august gets hotter | part I - August 14th, a catalyst for change

The Moon is in Sagittarius today - we are nourished/nurtured through adventure, through our big picture beliefs, our faith, by what is foreign to us, by making something bigger/taking something further. 

This is complicated by the Moon's position forming a Mutable T-Square with Mars/Jupiter (who sit together at 16 Gemini) and a retrograde Saturn at 17 Pisces. This will be exact around noon EDT. So, we have the merger of Mars and Jupiter - big moves, big motivation, big passion, big anger - opposing the Moon in Sag (who is answering to Jupiter, so this is not so bad since the Moon is wanting the same thing) and squaring an unsteady/drifting, retrograde Saturn. 

Stay flexible. ADAPT. What this energy really is - is a catalyst for CHANGE.

Confidence, enthusiasm, optimism. One of the reasons Kamala Harris appears to have caught fire is that she is riding this wave, for now. She has a natal Mars/Jupiter contact (also a natal Saturn/Jupiter) and is doing the BIG THINGS that Jupiter likes, so this energy is helping her. It can help us, too. The Moon in Sag is all in with Mars/Jupiter. Let's go big, she says, it will feel good. The retrograde Saturn in Pisces that is holding most of us up with delays and uncertainty is helping her, too - she has an old life of authority in her celestial DNA and the ways the illusion and confusion of these years (2011-2026) with Neptune in Pisces is helped along with Saturn being there, too right now, is helping her because she is consciously and unconsciously using it. Most of this is called FATE.  

With Saturn in Pisces authority can be IDEALIZED and ILLUSORY. She has yet to give an interview (astrology can tell us why) or put out a platform, is in a position no one voted to put her in and, yet, is on the cover of Time magazine as if she has just been coronated Queen. And the Democrats are modifying headlines in Google ads to make them look like positive news headlines. It's tripped me up a couple times. More smoke and mirrors. 

(The problem for both her and Trump is that Jupiter - the King of the Gods and ruler of the United States chart, so Jupiter kind of IS the United States - is going to TURN AROUND before he catches up with EITHER of their Gemini placements. Will what is up go down and down go up? Will there be unexpected delays? We will have to see! I am going to do a post about the U.S. election, with the U.S. Pluto return back in orb at that time, it really is world news.)

When we find ourselves with the wind at our back like she does, we need to be preparing for what we are going to do when the winds shift. 

Collectively this is all part of the Jupiter/Saturn PROCESS. We are in the first quarter square of their long and never-ending cycle. This chapter started back on the Winter Solstice of 2020 when Jupiter met Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius and the 'world started back up again'. With Jupiter/Saturn - the two middle planets that connect the inner planets with the outer planets - we expand and then we contract. 

For now, we have this mutable T-square with a focal point of a retrograde Saturn. We want to move forward, but maybe old responsibilities, old obligations, old fears are holding things up. And with Saturn in Pisces NOTHING IS STEADY (and probably won't be until Saturn gets into Taurus in 2028) because the ground beneath our feet is WATER. This has its positives and its challenges. 

Situations require us to swim or we will sink. 

And the good news if we have sunk is that the same water that dragged us down can buoy us up. Because the water we are standing in today is not the same water we will be standing in tomorrow. Water is always CHANGING and with Saturn in Pisces, too now, there is NOTHING TO CONTAIN IT. Keep this in mind. 

Think about all the ways this can be a good thing instead of all the ways it isn't. 

With Mars catching up with Jupiter in Gemini - there will probably be more than one thing to do/more than one thing that is growing. 

Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is retrograde which is complicating the whole thing and he is in an inconjunct with Pluto today that might bring us back to a situation from the end of July when he/she first made this 'rock and a hard place' aspect with Pluto. 

Something needs a CLOSER LOOK (or we are intensely focused on something uncomfortable) and maybe this is a good time to UNCOVER something we missed the first time through. Or, because this is a give-and-take aspect and Mercury is retrograde, maybe there is something we have grabbed onto like a dog with a bone that we need to shake loose a bit. We might react strongly to what we are hearing/saying/reading and other people could be reacting intensely or over-reacting to us if we are triggering this energy for them. Keep this in mind. 

This is all part of the larger Jupiter/Saturn story that is strongly in play NOW THROUGH ABOUT THE 24TH and will be back at the end of the year. Figure the next 10 days for now.

Be careful. Be smart. Be confident and optimistic, absolutely, AND know that these are not calm waters, so don't over-promise or over-do - give yourself some extra time and leeway. Mars/Jupiter will feel like WE MUST DO THIS NOW, but we know these limits (Saturn in Pisces is STILL Saturn) are coming. 

How we deal with them is going to make all the difference. 

For now, stay FLEXIBLE. Watch what you are about to OVER-DO and think about it again before you do it or say it. Can you take a bite without it being a whole mouthful?

There is a TEST OF FAITH - the tension/frustration part of the Jupiter/Saturn cycle and with Mercury moving back into Leo - our heart wants a say in which way we take this chapter, too. What do we still love/have pride in/line up with? These 'dog days of summer' are not designed to be easy days. I don't believe life on planet Earth is a school exactly, but this is certainly a testing time for some. "No's" and stop signs and road blocks are opportunities. 

Back with part II tonight or tomorrow morning and we'll look at tomorrow's Grand Fire Trine!

xo all

Collective events are very important, and could get hairy, over the next 10 days, so take care of yourself. Get enough rest. Get into water. Stay flexible with plans and commitments. Allow others the grace of the same. 

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