the astrology of the new moon in leo | August 4th, 2024 - starting something we can be proud of, following our heart, multiple opportunities and motivations, multiple ways to get lucky, the background energy that sets the stage for the big mid-month shifts

On August 4th, 2024 at 7:13AM EDT the Leo Moon catches up with the Leo Sun at 12 degrees giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in fiery big-hearted, courageous LEO!

Our natal Leo house is where we are meant to "shine" - this is where we create, take risks and are "recognized". This "recognition" doesn't mean everyone is going to love what we are doing (although they might). But it does mean the stuff we are doing will stand out.


Let's dive right in and unpack the chart!

We are going to keep this one simple because we are going to have alot going on soon and we need to PACE OURSELVES.

The Moon meets the Sun at 12 degrees Leo. The New Moon sextiles Mars in Gemini (separating at 9 degrees). The New Moon sextiles Jupiter in Gemini (applying at 12 degrees). So, the Moon is exactly sextile the mid-point of Mars and Jupiter. The Moon trines the North Node in Aries. The New Moon is inconjunct asteroid Minerva. The New Moon is widely conjunct Vesta. The New Moon's final aspect in Leo will be a square to Uranus.

The Moon meets the Sun in Leo- think FIERY FRESH START. 

The sextile to Mars in Gemini speaks of more than one way forward or doing something over again (Mercury - the ruler of Gemini, retrograde within hours of this New Moon is kind of echoing this). Mars adds men, action, fire, passion, initiative, motivation. This is separating, so could be something that has already happened? What are we feeling fired up about?

The sextile to Jupiter, also in Gemini, but this one IN THE FUTURE, speaks of optimism, luck. Again, multiple paths forward. MULTIPLE WAYS TO GET LUCKY. 

I don't usually look at mid-points with sextiles, but this one is EXACT and catches our eye. Feels like we are exactly, as this New Moon story unfolds, precisely where we should be. Precisely where this New Moon start would have us BEGIN. 

With Mercury stationing retrograde within hours (in Virgo) and ruling both Mars and Jupiter, we are going to need to take our time here. We are going to want to get this right. The details will matter. In Leo, we are working with our HEART. Creating something heartfelt - and the trine to the North Node in Aries tells us - also self-sustaining. 

After meeting up the Sun, the Moon (and the Sun, too, since remember this is their journey TOGETHER) goes on to meet up with Vesta. The Moon will get there in a few hours, the Sun in a few days. Vesta is our sacred focus and in fiery Leo, she merges with that flame that needs to be kept lit. Our life-source. The Moon/Vesta only adds to our concentration and determination for whatever is starting/this special thing that only we can bring into existence.

The New Moon's closing square to Uranus tells us to expect a curveball. And since we know Mercury's retrograde - which we talked about HERE - is bringing us multiple curveballs or multiple situations with the same curveball, we already know we need to be flexible and quick on our feet. Pivots are possible. The Moon will square Uranus on Monday. Expect emotional disruptions/changes. There could be a sort of prequel on Monday to the Sun/Uranus later in the month. 

The Sun will square Uranus on August 19th - yes, that's the week the sh*t will be hitting the fan. You have the benefit of astrology to know this going into the month. This is also the day of the Full Moon in Aquarius, that in some ways closes out this one. Things are certainly determined to end with a BANG. 

There is an exact inconjunct from the New Moon to asteroid Minerva. Minerva is to the Romans what Pallas is to the Greeks. Another father's daughter archetype with a need to be useful, to be good at what she does, to succeed in a "man's world". With Leo/the Sun's sign being one of multiple representations of father in a chart and with Mercury retrograde taking us from Virgo back into Leo it might pay off for us to think about how much of our energy/work (Virgo) is going into this almost invisible need for RECOGNITION (Leo). Minerva here might also speak of the strategies and behaviors we have learned/developed to please our fathers. The inconjunct is like a rock and a hard place, so a need here for some give and take with this energy and whatever we are starting. Minerva also pulls Cancer - home, family, etc, into the New Moon mix. How strongly any of this will apply will probably depend on your natal chart. 

So, what do we have here? A BOLD New Moon in fiery Leo - the sign that rules our heart, our heart-filled desires, the Sun, the way we shine in the world, the way we take the center stage, children, romance, creative projects. Something here, or within the theme of your natal Leo house, is ready to START. That sextile to Mars speaks of motivation, taking action that create opportunities. The sextile to benevolent Jupiter indicates whatever starts can grow/make us lucky. Multiple doors are opening. Stay optimistic. Take strategic risks. We just won't expect things to proceed in a straight line with Mercury - ruler of both Mars and Jupiter now - about to change direction. There will be revisions and adjustments and details that will need to be worked and re-worked. Stay flexible. Keep moving. Follow your HEART. 

How to start?

Start by setting your New Moon intentions. 


Clear a space. Wash your hands. Speak intentionally (and less) in the time leading up to and following this ritual to give your thoughts/words more juice. Don't share them. This is all about you. Let your heart (with a tilt toward change/chaos! since we know the closing aspect is that square to Uranus and we know Mercury has multiple squares to Uranus ahead of him as us) guide you, write your intentions down by hand in script on a blank piece of paper, speak the words out loud, sit with this as long as it feels appropriate, then burn the paper - release your attention from these things knowing your intention is known.

Life has heard you. Your thread of the web has shifted. 

Know these things are already yours.

xo all

Back with the weekly tomorrow! 

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