the full moon in aquarius | part VII - the politics of the moment, disruptions, changes and more questions than answers

We've talked about this cray-cray/powerful astrology in the last few posts and the Full Moon in some detail HERE.

Now, let's take a look at some of the major players in the news and where this is falling for them. Then I will tie it all together the best I can. Not with a big red bow, but something more like the tangle of cords under my desk, I think :)

Keep in mind this is just in relation to this Full Moon.

BIDEN - Let start with Biden - this won't be totally U.S. centric, but the Full Moon is happening EXACTLY on the United States natal Moon (the people), and the U.S. is in the middle of quite a powerful and archetypal story including both a Pluto and Chiron return, so the United States is very intimately involved with the collective energies right now. 

Biden had that disastrous debate back at the end of June. He had Saturn at 19 degrees Pisces (the exact IC/base of his chart) for weeks in a square to his natal Mercury - mentally and physically draining. He was not at his best, but what happened to Biden was cumulative/over a long period of time. It was obvious to many people that cognitive issues were happening, but the people nearest to him couldn't/wouldn't see it until it was on their television screens. This is about people protecting him (and their jobs and their own sanity because the emperor cannot be naked) but also because Biden has a BIG 12th house chart - he can be hard to clearly see. Mars/Uranus on Algol opposing Biden's Sun - he has lost his head - and so has the United States. When he finally announces he won't seek re-election he has Uranus (change/disruption) applying to natal Uranus and Mercury (communication, thinking) applying to his natal Chiron/North Node (his destiny as a wounded healer and the man who gets Prometheus off that rock). We were in the two-week window energy cycle of that 2nd Cappy Full Moon at 29 Cappy "a second chance to make a graceful exit" and he takes it (or is forced to). 

My thinking at this point with Biden is not that he will announce his intention to fight Harris at the convention, as Trump has stated (although Trump is pretty psychic), but, that it could be when Pluto gets back to 29 Cappy in early September he might step down entirely. That would be within the window of this Aquarius Full Moon (on the U.S. Moon) in a square to Algol/Uranus - loss of head ie head of the country and a Fixed Grand Cross with his Scorpio 12th house Sun. 

I have no idea what kind of process this would be, and I assume for Biden it would be health related, but if Harris is President before the election I would not be as sure of her win in November. Not that I am sure she will win in November, but I have said with her chart I think she will be President.

TRUMP - Trump is totally involved in this Aqua Full Moon. Plus he kind of IS Uranus with his natal Uranus/Sun/North Node and Prometheus archetype - giving fire to the people. Trump barely survives an assassination attempt in mid-July as Mars moved to meet Uranus on Algol in Trump's 10th career/public life house in a square to Trump's natal Mars (violence, young men)/Ascendent (physical self). He doesn't lose his head, but is literally shot in the head! Asteroid Angel probably divinely protecting Trump from birth via her conjunction to his natal Moon is conjunct his Ascendent/Mars at the time of the shooting. He also had lucky Jupiter/Uranus stuff going on. Trump raises his fist and, says "fight, fight". It looks like he has the upcoming election all sewed up. A couple days later with Mars/Uranus even tighter Trump chooses Vance as his running mate. This looked a little bit like Trump shooting himself in the head, this time, to me, but who knows. I haven't looked closely at Vance's chart - I will if he's still around in October, but I did see he has asteroid Phaethon in his natal chart tightly conjunct Trump's chaotic Uranus. Phaethon was the neglected son of Apollo/Sun who nearly burned the Earth to a crisp when he took over the reins of his father's chariot and, so, is archetypically said to represent "taking on things we aren't ready for and the potential for calamitous results". With Trump being older now than Biden was when he ran four years ago, Vance's Phaethon placement makes me nervous. Also, Vance has a natal North Node/Chiron conjunction in his natal 10th house (career, public life) in Gemini (Trump's sign) making me think, that Vance (like Biden) has the natal possibility to follow Trump, ie "destined to be a Chiron and replace Prometheus on the rock where the eagle is pecking out his liver" IF Trump wins the election. There are obviously other ways this can play out in Vance's life if Trump doesn't. 

