Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra | part 1 - big endings, the challenge of finding safety within our relationships, working through the shame of dependency, historical confusion, wet weather, salacious headlines

The Eclipse cycle continues!

I thought I'd get a jump on the Full Moon post this month and it looks like we will need a two-parter.  

On Wednesday, October 2nd, at 2:49PM EDT, the Libra Moon catches up with the Libra Sun at 10 degrees, giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in Libra. Happening conjunct the South Node of the Moon, makes this New Moon, a Solar Eclipse. 

So, we have the STARTING energy of the New Moon, but much of this is eclipsed by what is ENDING. 

This Eclipse is a Full Moon bringing things to a result, a peak or a culmination. Full Moons expose what has been hidden, but with Eclipses not everything comes to light - there are some things that remain in the shadows. With a Solar Eclipse, it is likely a solar figure/a leader LEAVES. 

(The Eclipse is happening just a day after President Jimmy Carter's 100th birthday, so conjunct his Sun and with Mars on his natal Pluto and Pluto on the IC/bottom/roots of his chart, so might speak of his passing at some point during this Solar Eclipse cycle. This would also bring many leaders together which is always the potential of a Libra Solar Eclipse ...)

With Libra this is all about our relationship to others. Any imbalances will show up now. We need to really take a look at the disagreements we are having with others - what are we projecting onto other people that we need to take ownership of now. Full moons are about release - how can we let go of what isn't working?

Eclipse events are FATED. Our control lies in how we respond/react and not so much in what is actually happening. They are felt most strongly by us personally if they are touching our chart. 

We can look to our natal Libra house (10 degrees) for the kind of theme we will be working with personally. Then we consider the general Libra themes (relationship, partnership, balance, justice, women, beauty), our natal relationship with Venus and her placement and we look at the event chart for the time of the New Moon, to see how this all might play out.

So, let's unpack the chart!

The Moon is dark. She meets the Sun at 10 degrees Libra. The New Moon is exactly conjunct Black Moon Lilith, tightly conjunct Mercury and conjunct the South Node. She is exactly conjunct asteroids Haumea and Makemake. The New Moon is exactly inconjunct this lunation's ruler, Venus, deep in Scorpio. Venus is conjunct asteroid Narcissus and sextiles Ceres, exact. The New Moon opposes asteroid Salacia, exact. The New Moon opposes the North Node (separating) and squares Mars (applying in Cancer) and Ceres in Capricorn (T-Square to Ceres). Pluto is strong and still, back at 29 degrees Capricorn and turning direct on October 11th. Jupiter is still, at 21 degrees Gemini, and turning retrograde on October 9th. 

Oh my. 

This final Eclipse just weeks before the United States election does not disappoint in its fierceness and potential for GREATNESS.

The Moon is conjunct the Sun, Black Moon Lilith (exact) and Mercury. 

The Sun's meeting with Mercury - exact on Monday, takes us back to their last meeting/their inferior conjunction on August 19th. This was the day of the Full Moon in Aquarius we talked about HERE, Jupiter squared Saturn (a recurring test of faith). A retrograde Mercury met the Sun. The Democratic National Convention kicked off in Chicago and nominated Harris. Trump had recently been shot. Biden had recently announced his decision to not run again. What else was going on? What was happening in your life? Maybe alot. 

The Sun/Mercury now will bring some kind of result/conclusion/revelation connecting to mid-August - just, keep in mind, with an Eclipse something is always hidden/done in the shadows, so we won't see everything. We take a kind of accounting of our situation. 

The whole thing is conjunct Black Moon Lilith - the anti-Moon/feminine energy that will not play second fiddle. It is not a coincidence she shows up NOW, during this pivotal U.S. election with a female candidate whose second fiddle status has been disrupted. Harris's campaign - maybe through polling that says this is a good idea - has been determined to put abortion front and center with Mars back in Cancer and re-tracing Black Moon Lilith's own steps from that pivotal summer when federal abortion rights were nixed by the Supreme Court back in June 2022 - we talked about that HERE. 

Could we have looked ahead then to this Eclipse now - a final Libra Eclipse just a few weeks before the United States election - and have predicted a candidate - a Sun Libra woman, at least somewhat and maybe to a greater extent than people realize, energized by the Supreme Court's decision here? Maybe we could have! 

Black Moon Lilith is complicated. All archetypes are, but hers is a particular nail-biter. An open wound. I see her as connected to an early/pre-birth FEAR that becomes a shame. BML in Libra is about feeling ashamed or being wronged for needing approval/companionship/relationship from others. Maybe even shamed for being a woman/female. So, compromise and dependency and femininity is felt as wrong/weak. Then, extremes of behavior result. Probably we swing too far in the other direction. There is no cure for our BML wounding, but there is an empowerment that comes from self-acceptance. 

The Solar Eclipse is exactly opposing asteroid Salacia, at 10 degrees Aries (exactly conjunct Harris's natal Eris - another troublemaking feminine archetype, this time connected to whistle blowing and 'othering'). Salacia was not really salacious, but via S-P-E-L-L-S has become connected to this adjective over time. The news around this Eclipse - ie, Sean Combs, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, Mark Robinson, Eric Adams, Neil Gaiman, etc NOT TO EQUATE ANY OF THESE PEOPLE - has certainly been salacious and more can come out - not everything though, as is the nature of Eclipses. 

Salacia is tightly conjunct Janet Jackson's natal Eris, too (whistleblower) and she recently made a statement about Harris's father not being black. At first I thought she meant not African-American, but then I read she said he was white. Which sounded crazy and maybe unimportant and she certainly looks to be misinformed about this to put it nicely, but the timing of her statement being what it is, there still might be something 'salacious' about Harris's father's ancestry that comes out (his Saturn conjunct the Salacia degree and Jackson's exact Uranus/Pluto trine Mercury and Sun/North Node on Algol carrying some weight here, also Makemake exact on the Eclipse and speaking of historical confusion).

