weekly astrology forecast | January 22nd - 28th, 2024 - dramatic full moon in leo, with Pluto and Venus in new signs uranus the awakener moves forward catalyzing the changes that were postponed, all planets direct until April

All week Uranus is strong/still. 

He has been waiting MONTHS for powerful Pluto to move into Aquarius and start answering to him before making his move and he knows HIS TIME IS COMING. HIS TIME IS HERE. 

The FUTURE has us biting our nails as it chomps at the bit and our heels. 

Are we waiting to see what happens or are we set about making something happen? I admit, I am in a bit of a 'wait and see' mood myself ...

The Moon is waxing - maybe we should be moving even knowing our direction might be subject to change. 

Is it easier to turn something around or to get up to speed from a dead stop? I'm not sure, but, maybe that is what we should be asking ourselves. 

I will say it now, so you don't have to read too far to reach this part - THIS IS A BIG WEEK.

Let's unpack it.

MONDAY - Mercury out of shadow, 22 degrees Capricorn

TUESDAY - Venus enters Capricorn

THURSDAY - Full Moon in Leo, Mars squares Chiron

FRIDAY - Mercury squares Chiron

SATURDAY/SUNDAY - Uranus stations direct, Sun squares Jupiter, Mercury squares North Node, conjuncts Mars and trines Uranus, Mercury trines Uranus, Venus sextiles Saturn and trines Jupiter, Mars squares the Nodes - wth?

On MONDAY - Mercury starts walking fresh degrees after his recent Capricorn/Sagittarius retrograde. New information. New ideas. New conversations. New plans. New goals. Things are serious. Sober. There is a need to be responsible/stepping into our authority. With Mars nearby, we are required to be walking our talk. Talking about things we know enough to be talking about. Words that are more precise will be most effective now.

22 degrees Cappy is a powerful and LIT degree - information/ideas/.communication will matter - so keep that in mind. 

On TUESDAY - the Sun and Pluto may have left Capricorn, one for a year and the other for about 250, but Mercury and Mars are still having a Cappy party - does Cappy have parties? This would look more like a business meeting ... maybe with cake :) 

Now Venus joins them, leaving Sagittarius for grounded Capricorn until February 16th.

With Venus in Cappy we are attracting what we want/need through Capricorn energies - being sober, competent, realistic, goal-oriented, smart/funny, patient, structured/stable, being a boss. People born with Venus in Cappy probably like to be seen this way and are attracted to partners who are like this. Capricorn risings and Capricorn Suns become especially attractive now - both easier on the able and more able to ATTRACT what they want. 

All our Cappy houses will benefit from a visit from the lovely and benefic Venus. Pluto out. Venus in. Enjoy this energy dear Capriocrns - you have most decidedly earned it. Invest in yourself now!

On THURSDAY, the Leo Moon, at 5 degrees, opposes the Aquarius Sun giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon in heartfelt Leo. This one is opposing Pluto and square Jupiter. Mars squares Chiron. Expect DRAMA and a BIG post!

On FRIDAY - following in the footsteps of Mars - does this mean we are taking action before we are thinking things through? It might - Mercury (and Mars) squares Chiron AND then the Nodes.

Mercury/Mars can bring arguments and conflicts, but are maybe just as likely in Capricorn, to indicate sober/serious words and actions that might feel like a splash of COLD water. The squares to Chiron could indicate repressed words or actions. We could be too forceful/too cold or maybe too hesitant. Our words may sound clumsy to our ears, but remember Mercury has been back and forth for weeks, we have almost certainly earned the right to be heard. Painful conversations may be necessary. With the squares coming from Capricorn this could be about a work situation or maybe this is an actual illness interfering with work/goals/responsibilities, etc. 

The Moon, moving from Leo to Virgo, is stressed on Friday, too, so this just looks like a trying way to end the work week for many people. With that applying square to the Nodes of Fate - maybe it's time to choose the words/actions that are most new. You don't have to have all the answers. Pluto is in Aquarius now, solutions and answers are two different things. 

On SATURDAY/SUNDAY - the weekend looks BIG. 

And since it's the weekend, yes, much will play out as it applies in the preceding days, too. 