Flash ahead to this week's Full Moon in Aquarius, It is conjunct Trump's Part of Fortune, the Sun/Vesta/Mercury on Trump's Ascendent/Mars. Jupiter/Mars on Tump's natal Uranus/North Node/Sun - Jupiter EXACT on his Uranus now and that retrograde Mercury EXACT on his Mars - Trump certainly looks like he is changing his mind about something. And he is also not out of the woods with this whole "losing his head thing". He needs to be careful. This Full Moon is ALL OVER Trump's chart, so the two weeks and six months that follow this Moon are huge for him. 

Months ago, I thought August might be when Trump changes his mind about running or is forced to via a health challenge, then I thought maybe Trump would change his mind about Vance and pivot to Tulsi Gabbard since I thought her chart was active here. Then I read Gabbard was helping Trump prepare for the upcoming debate, so what is Trump doing over the next couple weeks? I don't know. Something is going on. It looks like big changes for him. 

One problem ahead I see for Trump, maybe regardless of what decisions and changes he makes now - is that we still have to get through Eclipse season and the Libra Solar Eclipse almost exactly one month before the election is right on Trump's natal Ixion (and interestingly, although I can't tell how this factors in, to his oldest son's North Node). Ixion was the King who became the first criminal who was forgiven by Zeus/Jupiter (the United States?) and given a second chance which he ultimately blew. So, one thing he represents that I have seen before is getting a second chance and blowing it. But, even though activated since Eclipses play out over long cycles and Trump has some peak energy next April - is this a second chance at running or a second chance at actually being President?

(natally Ixion is conjunct Kamala's Sun, so she kind of is an "Ixion", but I think this might be more about her career as a criminal prosecutor for her instead of blowing a second chance, but I could be wrong here because she is getting a second chance, too, since she ran for President against Biden and lost. Being an Ixion will she blow her second chance? What usually shows up in astrology with big events that can go two ways is that the astro can support either way and that's where free will comes in)

HARRIS - to save time, we will skip right to the Full Moon with her. We can see she is flying high with that Jupiter/Mars/Uranus thing she has going on plus the whole 'fated destiny' thing with the Presidency (which Trump also had/has). She has come down to earth a bit now with Saturn's opposition to Venus among other things. This Full Moon just looks super challenging for her to me. The Moon is tightly conjunct her natal Saturn (career, public life, ambition) and it could be in her 10th house if her birth time is off a little bit and, so she has Uranus on her Jupiter squaring the whole thing AND she is having her exact Venus return (her natal Venus conjunct Pluto) which means Saturn is opposing her Venus. This is a pressure cooker for her. 

I think she is getting back what was taken from her - that 12th house Jupiter in Taurus - or what she had earned in a previous life. I've said before I think her chart connects to a past-life as a powerful Native American Chief and medicine man and also to the time of the Indian Removal Act of 1830. The Act's North Node (fate) on her Pluto, Moon on her Mars, Mars on her Saturn/MC - also the Full Moon now is on that Mars of that Act which will fire up this whole thing - Mercury on her Ascendent. Very old chickens are coming home to roost in her coop. Does this mean she will win the election? I don't know. I don't think it means she has to. I think it depends on if she can find her real voice here, but I do think she is going to be President and I have thought so since Biden selected her as his running mate and I got a look at her chart. If you think about what it took to get her to the top of the ticket it is a rather remarkable turn of events within just a few weeks. 

With the Democratic Convention kicking off right on this Full Moon and her chart UBER ACTIVATED it is impossible to say if the chart is just saying what is happening - the Democrats are nominating an unusual candidate in an unusual manner that came about due to the 'loss of a powerful head' because the Moon is so late in the game it feels to me like it is just saying this. The Convention will almost surely have demonstrations/protests, etc, going on with this Full Moon energy/world events and the Democrats being the party in charge right now. 

Will Harris lose her head? She seems to have trouble articulating, but I don't know much about her, so can't tell if this is a new thing. If it is, it could be speaking about this. In a world where we can't seem to talk to each other anymore it isn't totally surprising that the United States has three candidates - Harris, Trump and Kennedy - with different kinds of speech problems. Will she lose her position at the top of the ticket? No. Could there be surprises at the convention? Sure. But, I think the biggest surprise for the Dems is that Harris is the candidate at all. 

