august gets hotter | part iv - August 17th, making important adjustments

Today our Capricorn Moon inconjuncts the Leo Sun at 25 degrees. This Waxing Inconjunct is a natural part of the lunar cycle as the Moon grows from 'new' to 'full' every month.

Inconjuncts are uncomfortable aspects. If we think of the archetypal characteristics of Capricorn - serious, ambitious, responsible, practical and contrast them with Leo - bold, dramatic, flashy, playful, generous, we can see/feel the 'disconnect'. The Sun wants to play/shine/celebrate and our sober Cappy Moon pulls our attention to responsibilities/obligations/that rainy day that surely is coming. 

We want to play and we have to work. Our fun is rained out/limited/it's time to go. Or something like this. 

Normally I would probably not devote a post to this, but with all roads leading us to August 19th and the day, weeks and months that will follow the August 19th Full Moon, maybe we should think about this.

Inconjuncts are adjustments. Nothing is perfect either way. Yes, Cappy says there are rules and limits AND yes, Leo, must shine/celebrate/create. The restrictions are here now for a reason and the restrictions are echoing the Mars/Saturn square still in play AND the Sun is home in Leo during this pivotal time for a reason, too. We need fun. We need Sun. We need romance and we need children and we need to 'make something'. 

If you feel 'taken down a peg or two' today, then just deal with this. Cappy Moons are great 'dealers'. There isn't much they can't handle and we all have access to this energy right now. 

Since this aspect is kind of repeating the Mars/Saturn in a way and we talked about the Mars/Saturn HERE - let's relook at that. Because with the lights involved this is making me think about the ways we BLOCK OURSELVES - we procrastinate, we find excuses (which, yes, can be real things), we look too long and too hard for dragons on the path ahead to ever get started on the journey at all. 

This is an excellent time to THINK ABOUT WHAT WE ARE DOING. Do our actions (Mars) right now support our long-term (Saturn) goals and plans?

Today's Leo/Cappy awkwardness is asking us to MANAGE via a kind of 'give and take' our very real need for love and attention and appreciation and creativity with our very real need for stability and right work and responsibility and practicality. Life is for grown-ups right now AND our inner child needs to play, too. 

After this, the Moon goes void for about an hour in the late afternoon/early evening EDT of the 17th before heading into Aquarius where she will catch up with our retrograde Pluto at about 6:13PM EDT probably making for an intense evening. 

Her opposition to the Sun - the Full Moon - on Monday comes late in Aquarius/'late in the day' so to speak (not actually late on the 19th, but after alot has already happened). 

We'll talk about that Full Moon next. 

It's tight on alot of charts that are in the news and happens just as the Democratic National Convention kicks off (expect protests) - from the U.S. Moon (the people) to China's Ascendent to Putin's North Node/Zelensky's mid-heaven to Harris's Saturn/Trump's descendent, opposes Israel's Mars and Netanyahu's Mars and Trump's Mars (Trump has his assassination attempt under similar skies, hopefully this one is just about the Dems trying to 'unhead' him at their convention), NASDAQ's North Node and much more PLUS it squares Uranus/Algol (yes, more change and rolling heads). This might be speaking of a challenging world event that involves everyone, but maybe not. Let's not see dragons until we see dragons. There are many possibilities. 

The Moon will conclude ie bring results or peak energy to a storyline that started last February, at the Aquarius New Moon, and will have its own 6 month 'run' and be most active for the next 2 weeks. 

Get ready to howl at this one folks!

xo all

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