today's astrology forecast | the waning sextile paving the way for next week's Lunar Eclipse, balsamic Moon heads up

I haven't forgotten about Mars in Cancer, but the Eclipse spin cycle has me distracted and the upcoming Lunar Eclipse looks FIERCE. 

Let's take a look at the Moon's sextile with the Sun TODAY. This is the Moon's last interaction with the Sun before next week's Eclipse.

The Moon, at 4 degrees Leo, sextiles the Sun at 4 degrees Libra. The Moon is waning/becoming balsamic - beginning to form that skinny letter C in the sky that is our heads up to slow down/to rest this weekend. 

(HERE is an article I wrote for another artist's blog many years ago about the Balsamic Moon. I don't think she was expecting an astrology post when she asked me for a contribution and I seem to remember she did not get good feedback from her readers about this change of direction, but my balsamic brain is spacing out on the details of what transpired. I still think it's a solid post though :)

Today's sextile is Leo/Libra. Here is where our ego/position at the center stage of our own life/our heart/our creativity creates an opportunity for our relationship with other people or another person to be more BALANCED.

Sextiles are subtle energies. Although they require some kind of action, like squares, they don't hit us over the head the way squares do. We sometimes miss them. The impulse comes to us, but we let it pass by unactivated. 

So, let's pay attention.

There is something here about our need for attention/appreciation/to stand up and out CREATING GREATER BALANCE or cooperation or beauty with other people. 

Ands, of course, we get what we give - so showing someone else the love and appreciation and attention will not hurt either - unless it does, and then that will be what we need to notice. 

Immediately after this sextile the Moon will square Venus. Venus rules the upcoming Eclipse, so this is IMPORTANT and complicates things. 

Because, of course. What else. 

But the square also pushes us to take action we might miss with the sextile. The square is Leo/Scorpio. Tension and frustration between our heart, center stage, need for attention and appreciation and the details of an intimate connection, merged finances, what's under the hood/covers. 

Venus in Scorpio is complicated. Secrets are easily held. Love can be manipulative, jealous, dramatic. The Moon in Leo loves the drama, too, but, since fun and creativity and romance are the priority, Leo can ignore Scorpio's very real need for deep CONNECTION unless pushed. 

So we get the smooth energy with the Sun/Moon sextile as we stand up and out and the relationship BENEFITS and we get the lesson via tension/frustration of the harder square if we take the standing out thing too far (ie alienate the 'other') or ignore our heart/center stage altogether. 

Lunar squares to a Scorpio planet can trigger intense feelings, so let's notice what is triggering us today. If we are triggered by someone else's bid for attention, let's check in with ourselves. If we are triggered by someone else's need for privacy, let's think about that, too. 

The Moon's next aspect, which will be tomorrow, is a sextile to Jupiter in Gemini. So, maybe we just get busy (plus it's Saturday) and forget today ever happened. Since there is something here now that carries us and our relationships into next week .... something about putting our heart out there making the relationship stronger .... some OPPORTUNITY with that, I thought I would jump in with a quick post.. 

Next week's Lunar Eclipse, with the Moon and Sun hand in hand in Libra is likely to be about putting the relationship first, so here's a chance to put ourselves first/out there in a healthy way with a kickback if we take the drama or need for privacy or intimacy too far or miss the boat entirely. 

xo all

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