THE UNITED STATES - this Aquarius Full Moon - with some very challenging, but not over-comable aspects is EXACTLY conjunct the United States natal Moon - the people. In the United States third house of communication (!). The Moon in the U.S. chart inconjuncts Pluto - a give and take/rock and a hard place between power and the people - and trines the U.S. natal Mars (which is conjunct Harris's Ascendent/North Node of Fate and Trump's Sun/North Node of Fate and Uranus). WOW.

PUTIN - this Aquarius Full Moon is happening on his South Node (past lives) with the Sun/Mercury/Vesta on Putin's Pluto/North Node of Fate. The Moon will sextile his Mars in Sagittarius. Uranus is exact of RUSSIA'S Moon (the people). The Full Moon tightly opposes ZELENSKY'S Saturn. The Full Moon is conjunct UKRAINE'S Moon (the people) and tightly opposes their Mercury/Venus/Jupiter in Leo. The T-Square is hitting them from their 4th house of home, family, property. 

NETANYAHU - this Aquarius Full Moon is happening tightly opposing his natal Mars in Leo with the Sun/Vesta/Mercury conjunct his Mars. He also has Neptune at the base of his chart now. ISRAEL has pretty much the same Mars as Netanyahu, so they have the Full Moon amping up the planet of violence and action, too. Netanyahu has always just amplified Israel's Mars, so it is always dangerous for them and for everyone really when Mars is activated. Mars/Jupiter and the mutable T-Square is also all over Israel's chart and opposing their powerful Jupiter on the Galactic Center. Chiron exact on their descendent now (other people) and their natal Chiron in the first house - hurt people hurting people. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. The Full Moon is conjunct PALESTINE'S Moon (the people) and tightly opposes their Mercury/Venus/Jupiter in Leo. The T-Square is hitting them from their 4th house of home, family, property. 

UK - the United Kingdom has always had one of the most reliably accurate natal charts. It was set for the Christmas 1066 coronation of William the Conqueror. Since Brexit that chart has to be factored in, too, or maybe that would be a better chart to use now. A UK mundane astrologer would have to tell us. The 1066 chart has Uranus on the Galactic Center and in an opportunistic sextile to the U.S. Moon - which makes sense since the United States is a child of the U.K. birthed through rebellion. The Aquarius Full Moon now would be activating their chart from the same place the Moon was when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Rebellions connected to immigration or liberation/freedom issues. If we use the Brexit chart this Full Moon in Aquarius is conjunct the UK's Mercury (news, information, media, social media) and sextiles their Moon (the people). The Jupiter/Mars sits right on their 9th house cusp (foreigners, legal issues, religion) and opposes their natal Mars and forms a T-Square with their natal Neptune where transiting Saturn is now making an exact conjunction. Reality checks. Limits. Rules.

With so many charts activated, I thought at the end of last year when I was looking ahead to this year that August could be about some kind of global event. We had the Crowdstrike (what a name!) outage during the Mars/Uranus, so could see something like this again as the Moon/Sun T-Square that activated energy. 

And, of course, there is always the possibility of violence or dangerous weather events with this kind of powerful volatile energy. Expect BIG protests at the DNC convention.

For many people this Moon, and the weeks that follow, can be challenging. And we still have Mercury retrograde. World events still speak of leaders losing their heads/making sudden changes. This is pulled into our own lives, too. 

The Mutable T-Square will be in play for a bit longer, so stay flexible. Know there will be more than one way to do things and more than one thing to do. With Jupiter in Gemini there will be opportunities everywhere, but Gemini's ruler Mercury is retrograde, so right now the gold is found in the past. Take your money and the people you love seriously.

And speaking of Jupiter, he will station retrograde on October 9th, so isn't going to reach Harris's Ascendent/North Node at 24 Gemini anytime soon. He will station (21 Gemini) exactly between Trump's North Node and Sun - literally cutting Trump's destiny from his solar energy or Jupiter stepping in to connect them and offer more protection? - either way, this looks like a time for Trump (and Harris) to be careful. They were both born with retrograde Jupiters which will help them - old luck. Nothing about this election will be normal or predictable. Jupiter's station is about a week after that Eclipse on Trump's Ixion .... but that looks pretty far away at this point. 

Anything can happen. 

xo all

Big picture post next for 2025-2026! I am just typing and posting, so please excuse any typos or grammatical nonsense. You will want to be active now and give this energy something to do. Full Moons are always time when we are FULL and good times to clear closets and inboxes and give away/release what you no longer need. EXHALE. Long and slow. 

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