Uranus stations direct - here is the CHANGE/chaos - the breakthrough, breakdown, break-up - that was postponed. Lightning strikes and lightbulb moments are possible. 

And, of course, keep in mind, Uranus is strong all week, so pretty much anything can happen at any time, BUT before this point it will surely be something we could have seen coming. After his station I would say all bets are off. 

Uranus (and Aquarius) in our natal chart is a space we all carry our own little vial of Promethean fire. Vision. Destiny. It's a space where change is demanded of us. A space where we can't really pretend we are 'normal'. It will speak of a past life/ancestral TRAUMA - you will also see something about this repeated in some way in your childhood. Maybe in that past life we had the 'change/chaos/loss' and died, so in this life we get the 'change' and learn we can keep going. There is a price to be paid for this little vial of 'fire' we carry. We may not be chained to a rock like Prometheus having our liver pecked out every night by an eagle (although Uranian/Aquarius people should take extra care with their livers), but freedom isn't free. 

I don't think it's a coincidence that we have these squares to Chiron (who replaced Prometheus on that rock) at the same time.

With Pluto in Aquarius now and answering to Uranus (and Saturn), everything Uranus does will have a greater significance. In Taurus, collectively Uranian changes speak of earth changes, financial shake-ups, changes with our self-esteem, values and resource issues.

(Uranus will station retrograde on September 1. 2024, that's the day Pluto moves back into Cappy for his final few weeks - I mean you can't make this stuff up!)

Mercury is uber active now - communication, information, conversations. His/her trine to Uranus speaks of solutions, forward leaning words and conversations. New ideas. The nodal square tells us that change is needed/might come with our back against the wall. Squares bring tension and frustration, but truly without them not much would change! That North Node in Aries speaks of the need to be brave, first, more self-sufficient, more assertive - maybe with that conjunction with Mars - even get pissed off. Obviously we could take this too far, but bending over backward for someone else isn't going to work. 

Mercury is the hub of EVERYTHING here. Words will matter. Think before you speak. 

Let's see what the Moon is doing - WOW - other than her closing square to Neptune (without Pluto at the end of Capricorn we are going to have alot of closing lunar aspects with Neptune and Uranus), the Moon is making multiple smooth trines from Virgo. I wrote about this in the monthly HERE, but had forgotten about this late month love fest. 


Here is our way through any kerfluffles - Virgo. Healthy habits. Small steps. One thing at a time. Be of service. Clean things up. Practical action. This is mutable earth. Stay grounded AND flexible. 

This is also the day the Sun in Cappy squares Jupiter in Taurus - this is probably going to amplify the Uranus station/drive things home. We will talk about this quite a bit in the next Full Moon post, but this square makes it easy to overdo things/over promise, over-want, etc, so just know that going into the week. 

BIG isn't necessarily bad, but it isn't necessarily BETTER either. There is confidence and optimism, but also TENSION

What else this weekend? Actually it might be easier to ask what isn't happening this week and weekend. Ack! 

Venus, settled and sober in Cappy now, sextiles Saturn - this is more of the 'making the dream real' energy and she is the last planet through Cappy this season to give us this! AND a smooth trine to Jupiter in Taurus. THIS LOOKS LUCRATIVE, lucky, opportunistic, business/mature relationships are in flow and I think this, plus , did I say GRAND EARTH TRINES are very good news. 

Just keep in mind that over-doing, over-promising, over-wanting thing and that closing opposition from the Moon to Neptune, which is, yes, annoying, and I think we ignore it at our peril - the possibility of all these goodies and Grand Trines drifting off course or amounting to not much in the end. 

So, YES, there are goodies here, but again, feet on the ground.

These goodies are all coming to us through Capricorn (solar) and Virgo (lunar)  - practical, responsible, Earth signs. The squares to the North Node speak of tension/frustration and the need to take action. 

To recap - the changes that have been postponed will start moving forward, BIG Full Moon in Leo will bring the DRAMA and the week is filled with enough challenges and opportunities to get everyone MOVING and awake.

Full Moon post next. 

All the major planets are direct until April. What needs to move forward in your life?

xo all

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