the astrology of the disappearance of sebastian ....

This is a very sad and perplexing story about a missing 15 year old boy with autism. 

A reader asked about him a couple weeks ago and I just realized that although I have done some missing person's charts for various groups and people, and used to write them up once in a while on here, I haven't done any on the blog for a long time. 

I thought some other readers might be following this heartbreaking case, too, so am posting it here. 

Keep in mind as you read this - that this is one person's interpretation of these energies/charts. Someone else could see things in a different way. Most astrologers do not use asteroids at all (I have used them with very tight orbs since discovering asteroids Pandora and Wuhan sitting on fixed star Algol in the United States Sibley birth chart) and I have used asteroids here.

We are lucky to have this boy's birth chart information as well as his transits for the time of his disappearance and his step-father's (and mother's) month and year of birth, which is more than we usually have, so, let's take a look.

Sebastian is a 15 year old boy living in Tennessee with his mother and step-father (who married his mother when Sebastian was eleven). Information online states that Sebastian has high functioning autism and attends a local school. He loves video games, particularly Minecraft. Sebastian has a relationship with his birth father who I believe also lives in Tennessee. His birth father has Sebastian every other weekend and school holidays and last spoke to Sebastian the Thursday before he went missing. 

Sebastian has been missing for about 6 months.

According to his mother, Sebastian went to bed on the night of February 25, 2024 at about 9:00PM. She heard some kind of noise at 10:00PM, but did not go and check on him. When his mother went to wake him up for school the next morning Sebastian was gone. All doors and windows were locked and all of Sebastian's shoes were in the house. Sebastian's mother called her husband (the step-father) who has stated he was three hours away at work and then they called 911 together. 

This call was placed at 6:33AM on the morning of February 26, 2024, so we will use this as an event chart for when the CASE STARTED - because the way things start is the way they go and the way they end. 

And we will use a chart for February 25, 2024 for the transits to compare to his birth chart for the actual event. 

Much of the details are fuzzy because the police aren't saying much, but we know there is no sign of Sebastian leaving the house that night or anyone else entering the house. The birth father (who is actively involved in searches, etc) has stated he was hoping for custody of Sebastian and that Sebastian did not want to return home to his mother and step-father after his last visit. The step-father was seeking custody of his own birth daughter and had an important court date scheduled for a week after Sebastian's disappearance. Sebastian's mother had a three hour phone call with Sebastian's step-father after Sebastian went to bed that night. We don't know if this is a normal thing they do, if he answered his phone three hours away where he has stated he was working and then left his phone there and drove back home? There are more questions than answers here. 

Sebastian's mother says Sebastian's keychain flashlight is missing, but nothing else. He left his phone and Nintendo Switch - two things his birth father stated he would not have left if he had run away from home. He left without shoes. According to his birth father - Sebastian had certain foot sensitivities from a foot injury and a fear of insects that would have made this very unlikely - and, of course, this was a winter night. He had a very active/fun day on that last day and had no reason to run away according to his mother. We don't know if this "very active/fun day" thing was a common occurrence or something that should be viewed suspiciously. 

So, let's take a look at the charts. 

We'll start with his birth chart and then add in the transits for the day Sebastian disappeared. 

Sebastian is a boisterous Sun in Sagittarius with an intense Scorpio rising and an independent Aries Moon. Looking at his pictures I would have guessed Sag Rising, but the birth time I have been provided by a reader is a late Scorpio rising, and it fits very well, so we will go with that. With eccentric Uranus in the 4th house of his roots ruling his 3rd house of his mind plus all those Aqua placements - this boy was probably some kind of genius. His adult life, had he been allowed to have one (and I hope he does!) would have been much easier than his childhood. There is alot here he would have GROWN INTO. 

He has an EXACT - likely volatile/adventurous/passionate - Mars/Sun conjunction in Sagittarius in his first house of himself. He also has Mercury, the ruler of his 8th house (endings, death) in his first house of himself. Mercury is the focal point (along with Mars and the Sun if we loosen up the degrees a bit) of a Mutable T-Square involving Saturn in the 10th in Virgo (critical father/authority, endings, public life) and Uranus in the 4th in Pisces (chaos in the home, detached mother, possible alcohol/drugs/medication in the home). Mercury is at 22 degrees - called the 'kill or be killed' degree, by some astrologers. This is not intended to be a literal thing though, although obviously it might sometimes be. 

