sun and mercury on the south node squaring pluto during eclipse season | the iceberg - can we handle the truth?

What magic is this that during the Eclipse Spin Cycle - when EVERYTHING IS MORE THAN IT SEEMS TO BE - we get a Sun/Mercury Cazimi (on the South Node) in Libra squaring Pluto.

Scorpio season is pulled into Libra season in a BIG way.

Words like 'letting go' and 'release' can be tossed about as if it's easy to let a lifetime of mind and heart and body habits go ... it's not. We think we have released something, and in some ways we have, and then we find ourselves right back in the same situation, or something eerily similar, again. 

The best thing about Solar Eclipses in general - and also the worst - is that the cosmic resets they offer us are powerful endings. 

Something is finished. 

Really finished.

The past is pulled into the present and can be CLEARED OUT.

In Libra, for all of us, collectively, this is something about the way we do relationships/the way we partner. Our spoken and unspoken contracts. Eclipses show us, through collective stories/through news events - that WE ARE NOT DOING THIS ALONE. We are, all of us, in the same boat. And, no it's not that life raft/door Leonardo was clinging to at the end of Titanic. Think ocean liner here. Forget about the icebergs for now. 

At the same time Juno (marriage, legal or committed partnerships, imbalanced power situations), in Virgo, the sign that allows us to see what isn't working, moves into an opposition to Saturn retrograde. Perfect for even more karmic cleansing. This won't be comfortable. Think something more like teeth cleaning here and not a leisurely soak in a warm tub. 

With the Sun on the South Node now and Saturn active, there is alot of paternal energy here. And, anytime we see repeating patterns - even Pluto is in Cappy again for this, answering to Saturn - we know we are seeing something that is true. 

The stuff from our father's/parental/patriarchal story (and our relationship to authority and structure and the past) that needs to go. Maybe it interferes with the way we need to partner now and what we need to BE to attract the other people we will line up with in the future. Maybe it interferes with something that needs to be more balanced/more fair. Pay attention to what you have going on now. Nothing is quite what it seems. Everything is more important than it looks. Our relationship wounds are where the light gets in and where we are able, if we are up to it - to see ourselves more clearly. 

With the energies in a tense/frustrating square with powerful Pluto - here's that ICEBERG - this is all AMPLIFIED. Conversations can be power struggles. Old fears are activated. Remember the past is being pulled into the present, so we can LET IT GO. A Solar Eclipse is alot about the 'release' with the Moon on the South Node - but it is also A NEW MOON. Yes, a door is closing, and it might be a door we have been trying to close for lifetimes or trying to keep from closing, but there is also another door that has gently blown open over there. 

A Sun in Libra squaring Pluto pulls Scorpio season into Libra season.

Scorpio is a very powerful energy. After Libra's cordial and 'nice' machinations we are all ready for something more deep/intense. 

Of course, we aren't really ready because we are still in Libra season!

In the Kabbalah, Scorpio (our fixed water sign) is the season of the great flood (yes, of Noah's ark fame). Water is usually a life giving and life sustaining resource, but it can also be very DESTRUCTIVE. Scorpio has a connection with destructive water/destructive emotions. And, of course, the modern ruler of Scorpio is Pluto, the grim reaper himself/God of the Underworld. 

Scorpio people come at us with alot of intensity (they are not always even aware of this). They are generally powerful people, especially Scorpio women (sometimes, not often, men and women carry these energies differently, for example a Leo woman is GENERALLY more powerful/controlling than the same Leo energy in a man. Leo men can be a bit more lazy - think about the way the lioness goes out and does the hunting and the "king" of the jungle kind of supervises - and, of course, I am talking about differences on an ENERGETIC level here and, also, mostly, not always). You want to stay on a Scorpio's good side, and I am a Scorpio rising with a daughter with a Scorpio stellium and, so, am allowed to say this. :) Plutonian energy comes into a situation and destroys it ... that's kind of its job. 

A thing to keep in mind with Scorpio is they are TRUTH TELLERS. And we can't always handle it/want to hear it. So, Pluto can come in now, and remember he is squaring Mercury as well as the Sun and bring us news and conversations and even ideas that we might not want to talk and think about. So, pay attention to all the messengers and messages that come in. Especially the stuff that makes you uncomfortable. 

Arguments can flare up over small things ... that are not really small things.

If we can allow ourselves the time to respond and not react, if we can take in what we are hearing without being defensive - we can see this stuff as preparing us for what is coming next, there is gold to be mined now. And I am not talking about taking abuse here, because Pluto in Cappy when taken too far can be abusive and we aren't needing to put up with that, but interactions and information that is uncomfortable/intense are important catalysts now. If we are busy defending ourselves then the light that is coming in is wasting its time with us. Listen. Take it in. Sit with it. There will be a time for responding if we need to, but our immediate reaction will probably be out-of-whack with these energies, so LISTEN.

With this Scorpio/Libra dynamic we may have to look at the cold hard facts and make a decision or choice. Venus - ruler of this entire Eclipse cycle, both last week's Libra Eclipse and next week's Taurus Eclipse - is in Virgo, where she is healthful/helpful and willing and wanting to fix things. 

Keep in mind there is alot of INERTIA energy right now. 

We don't really have a new direction and the old one is likely based on values we are no longer resonating with/lining up with. We talked in the beginning of this year about how all the outer planets are going to change signs over the next couple years. This is a BIG deal.

Jupiter is retrograde until the end of December. When Jupiter is retrograde it can feel like certain opportunities have passed us by - like we've missed the boat, and not the one that hit the iceberg. But THE BOAT. We haven't. Well, some ships have sailed certainly, but the boats that are taking us into the next stage of life are not even built yet.

Next week we have the FINAL Eclipse in Taurus. 

At 5 degrees the Eclipse is happening conjunct Jupiter (yes, it's a bit wide and Jupiter is retrograde, that's ok) and this 5 degrees is where Jupiter is going to station direct in March 2024. So something now is connecting to then, when we start to catch up with THE BOAT. This happens a few weeks before Jupiter meets up with Uranus and the changes really start to take hold. This is another reason to keep your eyes open in October. Talk to people. Think about the patterns you are establishing during this Eclipse period because they could be very important, and maybe even very sticky, later. 

xo all

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