the Libra Solar Eclipse New Moon | Part II - eclipse check-in and the relationship wound being the space where the light gets in

I was going to talk about this Eclipse by sign today, but I think with everything going on something else might be more useful. 

We talked about the Eclipse HERE

Let's take a bit of a broader view before we get personal. 

The Eclipse this weekend will have a strong impact on the United States. It cuts a path from Oregon through the Southwestern U.S. and into South America. It is thought Eclipses hold more sway over areas where they are actually visible. Lunar Eclipses are visible everywhere the Moon is, of course, but Solar Eclipses, like this one, are not. The last Eclipse visible in the United States was in August 2017, and dubbed the Great American Eclipse. The last time we talked about it is HERE and that post links to earlier posts. It was BIGLY, connected to U.S. divisions - the Eclipse itself literally cutting the country in half - Trump, Covid-19, etc.  

This one, happening when the Moon meets the Sun at 21 degrees Libra, is tightly conjunct the U.S. natal Juno (powerful marriage/partnerships, the power we get through our connections to power/what we will do to keep it) in the U.S. Sibley Chart's 10th house (career, ambition, authority, reputation in the world) and exactly trining (brakes off) the U.S. natal Mars (action, anger, war) in Gemini (doubling everything) in the 7th (partnerships, alliances, other people) and opposing the U.S. natal Chiron (wounding) in the 4th house (home/country). 

The United States is a Jupiter ruled country with Jupiter, in Cancer, the sign of mom, country and apple pie and sandwiched between our natal Venus and Sun - remember Jupiter was the King of the Gods and Juno's husband. 

Ukraine's natal Juno is exact on their ascendant (they kind of ARE Juno) and tightly conjunct their North Node of Fate and their Juno opposes the U.S. Sun. Israel's natal Juno, at 19 degrees Gemini, is closely conjunct the U.S. natal Mars, at 21 Gemini, and both are tightly trining this Eclipse. You might remember, Venus, ruler of this Eclipse, came out of her summer retrograde a few weeks ago conjunct Juno and they only recently began to separate as Venus has begun to pick up speed. They sit uncomfortably in Virgo at the time of the Eclipse surrounding Black Moon Lilith. 

With Juno - the queen who gets her power from her RELATIONSHIP to the king - connecting (to me at least) with the number 21 (the power number next to master number 22). And with this whole thing falling at 21 degrees Libra - the sign of relationships, balance, fairness - it seems pretty clear what this Eclipse is talking about. The moss-eaten can of worms it is opening up. And, keep in mind, this is playing out in the world/collective as well as in our living-rooms/bedrooms and BODIES. 

If we look ahead to the next Solar Eclipse in April - another Eclipse that is visible in the United States - (sorry for being so U.S. centric here, but stay with me), at the New Moon in Aries (19 degrees), we can see the Sun/Moon are pretty much opposite where they are now. 

So, they will be CONJUNCT the U.S. natal Chiron - wounding in the house of home/country - ALONG WITH TRANSITING CHIRON and opposing the U.S. natal Juno. It is during this Eclipse two week window/Eclipse spin cycle in April that Jupiter will catch up with Uranus in Taurus and conjunct Israel's Sun. Transiting Juno will be on Ukraine's Sun and Pluto will be on their Saturn, Jupiter/Uranus will be on the cusp of their 4th house of home/country and Ceres (conjunct Russia's Sun natally) will be on their ascendant! 

This all looks very dicey, but there can be other energies counterbalancing some of this that I am not looking at here. 

What can we do personally now?

Well, we can realize what an Eclipse is. It is a cosmic reset. We are all participating in this. We are all being RESET. Some of the ways this is playing out is not within our control, but some of this stuff is. This Eclipse is going to last 3 hours which indicates results will play out over three years.

What do you want to be doing/feeling over the next three years? What can you do over the next two weeks - during this Eclipse spin cycle - to help ESTABLISH THE PATTERN you are wanting? If you want to write a book. Write during this cycle. Write RIGHT NOW. There is a pattern-setting quality at play now. Let's use it. Who do you want to spend time with? Focus on them. Who do you want to spend less time with? Avoid them for a bit. You get the idea. 