Some things I think with a quick look at his basic chart: the Mars/Sun in his first house could pull male violence into his childhood. The ruler of the 5th in the 1st pulls adult themes/even sexual abuse into his childhood (I am not accusing anyone we will be talking about here of this or saying it factors into his disappearance - just that it was a potential with this chart). His dangerous Mars/Sun is at 15 degrees and Sebastian is 15 years old. The Moon in Aries can speak of a young, angry or passionate mother, a warrior mother (other things, too, of course). Pluto and Venus bracket his Cappy house - Pluto at 0 degrees and Venus at 29 degrees (where we know Pluto, the planet of death and transformation, was for many months prior to his disappearance). 

If there is a step-parent or babysitter with any potential involvement in a missing child's case I always add asteroid Nessus to the chart. I will also add asteroid Ixiom (murderer), Ceres (mother) and then see if any other asteroids show up in key places (Niobi and Sedna did here). 

In his natal chart Sebastian has asteroid Nessus in a TIGHT conjunction to his North Node of Fate at 11 degrees Aquarius (Sebastian's step-father married his mother when Sebastian was 11 years old). Nessus is named for a dangerous centaur - I will link to my telling of the mythology at the end of this post - remember astrology is nothing more than the language of archetypes and patterns. Nessus represents something like 'trusting an untrusty person with something/someone precious' - and the person doing the trusting should know better and maybe subconsciously or even consciously does know better and for their own purposes does it anyway. Ixion squares Sebastian's Ceres (mother) and is tightly conjunct Sebastian's Mars/Sun and exactly on 14 degrees Sagittarius - home of the Great Attractor; the biggest thing in the universe, with unimaginable gravitational force. Could Ixion (family murderer) conjunct Sebastian's Mars/Sun - on the Great Attractor - speak of attracting a dangerous, volatile, angry (Mars) father-figure (Sun) into his early life (1st house)?

Let's take a look at the transits. 

On February 25, 2024 - the day I think whatever happened to Sebastian happened/started - we see Ceres and Ixion tightly conjunct in cold Capricorn and answering to Saturn who is exactly opposing Sebastian's natal Ceres. Good indicators of big events in our lives are when natal planets and transiting planets are both active - meaning his natal Ceres is having a tight aspect, in this case an exact opposition from Saturn (endings, father, karma) AND transiting Ceres is also making a tight aspect, in this case to transiting Ixion (murderer) and then we will look at what Sebastian's natal Ixion is doing, etc. I use a very tight 1 degree orb for asteroids and only use them when they are supporting and interacting with planets and points.

Mars and Venus are tightly conjunct in detached Aquarius with Venus (remember Sebastian has just had Pluto/death over his natal Venus for many months) exact on Sebastian's natal North Node of Fate and both Mars and Venus tightly conjunct Sebastian's natal Nessus/North Node. Transiting Mercury is EXACT on the IC (bottom of his chart/his roots/his body) and remember his natal Mercury is the focal point of a gnarly T-Square. at the dangerous 22 degrees and rules his 8th house of endings/death/secrets. 

(often when someone dies we will have an important transiting body on their IC, the ruler of his 8th house on his IC exact at a time he goes missing is a bad sign to me for outcome)

Mercury is conjunct the Sun and blown out by the Sun. Transiting Nessus is tightly conjunct Sebastian's natal Uranus (that chaos at home, maybe people in the home consciously or unconsciously seeking their liberation), squaring his natal Ixion and inconjunct his natal Chiron. Transiting Uranus is on his natal Sedna (a Goddess who died at the hands of her father after believing something that was too good to be true) and transiting Sedna is conjunct his descendent. This was the day in February 2024 that the North Node was exactly conjunct Chiron (wound). The Chiron/NN conjunction was trine (brakes off) his natal Ixion/Sun/Mars and exact on his natal asteroid Niobe (the grieving mother whose children were murdered). Transiting Niobe is exactly opposing Sebastian's natal Jupiter, the ruler of his Sun/Mars/Ixion. Transiting Jupiter is in an exact T-Square with Sebastian's Nodes of Fate (10 degrees - Taurus, Aquarius and Leo). Whew.

