today's astrology forecast | Thursday, January 18th, 2024 - let's keep making our way through this week, today has some great energy for practical action, make calls, plans and goals

More run up to the weekend's big energies - 

we wake with the Moon in Taurus, the sign of her exaltation. Now we are nourished/nurtured by more typically nourishing things. A good meal, a warm bed, a soft touch. She sextiles Saturn, trines Mercury, meets Jupiter and trines Mars. All good. 

This is also the day, and for the third time, Mercury, again, sextiles Saturn in Pisces. This time they are both direct. Our words/ideas and conversations are older and wiser. We should have some idea of what we need to do to give our dreams/imaginings LEGS. Conversations with authority and stepping into our own - can go well. News will be realistic. This is a Saturnian opportunity, so comes if we KNOW WHAT WE ARE DOING.

Things are moving forward

Sextiles are creative opportunities, but require some efforting on our part. This is great energy for serious AND compassionate conversations. To set goals. To make plans. To commit to something practical.

Cappy/Pisces is the energy of 'making the dream real', so what is a practical step you can take now to get you closer to where you are wanting to be?

Think of it like this - Capricorn and Pisces energies are ALWAYS sextile each other (60 degrees apart), always one is WANTING to create an opportunity with the other. Although they might appear to make strange bedfellows, sober Cappy and dreamy Pisces are actually BUDDIES. 

So, when a planet/point in one sign comes in and lines up closely enough by degree with a planet/point in the other sign there is this little (sometimes not so little) window of time and space (a portal) when these energies have access to each other -

in this case through Mercury (communication, words, tech, siblings, transportation, education, local community, doing multiple things or doing something again, our work, health, our day-to-day routine) and Saturn (father, work, our career/the way we are seen by the world, our goals, ambitions, responsibilities, structure). 

We can use this portal through some kind of effort - usually action, but not always direct action. The closer this portal is - in this case, 4 degrees Cappy or Pisces - to a planet or point in our natal or progressed chart, most likely the stronger our NUDGE will be to DO SOMETHING. 

And the more effective our effort will be if we do. 

Doors open. 

Something else to keep in mind, is right now, and up until sometime in March, when Jupiter gets outside the orb of this sextile - we have Jupiter in a sextile with Saturn, too. 

This one is VERY long lasting - much longer than this week's Mercury/Saturn and will cover the early to mid degrees of Taurus and Pisces. Taurus ands Pisces is another set of energies (60 degrees apart) that are always sextile and now, occupied by Jupiter and Saturn - EXTREMELY POTENT. We will talk more about this next week and sometimes in the first week in February when they are about as close as they will get. 

For today, there is good energy for FORWARD movement, especially via conversations and communications, and also, with that Taurus Moon, for taking care of ourselves. 

Make the call. Send the email. Practical action is best. 

xo all

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