Salacia is the beautiful Goddess of water, reluctant partner of Neptune and presides over the oceans. We talked about her a bit in the Will Smith post HERE about another New Moon and a slap heard round the world. Her exact opposition to this Solar Eclipse New Moon that squares off with Ceres could also be speaking of wet weather/BIG weather events with Salacia's mythology (need for female freedom) and position in independent Aries echoing Black Moon Lilith's story, too. 

MANY GODDESSES making their presence felt at this Eclipse. If you have big things going on, they are here for you, too. 

The Solar Eclipse New Moon in Libra is EXACTLY conjunct dwarf planets Makemake and Haumea. Astrological thinking is that planetary bodies are discovered when we are ready to work with their energies and then synchronistically named (just like you and I were synchronistically named and vibrate at different frequencies based on these sounds and spellings). Haumea was named for a Hawaiian creator Goddess. Her discovery chart connects to tsunamis and I am thinking of her as a connection to the wild/fertile Earth. Makemake is named for the creator God of Easter Island and might carry something about historical confusion (since the history of the area is somewhat mysterious), how history can be re-written by the victors. Maybe Makemake asks us to question the news headlines. What is really behind the global situation? What is really behind our problems? Has your own story been re-written? There is also a connection to birds, eggs, Easter eggs (hidden surprises? October surprise?). Almost certainly there is something being activated through this Eclipse about indigenous populations.

The New Moon, being a South Node Solar Eclipse, opposes the North Node - our way forward. She squares Mars in Cancer. The square to Mars speaks of tension/frustration. And remember Mars in Cancer means action, anger and ambition is soaked in EMOTION. There can be a fight to hold onto or defend personal COMFORT. We can be pushed to assert ourselves when we really want to hide/hole up. And Mars is moving toward 29 degrees Cancer where he will oppose Pluto for one final time in our lifetimes in Capricorn hours before the United States election in early November. 

All Moons have a dark side/shadow side that we ignore at our own peril and with Venus in Scorpio we really don't want to ignore this one. The shadow of the Moon is always our knee-jerk response. In Libra, this could be something like preserving peace at any cost. Suppressing conflict and any emotion that 'rocks the boat'. Or looking for affection/love/companionship, even help, when we should be standing on our own two feet.

You might remember last year in October we had two Eclipses. One in Aries and one in Libra. The one in Libra came first and spoke about imbalanced relationships. The Eclipse in Aries came two weeks later and said that 'sometimes we are going to need to fight'. We have all seen 'fights' pull relationships back into balance. And, obviously we can also take things too far. The Mideast crisis started during this Eclipse cycle last year, HERE is one of the posts about that ... we will look at this in part II.

(it is interesting to me, not totally surprising and also slightly terrifying that both Harris and Netanyahu have a 27 degree Libra Sun, so would be having similar solar transits if she is elected)

Pluto is back in Capricorn for this Eclipse cycle. He is strong and still and will station direct in about a week. Jupiter is preparing to turn around in Gemini. 

Jupiter is at 21 degrees Gemini now, so exactly between Trump's Sun and his North Node of Fate. Jupiter - the planet of luck and expansion - has crossed Trump's natal North Node, but will not reach his Sun before turning around. Jupiter will finally reach Trump's Sun on May 6th, 2025 and Trump will have the Sun exact on the top of his chart/midheaven/career and Mars on his Pluto - something big will happening with Trump in May, but how and if this connects to the election is hard to say. Harris has a placement in Gemini, too, a very important one, her 24 degree Gemini Ascendent - Jupiter isn't going to reach her Ascendent this year either.

(So, Jupiter, who can be an archetypical stand-in for the United States - crosses Trump's North Node of Fate, but then turns around before the election and before crossing Trump's Sun and Harris's Ascendent. Does this speak of a delay in election results? That wouldn't be too surprising. Or an even bigger delay?)

Trump was born on an Eclipse, so Eclipses are mega-important and powerful for him. This one is happening EXACT on Trump's natal Ixion (and interestingly on his oldest son's North Node). Ixion was a great king who became a criminal. Zeus/Jupiter - and the United States is ruled by Jupiter, so often plays Jupiter in mundane charts - gives Ixion a second chance which he later blows

But is this a second chance at the Presidency or a second chance at a graceful exit? Time will tell.

(we will dive more into this one in the Election post)

There is also a comet named Atlas blowing through and will be visible for the first time with the naked eye in 80,000 years. Atlas in Greek mythology was the Titan cursed with carrying the world on his shoulders as punishment for leading the Titans in war against the Gods. 

And Uranus is STILL ON ALGOL, so we are still losing our heads. Sometimes through algorithms that can be dangerous/destructive (the first algorithm program was called algol and sometimes alcohol, which we talked about alcohol/drugs in the last Eclipse post and sometimes through loss of leaders ie heads and, sometimes through loss of our commonsense). Trump, because he IS Uranus (not just because Uranus is in his 10th house or widely conjunct his mid-heaven), still needs to be careful and likely will need to be for a very long time, and maybe forever, especially if he wins this election ... and I am not saying he will. And I am not saying he won't. 

I will make an astrology prediction for the Election, of course, what fun would it be if I didn't!

OK, that's enough for today. I realize this is a bit choppy and all over the place. I will finish this Eclipse series up in Part II over the weekend or Monday when I'll pull this all together.  

Please excuse any typos or nonsense, I seem to find them no matter how many times I proofread these days. 

I hope something here is helpful. 

Balsamic Moon this weekend, so take it easy folks ....

xo all

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