We know we are looking at an important day in his life. 

Since I am using his birth time, but not a transit time (just a day) and not using the Moon - everything here will also apply to February 26th.  


Sun/Mars/Ixion - Chiron/NN trine (brakes off - wound, fate)

Niobe (grieving mother) - Chiron/NN conjunction (wound, fate)

Jupiter (ruler of Sebastian's Mars, Sun, Ixion, the king) - Niobe (grieving mother) opposition EXACT

Nodes of Fate (10 degrees Aquarius/Leo) - Jupiter EXACT T-Square

Ceres (mother, grieving mother) - Saturn (endings, father, karma) opposition EXACT

NN/Nessus (fate, untrustworthy person) - Mars/Venus (male and female energies) conjunction in detached Aquarius

Uranus (chaos, disorder in the home) - Nessus conjunction (the untrustworthy person)

Ixion - Nessus square (the murderer and the untrustworthy person)

Chiron - Nessus inconjunct (the wound, maybe a mother wound since Chiron was abandoned by his mother and the untrustyworthy person)

Sedna - Uranus conjunct EXACT ((believing something we want to believe, possible murder by parent to save themselves, chaos/trauma, sudden event)

Descendent (other people/person) - Sedna conjunction

IC (roots, physical body) - Mercury EXACT and Sun tight (Mercury blown out by Sun, dangerous, invisible)

Mercury (ruler of 8th house death, 22 degrees) in a Mutable T-Square with Saturn and Uranus - this is always in play for him to some degree, but especially when active by transit.

Note - the Moon is void from 2:35AM to 9:29AM (Feb 25-26), so whatever is going on during this time is pretty invisible and doubly so with that blinded Mercury (Mercury/Sun 1 degree conjunction). It is also interesting that the Moon moves from Virgo (the sign of service) to Libra (the sign of partnership) this night and within a couple days the Moon is deep in dark and hidden Scorpio where things that are buried tend to stay buried ...

Although I think Sebastian could have been a volatile child with this chart - maturity/age would have helped him greatly had he been allowed to grow up.

I don't think this chart shows Sebastian ran away from home. 

I don't think a stranger came into this home either. 

We ALWAYS have chaos/a need for liberation in this house (that natal Uranus is not unique to this day/night and we always have Sebastian's fate tied into what goes on in that house - his NN here). 

But, what we ALSO have in the house at the time of Sebastian's disappearance is that Mars/Venus conjunction - an aligned man and woman - and Nessus - the archetype of trusting something precious to an untrustworthy person and the person doing the trusting either knows or should have that this person is untrustworthy/dangerous. And we have the Sedna archetype pulled into the home through that Uranus conjunction - believing something we want to believe and it isn't true/something too good to be true and the archetype of a parent saving themselves at the cost of their child.

With that tight Ceres/Ixion conjunction triggering his natal Ceres/Ixion square I would wonder (there is no surety with astrology - it is a LANGUAGE of archetypes and patterns, nothing more) if his mother became a murderer or aligned with one. Whatever happened that night, with the transit charts connections to Ceres and Niobe - this mother will be grieving.

As far as the step-father goes, his birth date online is given as October 1983 which won't be useful for the inner planets since they change so much in a month, but I was able to see that his natal Nessus would be tightly or EXACTLY conjunct Sebastian's South Node (past lives karmic accumulation) and exactly opposing Sebastian's own natal Nessus. The step-father's Pluto is in an exact square to Sebastian's natal Venus. The step-father's natal Ixion (murderer) is conjunct Sebastian's natal Saturn (father) and opposing Sebatian's natal Uranus (chaos in the home).  The step-father's Ceres (mother) is conjunct Sebastian's Chiron (wound). AND the step-father's South Node (his past life karmic accumulation) is tightly and maybe exactly conjunct Sebastian's Sun/Mars/Ixion! 

Almost unbelievable!

Certainly, there are past life connections here. This doesn't mean some kind of terrible ending was guaranteed - adults have free will - but there were possibilities for some real trouble/problems here. 

If we pull in the 911 chart and use this as the chart of the case - we see Pisces on the ascendent. The ascendent can represent the victim in a chart like this (Sebastian has Neptune natally in his 3rd house and might have had a syndrome triggered by hydrocephalus/water on the brain, maybe whatever happened to him involved this or maybe he was overmedicated, etc). 

