New Moon in Capricorn | January 11th, 2024 - imbalances push us to choose, a new story begins to take shape, set your goals, make your plans for something new but not totally new, starting from where we are now as 'time runs out' gets stirred up ... again

On Thursday, January 11th, 2024, at 6:57AM EDT, the Capricorn Moon catches up with the Capricorn Sun at 20 degrees giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in Capricorn. 

The New Moon is always a time of Moon meets Sun. They come together once a month (from our perspective) - the Moon is hidden/dark and we start a new monthly lunar cycle.

Let's dive right in and unpack the chart!

The Moon and Sun meet at 20 degrees Capricorn. The Moon squares the North and South Nodes EXACT. The Moon trines Juno and sextiles Pallas. The Moon inconjuncts Ceres. The Moon trines Uranus retrograde. Saturn, the ruler of Cappy is the ruler of this New Moon. Saturn is in Pisces sextiling Mars and Jupiter. 

20 degrees Capricorn is tightly conjunct, where, back in 2020, time ran out. Reality was destroyed. Power was cemented via Saturn's meetup with Pluto (and the Sun, Ceres and Mercury). We all know how that went down. 

In 2022, we had a New Moon in Capricorn conjunct this "hot" degree, too. In fact, 2022 was bookended with TWO Capricorn New Moons. In 2023 we didn't have any. It is not a coincidence we are back here AGAIN for Pluto's (the 'runs out' part of 'time runs out') last New Moon in Capricorn for hundreds of years. 

The biggest challenge with this New Moon is the Moon's EXACT square to the North Node in Aries - our best path forward. 

Squares speaks of tension/frustration and require action. This is between the old/where we are now and the new/where we need to go. Maybe imbalanced relationships vs us, being more assertive. Maybe collaborative relationships/projects that are no longer firing us up and new independent action that does or will. Relationships where we are over-giving will be draining us. Relationships where we are under-giving can create stagnation and depression. If we are in the wrong relationships or have developed the wrong habits within our relationships things need to shift. 

There is a corner to be turned here before we can move forward. 

The Moon sextiles Pallas. This one is tight and applying, so strong. Pallas is in Scorpio - merging/going deep/getting intimate, so this is about connecting hidden dots. Our ability to see what is under the bed/the hood is HELPFUL and can create opportunities for us now. Sextiles require action so we are going to have to actually LOOK. Pallas in Scorpio can also speak of hidden plans and manipulations. I don't want to encourage those, but ... there is something here that can go right. 

The Moon trines Juno. Also tight and applying. This one happens without any efforting on our part. 

The Moon's smooth trine to Juno, retrograde in Virgo, is supporting practical action with whatever this 'imbalanced relationship' energy is kicking up. Virgo does things one step at a time, one foot in front of the other. 

It's a time where re-working our closest relationships, our marriages, our contracts and fixing what can be fixed can really pay off. 

Changing our daily habits within these important relationships can be especially effective. 

Juno went into Virgo back in October 2023 and won't leave until August 2024. This is an unusually long time for the planet of "marriage and what we do to maintain the power we get from someone or something else" to be in the sign of the day-to-day, our health, our habits, our pets, our ability to discern and FIX things. 

Right now we are in the "re" phase of this process. Things can be more of an inside job as we are re-thinking. Re-assessing. Re-viewing. Re-doing. Re-unioning (spell check is telling me this isn't a word, but I like it and I think you can get the gist of this).

The downside of Juno in Virgo is nitpicking and perfectionism, so we might be seeing everything that is wrong with a relationship, contract or commitment and missing everything that is right. Be practical here. What is working? What isn't? Can we fix it? Can we live with what we can't fix or can't we?

If you are thinking of some kind of big marital/relationship change or divorce, either from a person or something that empowers you (career, etc) - and keep in mind I can't see your chart here - you might want to see where things stand when Juno stations direct in April. Just work the process of change in the meantime. 

Note - the Juno station then is happening as Jupiter conjuncts Uranus, so will be part of the same thing for some people. Think about the mythology/the archetypes involved in the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction, the biggest aspect of 2024 and there are many ways this can play out. One of the storylines could be, especially with Juno, the king's wife changing direction at the same time Jupiter meets change-making/freedom loving Uranus - Jupiter/Uranus - the king is free. Right now would be a good time for some action and planning to make yourself stable if something like this is on your radar. If "the king" something/someone you are depending on for power, etc, cuts you loose or you bring the scissors, what are you going to do?  

Keep in mind, this isn't April with the powerful, BENEFICIAL, but also JARRING conjunction. 

This is January. 

Right now we are having the smooth trine and lots of SUPPORT. 

A Grand Earth Trine with the Moon (Cappy), Juno (Virgo) and Uranus (Taurus). Here is where our responsible and practical actions create more freedom AND fix what can be fixed. This speaks of positive change for our stability, finances and our self-esteem just by doing the next right thing and then the next right thing after that. 


With the Moon in a Grand Earth Trine and Saturn sextiling both Mars and Jupiter, maybe as we lean into the future, we find, instead of Saturn's usual obstacles, the wind at our back. 

Is there still such a thing?! Yes, I think there might be! 

With this New Moon WE CAN BE BETTER - if we are willing to be better. TAKE ACTION and things fall in line folks!

In Capricorn we need to be playing by the rules, but that trine to rule-breaker Uranus and Saturn being in unstructured/unlimited Pisces can help us BEND them a little.

Something to keep in mind here, too, is that Uranus - the planet of change and the future - is RETROGRADE. So, this is unlikely to be some totally new thing we had never thought of before (Mercury about to enter Cappy and walk degrees he/she has already walked twice before is echoing this). This will be a change/something new that somehow has its feet in the past. 

