weekly astrology forecast for creatives | January 8th thru January 14th, 2024 - taking action on our dreams, things falling into place, powerful new moon we don't want to miss, capricorn on steroids as being responsible and ambitious makes us lucky

Really good astrology this week that we will want to take advantage of!

The New Moon on Thursday in Capricorn tightly conjunct 2020's "time runs out" ushers in a powerful two week period to get something started/moving, to feel more energized, goal-oriented and ambitious. The only real problem this week is Monday's final Mercury square to fuzzy/confusing/boundary-less Neptune - take your vitamins, keep your feet on the ground. The week gets better!

Let's unpack the week. I also wrote about this week in the monthly HERE.

MONDAY - Mercury squares Neptune

TUESDAY - Sun trines Uranus, Mars sextiles Saturn

WEDNESDAY - Sun squares North Node

THURSDAY - New Moon in Capricorn, Venus trines Chiron

FRIDAY - Mars trines Jupiter

SATURDAY - Mercury returns to Capricorn

SUNDAY - Venus trines North Node

MONDAY - Mercury, walking Sag degrees for the third time now, squares Neptune in Pisces for the third time. If you have some lingering cold thingie, hang in there, this is almost over. Conversations can be confusing. Dreams can be vivid. Someone might be lying. Our thinking will not be totally grounded/practical. Double check your email before hitting SEND. Our boundaries are thin, so we are thinking/saying what the guy next to us is thinking/saying. Think about what you are absorbing/watching/listening to. We can more easily catch a cold, an unrealistic way of looking at something, etc. Once Mercury returns to Cappy at the end of the week we will be firing on all four cylinders (does anything fire on four cylinders anymore, I don't know!) AGAIN. 

TUESDAY - Mars, exalted in Capricorn now, is sextiling - creative opportunity - Saturn in Pisces. Mars is answering to Saturn (ruler of Capricorn) and Saturn is answering to Neptune, strong in his home sign of Pisces - this is STRONG manifestation energy. Earth and water make powerful real world things. Work for your dream. Take action. At the same time the Sun in Capricorn - mega-productive Cappy energy this month - is trining (brakes off) Uranus, retrograde in Taurus. There could be something we thought about doing, but didn't do or something 'future-focused' we need to take another look at. Maybe this is a spotlight on a change that was postponed. It would be a good time to try something new. Doing our Sun - the responsible Cappy Sun AND your natal Sun is opening doors/moving us forward onto the path of least resistance. There is a reason Uranus (modern ruler of future-focused and change-oriented Aquarius) is the only planet retrograde in the upcoming New Moon cycle - something new isn't TOTALLY new. The sextile between Mars and Saturn is something we will have to take action to manifest, but the trine between the Sun and Uranus just falls right into our lap. Collectively this will be about career, dreams, money, resources, our voice in the world, our goals, ambitions and self-esteem. Personally you have access to these collective portals AND whatever house themes are being stirred up in your natal and progressed charts.

WEDNESDAY - the Sun in Capricorn squares the North Node in Aries (and the South Node in Libra). This is tension/frustration, likely a choice point between something that is old but no longer working, maybe something collaborative or cooperative, maybe something involving women or other people or where we are playing second fiddle/an unbalanced relationship AND something new, that is more independent, maybe involving men or requiring us to be brave/ambitious - keep, in mind, the themes of your personal chart will likely apply most strongly here. For certain this year, like last, imbalanced relationships will need to be dealt with. Mars, the ruler of the North Node is STRONG in Cappy and sextiling Cappy ruler Saturn, so even though the square can make things challenging, it is also giving us something to kick off from and our kick will be BADASS STRONG with these energies. I just finished looking at the whole year and some of the best astrology - and this will depend on your chart obviously, but COLLECTIVELY - is this month. 

THURSDAY - the Moon meets the Sun at 20 degrees Capricorn. Maybe, here, now is where the world that collapsed in 2020 really starts up again. If you only do one New Moon ritual this year MAKE IT THIS ONE. Venus is trining Chiron - what we think is our weakness is actually our strength. Lots of goodies here - and some challenges, but nothing happens without challenges - we will unpack this in the New Moon post.

FRIDAY - Mars in Capricorn trines Jupiter in Taurus. This is in play all week really and the New Moon will pull it forward with us into the new lunar cycle. Our actions make us lucky, allow things to grow/expand. This is about real things we can hold in our hands/take to the bank. This is another trine - brakes off - won't require heroic efforting on our part. Things fall into place or run off a cliff as needed. If something gets too big, the course correction/the thing we need to be doing - the way through IS RIGHT THERE IN FRONT OF US. This is Cappy/Taurus - hard work, being responsible, stepping into our authority is producing real results/solid things over time. Our resources and self-esteem are expanding. 

SUNDAY - now Venus in Cappy - again our career, ambitions, but also our relationships, self-esteem and finances -  is trining the North Node in Aries. Cardinal signs that want to START. Another trine - smooth flow, this time into the future. THIS is why we don't want to avoid the square earlier in the week because what we do with that is creating this smooth flow NOW. 

Pay attention to what catches your attention this week. Pay attention to what is falling into place. Appreciate what you have/what is happening. Have faith. 


Take action as needed. 

Be out and about/pro-active. 

Once the Moon starts waxing, START. 

And, please, please set your New Moon intentions this month. This year is going to totally get away from us/take our breath away and this is a window of time to have some energetic say in what happens. There is a reason Mercury is still in hopeful/adventurous Sagittarius at this New Moon. What do you want?

Mercury is unwinding his final square to Neptune this week - the square has been in play off and on for a couple months - and then she/he returns to Cappy, older and wiser and pulling that Sag optimism and faith into the sober grounds of Capricorn through our thinking and our WORDS. Watch your language. Say what you mean. 

This week is more about movement and allowing, than talk. With Mercury square Neptune, words will not be as trustworthy as ACTIONS. Who is walking their talk and who is just talking?

Alot of this week is us lining up with what we are energetically in tune with. How do you get in tune? What you put your attention on, what you take action with - this is what will grow. Keep in mind there is alot of 'falling into place' energy this week. If you are beating your head against the wall maybe see if 1. you have succeeded in creating a hole you can fit through 2. there is something else RIGHT THERE that won't involve giving yourself a concussion or 3. ask yourself if there is maybe a window or door open a wee bit over there that you can work with. 

xo all - back with a couple 2024 posts that I just need to proofread again and the New Moon post this week. I am hoping when I unpack it, the New Moon is as good as it looks at first glance! Note - if you get waylaid with the Mercury/Neptune ie sick, etc - there is more good energy at the end of January and life is taking you off your game for a reason now. You can't miss your train. It won't leave the station without you :)

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