the astrology of january 2024 - take some time getting up to speed because the future is about to reach back and grab us, getting our acts together, extremely important month ahead

Before I get lost in 2024. full tilt. this week, I thought I would write up a quick January overview, so we have something more immediate to refer to. Even with Pluto's return to Aquarius, it's a Cappy on steroids month for certain. Serious. Focused. A time to get our act together. 

I'm in the middle of a major clean-up/clean-out of my house and have been sick, and the astro supports not rushing, so I am taking my time getting back up to speed over here. 

Let's take a quick look at the kick off month to the new calendar year:

JANUARY 1ST - Mercury stations direct and Venus squares Saturn.

Mercury stations direct at 22 degrees Sagittarius; a powerful degree. The truth comes out. Things that have been held up and delayed will start to move forward. For most people this is about coming down from the holidays and getting back to work. Keep in mind, Mercury will be covering old degrees for the THIRD TIME until January 20th, so I would discourage rushing at this point and just encourage forward movement. With Pluto still at 29 Capricorn for a couple more weeks, what we are letting go of/burying that is dead continues to be important. Any false starts - remember last year when Pluto left Cappy in February! - have led us to refining/re-thinking the details and the bigger picture and will lead to a cleaner/clearer 2024.

Venus, at 3 degrees Sagittarius now, squares Saturn in Pisces. This is a "no", roadblock, reality check, somehow we aren't getting what we want - maybe more holiday! Sometimes this can be about feeling our age, or alone/unloved or even feeling a financial squeeze. Happening in Sag, we could feel judged for our hope/faith/optimism/ability to have fun. The way through the tension/frustration of the Saturn square is ALWAYS about being a grown-up, being responsible, doing the work. There is a trine between the Virgo Moon and Cappy Sun today encouraging things to fall into place when we do just that. 

JANUARY 3RD - Third Quarter Moon in Libra - the Moon in Libra squares the Sun in Capricorn bringing to light imbalanced authority issues. With the Moon in Libra, compromise, cooperation is needed. Maybe the rules/limits are not fair and need to change. The Moon's next aspect is a sextile to Mercury in Sagittarius the next day - so talking, thinking about the big picture will help. Add optimism, faith and hope.  

JANUARY 4TH - Mars enters Capricorn, where he is exalted and will be UBER EFFECTIVE. This is about taking action on our goals, career, the way we show up in the world. Practical action focused on GOALS. Capricorn is VERY good for Mars - anchors his fire. Gives him (as us) goals/limits/boundaries - that can create stability. The fly in the ointment with Mars in Cappy is pushing ourselves and other people too hard. Mars in Cappy can get alot done, but can also be cold/brutal - keep this in mind. 

JANUARY 6TH - Sun in Cappy squares Chiron in Aries - this is tension, frustration, a spotlight - on a vulnerability, inability to be ourselves or take care of ourselves. With the Sun in Cappy we could be dealing with an issue with authority or career challenge. We will be feeling our insecurities or any lack of public confidence. The square forces us to act, move around it. The Moon in Scorpio will be sextiling the Sun in Cappy, making this more intense, but also providing an opportunity to somehow integrate raw emotions/depth with Capricorn sobriety. 

JANUARY 9TH - Mars sextiles Saturn - this is Cappy/Pisces opportunity and extra potent with Mars answering to Saturn. Confidence. Endurance. Reality and our dreams working together. Making the dream real. Apply some elbow grease. People will planets/points at or very near 4 degrees of Cappy or Pisces will feel this sextile strongest, but we all have access to this portal to some degree. A planet/point at 4 Leo will form a Yod aspect bringing a fated opportunity/challenge. Note this aspect is repeated on the 18th through Mercury. 

JANUARY 10TH - Sun squares the North Node. This is a challenge/block between our new independent/self-sufficient future and our current responsibilities, obligations, goals, career or authority.  Your goals/career, etc may need to be examined with an eye on that North Node path forward - ability to be yourself and take care of yourself. What needs to change? Keep in mind, this is happening with Mars sextiling Saturn, so that is the way through - responsible action.

JANUARY 11TH - New Moon in Capricorn conjunct "times runs out" from 2020. Here is where the year is really getting started. BIG post coming next week. This one looks pretty good and is happening with Venus trining Chiron (we are attracting healing by being responsible, doing the  work, being sober, stepping into our authority) and Mars trining Jupiter - expansion, luck - something falling into place. It's not a coincidence that this Moon is tightly conjunct 2020's 'power is cemented, reality is destroyed' huge January aspects. 

JANUARY 13TH - Mercury direct returns to Capricorn. With nature's perfect timing, Mercury returns to Capricorn as that New Moon in Cappy waxes. We should be older and wiser than we were the first time through here in December. What has changed in our thinking with our career/ambitions?

JANUARY 14TH - Venus trines the North Node. This is good for progress with Venusian themes - our relationships, love, money, resources, values, self-esteem. Something more independent and self-sufficient, even brave, is falling into place when we do our Venus in Cappy. Big girl/boy pants on. 

