weekly astrology forecast | August 5th to August 11th, 2024 - watch for the good news and opportunities, starting and staying flexible, changing our minds and plans, seeing the problems so we can fix them, preparing for the mid-month shifts

We are in the eye of the storm now folks! 

MONDAY - Mercury stations retrograde (4 Virgo)

WEDNESDAY - Sun sextiles Jupiter, Mercury conjuncts Venus

FRIDAY - Juno enters Libra

On MONDAY - Mercury stations retrograde at 4 degrees Virgo. 

We talked at some length about his/her retrograde HERE. While Mercury is retrograde anything involving the letters "re" is a good use of our time. Re-evaluating, re-working, re-thinking, re-unions, re-miniscing - you get the idea. Expect delays and hold-ups. Double check your communication. Both outgoing and incoming to be sure you are understanding and being understood. In Virgo, Mercury retrograde is excellent energy to RE-ORGANIZE. Closets, in-boxes, the stuff that needs to shift will find you/catch your attention. 

Problems/errors will be more noticeable. Solutions may take some time/be part of a process. 

Mercury will make multiple squares to chaotic Uranus in Taurus, so expect changes and monkey wrenches through this area of your life/chart and with the collective themes of resources, finances, values and self-esteem. Mercury will make multiple trines to hurting/healing Chiron, so this can literally be about healing physical illnesses/wounds with deep roots - heart issues, nerve issues, motivation and confidence issues, etc. 

On AUGUST 18th, Mercury, back in Leo at this point will catch up with the Sun at 26 degrees. This is the mid-point of the Mercury retrograde cycle and shines a powerful LIGHT on what this Mercury retrograde/this re-do has been and is about for us. In the meantime, right now, Mercury is still in Virgo - be practical, do what is right in front of you. Take care of your health.

Monday is also the day the Moon in Leo will square Uranus, so there could be some kind of shake-up today that prequels what we will be dealing with later.

On WEDNESDAY - now we have Mercury retrograde backing into Venus in Virgo AND the Sun in Leo sextiling Jupiter in Gemini at 15 degrees

So, Mercury has just turned around in Virgo not really knowing what is up with this HOLD-UP when he backs into our lovely Venus. "Hmmm", says Mercury to himself, "let's take another look at this Venus stuff" - ie our relationships, love, money, resources, values, self-esteem.

Venus is not so comfortable in picky and particular Virgo. We will all be happier and more settled once she comes home to Libra at the end of August, but in the meantime there is work to do. Maybe uncomfortable conversations to be had. With both Mercury and Venus in Virgo we will want to think about if our words are useful and necessary before you use them because critical comments can fly off tongues twisted by Virgo's need for order and precision. We will need a backbone to listen to others' words that we may need to hear and the discernment to brush-off their fast moving criticisms when they are not useful. 

Venus rules money and in Virgo she can be very smart with how she manages it. We could be backtracking over financial situations - how do we improve this? Financial or relationship NEWS can come in now. We could be talking/thinking about MONEY, especially old financial situations or what has brought us to this point. What needs to change? 

With the proud/confident Leo Sun sextiling Jupiter at the same time - LIFE IS FEELING GENEROUS. Good news can come in. An opportunity can show up. With Jupiter in Gemini, maybe multiple opportunities. We could be celebrating. This is part of the New Moon cycle. Be optimistic. Take action with what shows up. Say YES. 


FRIDAY - Venus may be bogged down in Virgo, but now we have Juno - another relationship archetype - moving on from her own Virgo retrograde and into balanced, diplomatic and just LIBRA. 

Juno is alot about the power dynamics within committed relationships. And this thing we are in a relationship with can be a situation/company, etc, not only a person, although in an individual's chart it often speaks of their marriage partner. Juno was a protector of the state, especially women and ruled marriage and contracts/cooperative arrangements, but also the things we don't want to look at too closely in order to preserve a contract or maintain our power through powerful allies or situations.  Juno's relationship with her husband Jupiter, the King of the Gods, was complicated. 

With Juno in Libra we will be dealing with IMBALANCES. Libra is the natural sign of the 7th house where power is often given away or projected. In our natal chart Juno will show us what we are giving our loyalty to, and, maybe how we give our power away/what we will do to stay on the good side of power or remain in power. I see her as connected to the 21st degree. 

Juno retrograded through Virgo - 6 to 21 degrees - from January until April. We were going back over the details of our relationship agreements, seeing what could be fixed. What did we fix? 

With Juno exact on Ukraine's ascendant we could say that Ukraine IS Juno. 

(everything that is happening in our world/the chaos has much to do with the rising Goddess energy as we enter the Age of Aquarius - we talked about the Ukraine/Russia war in terms of the Goddesses HERE and HERE)

With Juno's lengthy retrogrades she only gets through a couple signs a year, so this will be the first time Juno has been in Libra since the Ukraine/Russia war started. 

Having Juno/Ukraine in the sign of diplomacy, cooperation and peace seems like a good indicator.

Ceres, conjunct Russia's Sun, so Ceres IS Russia - is the Mother Earth Goddess who laid waste to the land to get her daughter back (in this case parts of Ukraine). 

Ceres is backtracking through Capricorn now - the space where this whole thing started. 

Ceres will station direct on August 26th at 7 Cappy.  Juno will be sextiling from 6 Libra and exactly conjunct Black Moon Lilith (Putin!). Then Venus (Zelensky has Venus exact on his Sun so Zelensky is Venus) enters Libra on August 29th. Let's hope something good comes of this.  

21-22 degrees Cappy is the position of Saturn/Pluto/Ceres/Sun/Mercury 'end of the world - when time ran out' back in January 2020 and also the position of Mars/Venus when Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, 2022. 

Ceres will get back to 21-22 Cappy right around the time Mars opposes Pluto at the United States election in early November. Saturn will oppose Jupiter. Jupiter is the United States. Saturn is REALITY. 

We will have to see how this goes. I have been wrong about Ukraine and Russia before. The mid-month crazy-ass possibly scary sh*t could save the world in the end. Things have to get worse before they get better?

I am hopeful. 

For this week - if you haven't set your New Moon intentions - DO THAT. 

Look for that Jupiter/Sun OPPORTUNITY. Stay optimistic. Be kind with your words. 

xo all

We will start looking at the mid-month possibilities next when we have a year's worth of transits ALL AT ONCE. We will also look at Israel. 

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