Next week has alot going on, especially with information and conversations and the weekly post tomorrow will flesh alot of this out. 

xo all

I don't toss up as much personal stuff lately, but I thought this might help someone understand this 21 degree Libra Eclipse a bit better. 21 Libra is exact on my natal Black Moon Lilith in my 12th house. If you have read my blog for awhile you might know I see Black Moon Lilith as a kind of anti-Moon and an archetype for a wound/shame we get from our mother, typically connected to her pregnancy/our time in the womb. It becomes this space in our lives where we are shamed for wanting something we are perfectly entitled to be wanting. And, I have taken something way complicated and oversimplified it here, but you get the idea. If you search Black Moon Lilith on this blog you will get a better idea of what I mean here. 

Anyhoo, I never connected at all to Black Moon Lilith. My eyes would skim right over her name/glaze over (12th house!) when her transits hit ... until one day I couldn't look away.

My mother grew up during and after World War II. She married her high school sweetheart - who wasn't exactly her high school sweetheart because she was quite a "tomboy" and didn't actually date until after high school. They were roller skating partners at the local rink as I remember it. He was joining the Air Force and told her if she didn't marry him he would ask her best friend. My mother - not really wanting to marry him, but also not wanting her best friend to get to marry him - married him. It must have been a simple ceremony because the only photo my mother saved from her wedding day (although she wasn't a saver and could have tossed them because it didn't end well) was a a quickly snapped black and white photo of her dressed in a sweater suit on her grandmother's porch. 

My mother, who had never left the state, moved to Colorado. Being quite cute and chatty and armed with her high school diploma from Asbury Park, NJ, she took a job selling mink coats to rich women in Aspen. They tried to have children for a long time. Finally going to a fertility doctor who did some tests on each of them. The doctor told my mother to wait in the waiting room and called her husband into the office. They talked for awhile and then the doctor called my mother in. She noted her husband looked a bit shell-shocked. The doctor told my mother there was something wrong with her and she would never have children. He told her that luckily for her her husband was going to accept this. She was devastated. She packed up the nursery and took more hours at the fur salon.

Within a couple months her husband started having an affair. 

She called her family back in NJ and asked to come home. They basically told her, "you made your bed, now lie in it, work this sh*t out". At some point he comes to her and asks for a divorce. The new girl is sitting outside in the car. My mother can see the girl from her kitchen window nervously wrapping her hair around her finger. My mother, a dramatic Leo and not one to mince words, replied, "I feel like a bird in a cage and you just set me free". I see her doing this with a coffee mug in one hand and a pall mall (?) cigarette in the other. She was back in NJ within the month.

Flash ahead a few years later, and my mother, who, remember has been told by a doctor she trusted, she cannot have children, is working as an office manager. She lives with her family at home. 

Her boss is a separated/married (?) man, this part is unclear and will never get cleared up since my mother died young, a long time ago. For some reason, I guess times being what they were and 'divorced women' being something not so acceptable to be - my mother's own Black Moon Lilith being in Gemini, so having to split herself into two people/be someone else, part of her own story - my mother told the office staff she was still married and her husband was in the Air Force. And, this might have been true for all I know because whether or not my mother ever got an actual divorce from this fellow in Colorado is anyone's guess at this point. 

You can probably guess what happens next. My mother gets pregnant through a secret relationship with her boss. She is 30 years old and thinking she has a miracle pregnancy (many years later and my mother, the mother of three by then, runs into the ex from Colorado, who is still childless). 

On the one hand this is my Black Moon Lilith in Libra 12th house. This relationship wound. My mother's marriage/divorce shame that starts the whole thing. The imbalanced relationship/21 degree 'next to power' thing. The 12th house secrets and self-sabotage. Going deeper, because I had a past life regression with a hypnotherapist in Florida back in March that connected my past lives to this wound also - religious life/being shamed after I died when it came out that I had a relationship with a woman and children, that same life's connection to power and a powerful person, another life where I died (the 12th house rules endings) in childbirth while in an arranged marriage. And I can see how this plays out in my own life now. The ways we can be shamed for wanting love/relationship/the safety of dependency that we are perfectly entitled to be wanting ....

Not sure I have made my point here :) but relationship imbalances are an important part of this New Moon's story .... let's be gentle with each other.

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