Almost certainly, with Pisces and all that 12th house energy that comes before this phone call - the whole case starts with a lie/something that isn't true, SECRETS. 

This is a day with alot of potentially troubling energy anyway. We have Mercury blown out by the Sun and the Sun sandwiched between Saturn and Mercury. We have the North Node of Fate with Chiron (a sign of generational wounding/also an abandonment by mother wound). We have Jupiter conjunct Uranus - making for bigger chaos. We have a Ceres/Ixion conjunction and a Mars/Venus. Men and women. Mothers and murderers. And maybe mothers who are murderers. We have a void Moon ....

(Note - this is also the day Madeline Soto went missing. Her step-father was arrested quickly and many think her mother should at least be charged with gross negligence and child abuse. On February 25-26, 2024 - the Ceres/Ixiom conjunction is EXACT on Madeline's natal Pluto - death, transformation - and the North Node/Chiron EXACT on her South Node. Madeline was born with a Nessus/Ceres/midheaven - the untrustworthy dangerous person or situation that someone should have known better about, the mother, the public - conjunction in detached Aquarius, where Venus and Mars were meeting in February 2024. Transiting Nessus was in an exact square to her natal Sedna with transiting Uranus conjunct her Sedna that day. Madeline also has a tight Artistaeus/Eurydice conjunction getting hit that by the Uranus square, among other things ... both these situations also happen within a week of the disappearance of three year old Elijah Vue whose mother and mother's boyfriend have been arrested for neglect and whose little body has just been found)

There is a stellium in the 12th house of the 911 call chart. 

Much is hidden/behind the scenes. Confusing. Deceptive. Illusive. 

If we go to the 4th house where we can find not only the gist of the chart/the roots, but also "the end of the matter" we have Gemini (home of the step-father's North Node of Fate and the IC could even be pretty exact on his destiny point). Mercury, the ruler of Gemini, is in Aquarius in the 12th house answering to Saturn in Pisces also in that illusive 12th house! 

Truth is hard to come by here.

With Gemini on the IC it could mean Sebastian was transported in a car/not too far away. With Gemini things have a way of doubling up. So, maybe he has since been moved from that original location. It could mean two people are involved and with Mercury - the ruler of Gemini - in that 12th house, that they are both lying or drunk/medicated or all of the above. Sebastian could have been medicated, too. There could also be two events that connect to what happened. Ixion/Ceres - the mother and the murderer or the mother who is a murderer are in the Cappy 10th house - the house of reputation, public life and authority. The space where things come to light. It is likely with their archetypes in the 10th and Saturn, the natural ruler of that 10th house, on the ascendent - that authority suspected them immediately.

With Saturn ruling Cappy from that confusing 12th house the police are going to be unfocused, confused and are going to need to be LOOKING BEHIND THEM to see what went on in that first house!

They should be looking at events from January 2, 2024, since something from that date would likely connect to what happened when Sebastian went missing (Sebastian's Mercury return, Ceres on his Sun, Saturn on his IC and another void Virgo Moon). 

The 12th house also rules PRISONS which is hopefully where these two end up for a very long time if I am analyzing this astrology correctly. 

The IC of the case chart is in Gemini. Gemini is a complicated sign where one becomes two and nothing is quite what it seems. It could be the space of a very bad decision or choice. The IC is the base of the chart/the root of the thing and how this story begins and ends and is either EXACTLY or within a degree of the step-father's North Node of Fate and the mother's natal Ceres - the grieving mother. 

Whatever has happened here - this case begins and ends with her .... 

xo all

If this isn't solved soon we will look ahead to when it might be. 

And here I will add another disclaimer that I am reading this chart through my eyes with my abilities as of the date of its reading and although I have no connections with any of these people and am trying to be as unbiased and clear headed as possible - a certain about of bias from being a human being is likely to sneak in. I saw one interview of the mother and step-father after I analyzed this chart. Since this is an open case - I am not using any last names. 

For more information about how I am using the archetypes here (they all have complicated and rich stories and can be used multiple ways) -

Sedna's story is HERE

Nessus is HERE

Ixion is HERE

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