the time Mercury is making his final pass through those first few degrees of Virgo in September, we will see how any retrograde 'forced changes' with our daily routine, work, health, etc, can benefit us. NOTE - with Mars set to make multiple passes through Leo at the end of the year, nothing here will be totally set in stone. 

If you have planets/points in the early degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) or 0-22 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius), this retrograde will impact you more directly, but everyone will need to slow down during most of August - recheck plans, communications, expect some wonk, etc. The Leo retrograde is covering much of what Venus covered last summer and what Mars will cover at the end of 2024. Something in this area of chart REALLY needs our attention.

November 25th - December 15th - (starts walking degrees he/she will cover three times on November 7th and finishes up on January 2nd). This is another fire retrograde and will cover 7 to 22 degrees of Sagittarius. 

Collectively this will be about the big picture and our beliefs. While Mercury is retrograde we will be rethinking/revising the pesky details and reading the fine print that is or is about to be TRIPPING US UP. This will also be a time when our beliefs are TESTED. Maybe we find we have more to learn/teach. We can be re-thinking our hopes, and, even our faith. This can also be a time when we are called to fulfill old promises. We could be back and forth with legal situations or publishing. NOTE - Mercury will station retrograde in late November 2024 exactly where she/he stationed direct on January 1st, 2024, which is precisely what Mercury did in Capricorn in 2023 and 2022! More astro magic!

If you have planets/points from about 7 to 22 degrees of the mutable signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces), this retrograde could impact you more directly, but everyone will need to slow down - recheck plans, communications, expect some wonk, etc. Mercury will make repeating trines to Chiron - this time smooth flow with those 'identity wounds' we talked about for earlier in the year. He will also make repeating squares to Uranus, so there will be unexpected and maybe even jarring news and conversations. 

All Mercury retrograde periods are times to slow down/to look within. Anything starting with "re" becomes the most effective use of our time. Re-thinking, re-evaluating, re-flecting, re-peating, re-unions, re-novations, etc. 


Mercury retrogrades are re-curring opportunities to shift out of old mental patterns. We are often asked to pull back from the world and face our shadow self in some way. When we’ve exhausted the possibilities for what we can gain by projecting our shadow self onto the external events and people in our lives, we are ready to face them within our own mind (and heart).


On a practical level we see things that were concealed when Mercury was in direct motion. Maybe because we were going too fast to notice them or maybe we took a wrong turn two miles back and need to change direction. Maybe there is a road out up ahead that we don't know about yet. These retrograde periods are always useful/always needed even when we appear to incur delays, re-dos and roadblocks. 


Venus will not have a retrograde in 2024, so she will be moving quickly

She moves into Capricorn on January 23rd and closes out the year in Aquarius. She will run through the entire zodiac and Capricorn/Aquarius TWICE. She will again rule the South Node (Libra) in 2024 and, as ruler of Taurus, we will continue to have Uranus - and for most of the first half of the year, Jupiter - answering to her. 

Venus transits are especially potent for Libra and Taurus risings, whose charts she rules, when she repeats aspects in your natal or contacts planets/points in your chart. 

Venus will trine Jupiter at the end of JANUARY (27th-29th), an especially favorable time as the Moon in Virgo will form a Grand Earth trine with Mercury, Mars and Jupiter.

On FEBRUARY 17th Venus meets up with Pluto (lean into what you want/intimacy, but avoid manipulation and jealousy), then on the 22nd, she meets up with Mars and they start a new cycle at 6 degrees Aquarius (their last meeting was at 0 Aquarius back in 2022) - so our feminine/masculine energies continue to work best together when given a little space/detachment and individuality. We will have to see how the Plutonian intensity in Aquarius impacts this!

Venus will meet up with Uranus on MAY 18TH - so expect the unexpected with love and money (she meets Jupiter just a few days later). This is also the day the Sun is meeting Jupiter. Multiple planets start new cycles. Taurus on steroids. Excellent for fresh starts, powerful launches and effective results. Can be good for money luck, values, resources, food - things we can hold in our hand and take to the bank. Someone somewhere, likely many, many someones are inventing/bringing to market and to the table amazing and helpful real world things. This is also happening one day before the Sun sextiles Neptune (creative/healing/spiritual opportunities) and Mars, strong in Aries meets the North Node which he rules. Mark your calendar! 

In EARLY JUNE, more good news. Venus, in Gemini now, is sextiling the North Node (opportunity to move in a positive new direction) and meeting up with the Sun, as the Sun sextiles the North Node. Mercury will be in Gemini, too, and meeting up with Jupiter. We come down to Earth a week later as Venus squares Saturn and that's OK and needed, too.

Venus is a bit more challenged in JULY with an opposition to Pluto mid-month as she moves into Leo - power struggles, fears of losing what we have/want, things can feel like life and death, etc. By the third week of July though she is trining the North Node and sextiling Jupiter, so we will make adjustments and get past that opposition via new options/choices. New ways of looking at things. 

During the middle/third week of AUGUST when we have Jupiter squaring Saturn (this is a repeating aspect in 2024, we'll talk about it for those planets), Venus, at 17 degrees Virgo, will be squaring Jupiter and opposing Saturn. Pulling what we want, our resources, money and relationships into the challenging Jupiter/Saturn squares. 

By the end of the month, Venus, still in Virgo will be trining Uranus (the future/change) and opposing Neptune, so small steps, practical changes, feet on the ground, will be the way to go here. Then she will move into her home sign of Libra, where she is strong/loving and make a smooth trine to powerful Pluto in Aquarius. So, other than that opposition to Neptune, the end of August looks good for Venus. 

For most of SEPTEMBER she is in Libra, meeting up with the South Node at the end of the first week. Here is where we may be feeling the imbalances within our relationships acutely. Maybe craving tired, but comfortable situations that are no longer good for us. By the middle of the month she will be trining Jupiter, not many aspects are better than a Venus/Jupiter trine. This one is Libra/Gemini, so about new choices within relationships, new words, new conversations, new contracts. This will happen as Venus is opposing Chiron, so there could be health situations happening or struggles between our independence and the partnership. Venus will square Pluto the next week, so September will run hot and cold for our relationships, maybe finances. 

By OCTOBER, Venus will be in Scorpio. Considered the sign of her fall, since she rules Scorpio's polarity sign of Taurus, although I suspect Venus likes her time in Scorpio. Here she will be trining Mars, who will be in Cancer, and Saturn in Pisces. So, early in the month, when we go deep/look under the hood and covers - Scorpio - things run smoother/fall into place. By mid month she will have to oppose Uranus, so expect break-ups, breakthroughs and breakdowns. Immediately after which she will trine Neptune and sextile Pluto (who is back in Cappy here for one final close-out) and then, once she is in Sag, trine the North Node in Aries, so whatever is happening here is part of our more independent, self-sufficient, fiery future. She closes October with a square to Saturn so another reality check. Yes, the year, and every other year, is littered with them. :)

The rest of the year things are up and down for Venus. 

We'll talk about the aspects as we move through them. She does have an opposition to Mars in mid-December 2024 when she is back in Aquarius, that is very near where they meet in February, so these time periods are connected with December bringing the challenges to that February fresh-start. Mars is in Leo by now and wanting what he wants. The detached Aqua stuff won't be cutting it. And Venus will close out 2024 with a square to Uranus, as Mercury squares Saturn and opposes Jupiter, so that last week of December in 2024 looks like more surprises and maybe some challenging news and reality checks.

Back with Mars who makes a BIG retrograde in Leo/Cancer in 2024!

xo all

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