The ruler of Capricorn is Saturn in Pisces and our Moon is answering to him. 

In the last few years we have moved through Saturn in Capricorn - many people were humbled, sometimes this humbling seemed unfair, but maybe this was what was needed to heal our ancestors who had needed to fall, but didn't. Or sometimes, having had our heads cut off by mad kings in prior lives, we needed to be back on the chopping block in this life to understand that we could now lose our head (job, authority, stability, etc) without actually dying this time. Many people stood up, some for the first time to heal themselves and some to heal their ancestors who needed to stand, but couldn't. 


Many people lost the structures that were holding them up, their authority, their skills, their youth, their parents, their place in the world. This is all part of the ending of the patriarchy. It's a process. This isn't a snap of our fingers and this isn't painless because the patriarchy is part of us, it's in our charts, in our DNA. It's like losing our arm. This isn't going to be something pretty that we take a picture of and toss up on Instagram.


Then we moved through Saturn in Aquarius and we were dealing with karma with trauma - maybe with group situations, maybe with technology. 


We have a large portion of humanity still carrying a piece of our collective trauma that allows them to be exploited by emperors and demagogues and group think and tribal associations (because they thought this were keeping them safe and maybe in prior lives/their ancestry/their childhood - the loss of these emperors caused them trauma - father dies and the children starve, the king is killed and the kingdom overthrown and they are killed, etc) and until this piece of our collective trauma is healed - none of us can move on. This is where Pluto in Aquarius comes in ...


Now Saturn is in Pisces. This is our first New Moon in Capricorn with Saturn in Pisces since 1996. This is our last New Moon in Capricorn with Pluto in Capricorn in our lifetime. Saturn and Pisces are not naturally compatible. Saturn is all about structure and limits and discipline and achievement and remember Saturn has been in the sign of his ancient rulership (Aquarius) and the sign of his rulership (Capricorn) for several years before this. We had gotten accustomed to being STRONG and to HAVING to be strong. Saturn in Pisces answering to Neptune is not so strong and the good news for us is we don't have to be either! As Saturn in Pisces dissolves limits and rules and structures we have grown used to - this may not be comfortable. Time melts. Reality is an illusion. Reality is malleable. We might be less ambitious. Maybe with Saturn in Pisces we are building things that are not quite so 'real', not quite so lasting, but also maybe not quite so rigid. 

2024 will be a year when we start the process of stopping trying to apply old solutions to problems that can't be solved through our ENGAGEMENT with the struggle. Cappy New Moons are not about fast action (although the trine to Uranus will create a smooth portal for fast change if its needed) so much as it is about allowing ourselves to PATIENTLY grow into a new situation. With Pluto changing signs on the 20th, we all need to be prepared for things to move more quickly and in a new direction.

TO BOTTOM LINE THIS ONE - and everything in the weekly HERE applies to this New Moon - 

I like this Moon. The New Moon in Cappy is a time to take sober new action.

Cappy isn't about us being motivated, as much as it is about us being DISCIPLINED. This may not be about something we really want to do as much as it is about something we really NEED to do. And then we do it and things go smoothly. 

The Moon's square to the Nodes of Fate shows tension/frustration between imbalanced relationships and our new, more courageous, authentic and independent path forward. This is a crossroad - a time for serious, practical and ambitious DECISIONS. 

With a smooth trine to change-bringer Uranus (retrograde). New action - with its feet in the past - BRINGS THE WIND TO OUR BACK. The caveat with Uranus is we have to be ourselves. That Cappy suit is too tight. And this is happening with the most Cappy we are going to experience for the rest of our lives!  

Saturn, the ruler of this lunation, is well-aspected through sextiles with Mars and Jupiter. Although his placement in Pisces and Mercury's square to Neptune in Pisces plus Pluto at the very end of Cappy AGAIN will likely speak of some Capricorn exhaustion here. That's OK. Being tired of the same old thing makes that trine with Uranus - the something new - even more appealing! 

Venus and Jupiter are in mutual reception. The benefics having access to their home signs through each other is a good sign at this New Moon. 

The trine to Juno ties this lunation into important relationships and connects the New Moon to April's BIG energies.

Mars is extremely effective in Capricorn (answering to Saturn) and we will be, too, kind of the way a hot-head tossed into the serious, structure of the military can thrive. In Capricorn, our Mars has goals and deadlines - he can't be just mucking around town causing trouble. Our actions (Mars) are ambitious (Capricorn). Results come over time.

The Moon's closing aspect will be a conjunction with Pluto late Thursday night. 

The Sun will get to Pluto on January 20th when the Sun and Pluto meet and move into Aquarius together. So, this New Moon now is pulling us toward that. 

We are sucked into the future (the second of three yanks), ready or not. 


Some Capricorn new moon affirmation areas to think about: security, time, self-discipline, your brand and image, ambition, opportunity, goals, delegation, releasing control, father figures, reputation, your bones, knees, skin and joints, your Cappy house theme.

Get grounded - we're in an earth sign now, so this should be easier - always make affirmations from a  positive place (positive meaning certain AND positive meaning optimistic or at least neutral ie do something to clear out the negativity first - take s shower/a walk etc) - write your affirmations down by hand in cursive, we want the letters all connecting and flowing together. Speak them out loud when you are alone.

Then release your attention from these things knowing that your intention is known.

This month I will burn mine with a white candle, let the candle burn down and then bury the ashes in the ground. I feel a little more connected with the finality of the results when I do something like this. You don't have to. Do what feels right to you. With Capricorn - serious is best.

Know these things are already yours

xo all

This is the day of the Bitcoin ETF launch and the chart has very good and strong aspects on its own and strong/empowering connections to the 2009 Bitcoin chart. If you are thinking about Bitcoin, this might be the time to take a look at it. 

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