JANUARY 15TH - Sun sextiles Neptune - this is more working for the dream. Opportunity. Sextiles aren't like trines, things don't fall into place, so much as they require action, so, again, be doing your Capricorn! People will planets/points at or very near 25 degrees of Cappy or Pisces will feel this sextile strongest, but we all have access to this portal to some degree. A planet/point at 25 Leo will form a Yod aspect bringing a fated opportunity/challenge. 

JANUARY 18TH - Mercury sextiles Saturn - more Cappy/Pisces, making the dream real. Talk. Serious, sober talk. Make plans, Here is where sober thinking merges with the ethereal energies that have no limits. People with planets/points at or very near 4 degrees Cappy or Pisces will be feeling this sextile strongest, but again, we all have access to this portal to some degree. A planet/point at 4 Leo will form a Yod aspect bringing a fated opportunity/challenge. Note this is EXACTLY where Mars sextiled Saturn on the 9th. 

JANUARY 19th - Mercury trines Jupiter - good news. This aspect is good news and we could get good news. Mercury is still covering old ground in Cappy and this is a repeating aspect we had first on December 7th and this is the LAST ONE. Send the email. Reach out. Take a chance. Happening as he/she sextiles Saturn feels like third time's the winner. Keep in mind these are earth signs, so conversations, words and ideas should be reasonable/practical. NOTE - this is also the day Venus (what we want) squares Neptune (the illusion/delusion/dream), so KEEP YOUR FEET ON THE GROUND. 

JANUARY 20TH - Sun meets Pluto at 29 Capricorn. Sun moves into Aquarius, PLUTO MOVES INTO AQUARIUS. This a BRIGHT spotlight on Pluto's entry into Aquarius after 20 years in Capricorn. Yes, we popped in for a brief visit last year and, yes, we will pop out for a few weeks at the end of this year, but this entrance is still MORE STICKY. This is a big push into the future, and this year Pluto brings the Sun - kings, rulers, our ego, our hearts - with him! This is huge and will be talked about later this week.

JANUARY 23RD - Venus enters Capricorn. Waiting for Pluto and the Sun to make their exists, lovely Venus moves in to tidy things up. For our lovely, benevolent Venus this is something like being a young adult woman living in her father's house. There are rules. With Venus in Cappy we are attracting what we want/need through Cappy behaviors - being sober, competent, realistic, goal-oriented, smart/funny, patient, structured/stable, being a boss. People born with Venus in Cappy probably like to be seen this way and are attracted to partners who are like this (of course, there are other chart factors that will influence this). Cappy Suns and Cappy risings become more attractive - both easier on the eye and able to attract what they want. Until February 5th when Mercury moves into Aquarius, we have all three inner planets - Mars, Mercury and Venus - in Capricorn. Time to sober up. Action on our goals, ambitions and RESPONSIBILITIES can be very effective. 

JANUARY 25TH - Full Moon in Leo at 5 degrees. This looks like a bit of a challenging one with the Moon opposing Pluto and squaring Uranus. Unexpected changes, power struggles. Uranus is preparing to station so especially strong here. We will find a way through in the Full Moon post later in the month. We also have Mercury and Mars squaring Chiron here, so our vulnerabilities/weaknesses bring tension and frustration. 

JANUARY 27TH to 28th - Uranus stations direct in Taurus - here is the change, sometimes chaos that was postponed. This could be financial shake-ups, weather/environmental/resource events. Our stability changes. Our Taurus house shifts - for example, if you are a Scorpio rising and Taurus is your 7th house of other people - maybe a partner changes direction (or changes hit you through them) ... again. People with planets or points in the fixed signs near 19 degrees will feel this most strongly. For all of us this is about changes with our values, resources and self-esteem. Expect the unexpected. This is lightning strikes/flashes of genius.

Also happening as Uranus stations, so EXTREMELY powerful and remember Pluto is answering to him now, AND we are in the energy of that Big Full Moon in Leo just a couple days ago -

the Sun squares Jupiter, 

Mercury meets Mars, squares the Mars' ruled North Node and trines Uranus, 

Venus sextiles Saturn and trines Jupiter, 

Mars squares the North Node and trines Uranus

Yes, that's alot and not all. 

The Moon will be in Virgo trining Venus, Jupiter, Mars, Uranus and Mercury. 

I mean, you can't make this stuff up. 

The Moon's final aspect is an opposition to Neptune, which is, yes, annoying, and I think we ignore it at our peril - the possibility of all these goodies and Grand Trines drifting off course or amounting to not much in the end and the Sun's square to Jupiter warns of excess.  

So, YES, there are goodies here, but again, feet on the ground.

These goodies are all coming to us through Capricorn (solar) and Virgo (lunar)  - practical, responsible, Earth signs. The squares to the North Node speak of tension/frustration and the need to take action. 

The 3rd and 4th weeks of January are HUGE. We are pulled into the future at 100 miles an hour. 

I am extremely HOPEFUL.

xo all and back with 2024 stuff

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